Since I already tacked an update onto Barry’s earlier post, I’ll just let this revoltin’ development have its own main-page spot.
President Biden Urged to Seize Texas National Guard – Joe Manchin Calls for National Emergency
On Wednesday, Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX) called on President Biden to “seize” the Texas National Guard by calling them into Federal service, removing them from the command and control of the State of Texas. This is presumably in response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s defiant tone towards the Biden Administration on closing the border.A Texas congressman has urged President Biden to take the state’s National Guard under federal control if Republican Governor Greg Abbott defies a Supreme Court ruling allowing federal agents to remove razor wire from a section of the U.S.-Mexico border.
The call was made by Democratic Representative Joaquin Castro after Abbott posted on X, formerly Twitter, saying the Texas National Guard would continue to “hold the line in Eagle’s Pass,” a popular migrant crossing point, stating: “Texas will not back down from our efforts to secure the border in Biden’s absence.”
Castro re-shared Abbott’s post on his own X account, adding: “Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border.
As of this writing, there has been no action on this by the Biden Administration.
Astoundingly despicable, even for the D卐M☭CRATs. Which, my friends, is really saying something at this point.
This idea by Rep. Castro raises some interesting questions:
- Were the President to activate the Texas National Guard under Title 10, what would their orders be? To assist federal officers in throwing open the gates?
- What happens if members of the Texas National Guard refuse activation and instead continue to follow the orders of TX-ANG officers and Governor Abbott?
- What if the Texas Guard splits, and former comrades end up facing each other across that red line?
- If the Pentagon sends federal troops, how willing are they going to be to confront other Americans to allow the continued invasion of the country?
- Is there any possibility that there may be open conflict between Texas and federal officials?
I’m no wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, but this is the kind of thing that civil wars start over.
It is at that, but it brings other questions to mind: Is there really no extreme to which these lackwits will not go to ensure the Southern border remains wide open and unpoliced? Does despoiling and destroying the nation really mean that much to them? Or is it more that they really do WANT to spark a civil war? Ultimately, is that really the primary goal here?
So far, we know that they find the very idea behind the “Make America Great Again” slogan repellent, intolerable, grotesquely offensive. And now, we also know they find the idea of a secure, orderly national border equally objectionable, perhaps even more so. To Normal Americans, neither of these wholly innocuous, once-mainstream concepts ought even to be matters of controversy and/or discord at all. Until quite recently, they were simply taken as read—fundamental, mundane, even trivial “givens” subscribed to by all Americans who weren’t actually howling-at-the-moon mad—things youngsters discussed in grade-school civics classes, not touchy, explosive topics for sensible adults to scream themselves into purple-faced aneurysms over.
Note ye well, also, that it is America and America alone that frothing Lefty loons demand be utterly without a national border; maybe I missed it somehow, but I can’t recollect ever hearing these freaks foaming at the mouth over Germany, or Sweden, or Spain, or New Zealand having one, and deciding for themselves who is and is not allowed to cross it.
Likewise another facile, elementary precept: that of “the national interest.” Every other nation-state on earth has ‘em, a fact which doesn’t seem to disturb these nutjobs in the least, not even when said nation-states actively pursue and promote them in their interactions with other countries. The FUSA, though? Don’t even think about it, you rotten, evil, hateful ReichWingNaziHitlerDeathbeasts, you.
What we’re talking about here are the basic concepts which define nationhood itself, absent which…well, you simply aren’t one, that’s all. This goes well beyond mere stupidity; it’s actual, literal insanity—insanity not as metaphor or allusion or rhetorical device, but clinical, textbook mental pathology. A fair few of what we used to call “dextrosphere” bloggers were fond of a slogan one of us OGs, can’t remember who, coined years and years ago: liberalism delenda est. We all snickered over that one; who could have imagined it would turn out to be not just our little in-joke, but a cold, hard, real-world fact?
Civil war, eh? Yet another in a seemingly endless parade of horribles forced upon reasonable, peaceable, good-hearted folks all unwilling by a pack of rabid, mentally-deranged jackals who are constitutionally incapable of leaving anybody and/or anything alone. Once more, with feeling: careful what you wish for, shitlibs. Keep on pushing and pushing like this, and you just might get yourself one—more of it than you’ll like. I promise you, you won’t enjoy it. Calls for a rerun from last week’s Memezapoppin’! collection, I believe.
‘Nuff said.
The list of Leftards volunteering for head of the line privileges at the guillotine come Bastille Day is growing by leaps and bounds.
I am seeing this progress to guns getting pointed. It will be interesting, to say the least, to see what happens then.
I have been saying that for years, and even have it posted on my wall in the longer form, nicely carved into a plaque –
Ceterum autem censeo Sinisterium delenda est. -with apologies to Cato the elder
Note that the word for Left in Latin is Sinister. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!