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Inside the Amerikan Gulag

Don’t kid yourself that calling it a Gulag is in any way hyperbole, exaggeration, or overstatement. “Inflammatory rhetoric” I can accept, since calling this hideously un-American atrocity by its proper name damned well ought to be inflammatory.

Two Republican members of Congress on Thursday night visited defendants jailed in the nation’s capital on charges in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, confirming a federal judge’s determination that the conditions were “beyond belief.”

Reps. Louie Gohmert of Texas and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia joined a pre-scheduled tour of the D.C. jail by members of the D.C. Council. But earlier in the day they went to Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office and delivered a letter demanding access to the “Patriot Wing” of the jail, arguing it is their  duty as Congress members to oversee how the city spends taxpayer dollars.

Greene recounted the visit in a thread on Twitter.

“I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night,” she said.

The Georgia lawmaker said that when she walked into the “Patriot” wing of the jail, she was “greeted by men with overwhelming cheers who rushed out to meet me with tears streaming down their faces,” describing them as “forgotten & hopeless.”

“It was like walking into a prisoner of war camp and seeing men whose eyes can’t believe someone had made it in to see them. They are suffering greatly,” she said of the Jan. 6 defendants.

“Virtually no medical care, very poor food quality, and being put through re-education which most of them are rejecting.”

Greene said she and her staff are writing a full report of her three-hour tour.

“I am committed to ending this political war and seeing that our justice system is never used against Americans as a political weapon ever again,” she said.

The freshman lawmaker said she is “beginning a plan for real prison reform.”

“Our nation is broken and our people are divided,” the congresswoman said. “It’s time to fix it.”

Hate to be the one to break this to ya, Marge, but filing reports and sponsoring more legislation ain’t gonna get it done, anymore than lawsuits, peaceful protest, or Voting Harderer!™ at them will. “Ending this political war” is the wrong goal anyway—what needs to be the focus now is WINNING it, and fighting as if we intend to win. Alas, that can only mean war—and, as the great Bedford Forrest well knew: War means fighting, and fighting means killing. Bill comes right out and says it, before going a wee mite wobbly.

The reason this is happening, of course, is that treating these people like deadly dangerous animals is part of the narrative that a their almost entirely peaceful protesting at the Capital on January 6 was a hyperviolent domestic armed insurrection carried out at Donald Trump’s behest.

This is so pathologically delusional that only lefties could believe it, and even if they don’t (our leftymedia doesn’t, but it knows which side its ideological bread and cash sandwich is buttered on) they will pretend they do to support the narrative and their own jobs.

What excuse do we on the right have? These are our brothers and sisters, in some cases literally. What message are we sending when we abandon them to rot in some CIA-run punishment mill in the nation’s capitol?

Enough is enough. It’s time to get them out.

Perfectly simple, perfectly correct up until this:

Let your D.C. reps know that you will no longer support them turniing a blind eye to this travest of justice.

Bill, you know I love ya and all, but…nope. Our DC “reps,” with exceptions so few the number could easily be toted up without needing to remove one’s shoes, are all in on it—they ain’t ag’in it, they’re fer it, as the country folk hereabouts might say. The sad, sorry truth is that Team Liberty HAS NO representation in DC, hasn’t for years now. The slithery, slimery reptiles who poke out their forked tongues to falsely proclaim their fidelity to acting as “duly elected representatives of Duh Peepul”—on the increasingly rare occasions they even bother anymore—are in fact our opponents. They are on the other side.

Oh, it’s time to get ’em out all right. Time, and way past time, couldn’t agree more on that. But words, paperwork, and strongly-worded letters expressing dissatisfaction with their performance are no longer sufficient to shift even one of the DC orcs into reconsideration of their intolerable depredations, if ever they were in the first place. At this point, not even explicit and detailed threats of grievous bodily harm will avail us, nor free a one of our brothers currently in durance vile. Not unless those threats are fully, firmly, and swiftly backed up here in what the cool kids nowadays call meatspace, thereby fundamentally transforming threats into promises.

If we want our fellow Patriots sprung, and we certainly should, we’ll need to add that to the ever-lengthening list of things we’re just gonna have to damned well do ourselves. I think at this point nobody needs me to spell out exactly what THAT will require of us, right?


8 thoughts on “Inside the Amerikan Gulag

  1. Probably never going into specifics on what my plans are, but a pointer in the general direction might be “the Correia Switch,” and “neca eos omnes.”

    1. Yeah, knowing you as I do by now I sorta figgered that might be the case. We all have to be highly reticent about what we do and don’t say these days, which is about as disgusting and enraging a thing as I can think of right offhand.

      1. I’m surprised I have any teeth left at all, given how hard I grind them every time I think about that disgusting fact. Which is just about every time I set pixel to screen these days.

        This is no longer America, if folks like you and me have to think, every time we set out to write and post something, “Will this be the one? Is this the post that will bring the Staasi SWAT team through my front door at oh dark thirty? And will my next stop, assuming it’s not the forever box, some dank Gestapo torture hole or a lovely rest home protected by barbed wire, dogs, and guns?

        Folks, if you don’t understand that America is dead and gone, in large part at the hands of its own citizens, you’re living in a delusion, and anything you do will be doomed to tail.

        The Founders and Framers, although they never said so explicitly, creating a nation that was to be governed by men like themselves – wealthy, educated, white, Christian, moral, brave, and as brutally violent as they needed to be.

        They knew the mob, which was how they regard pure democracy, was almost none of these things, and so did everything they could to bind the mindless giant in chains of law. And as they knew they would, those chains eventually failed.

  2. America’s Gulag, Washington D.C.’s Department of Corrections Central Detention Facility, is where EVERY democRAT member of the House and Senate belong, along with Clinton, Steele, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, the lovebirds Page and StruckStroke and anyone else involved with President Trumps two phony impeachments and the DNC paid for Russian collusion HOAX.

    The seditious insurrectionists are still occupying the White House, the Capitol Building and various Governorships and state legislatures.

  3. And like the Soviet Gulag, the real purpose of the Amerikan gulag is to frighten others into compliance. Watch your step and hold your tongue or you take a one way train ride to a camp (prison) and you never come back, at least not without being subjected to torture that likely breaks you.

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