But the lockdowns, masks, and sundry Soviet-style repression will be forever.
If you’re hoping the COVID-19 pandemic will go on forever, this post may disappoint you. And, I get it. We have gone frothing-at-the-mouth nuts over a slightly above-normal virulence virus, with a unique and obvious age-distribution pattern that should have made containment easy and panic completely unnecessary. And, if you’re living in the United States, like I am, you probably think my declaration that this pandemic is “over” to be somewhere between wishful thinking and incredibly premature, and I hear you, too, although forgive me if I’m not sure you’re the one thinking clearly, given some of the things I’ve recently read. I promise to support my assertion with data, and the wisdom of people far more expert than me who are having a harder time being heard in the present climate of…bats#@t crazy.
Have we lost our collective minds? Yes.
You may not be one of them. In fact, I’m guessing the people who actually take the time to read my blog posts are the few remaining who haven’t been subsumed by the panic, but can we agree that most have?
I can’t see how it’s possible NOT to at this late stage, myself. Yet somehow, here we all are. Don’t miss a word of this excellent post, people; Handley has done yeoman’s work to compile a remarkable and copious shit-ton of data, stats, charts, graphs, and expert analysis—y’know, actual science—that all adds up to one irrefutable conclusion: we’ve been had.
Tyrants on notice update! A shot across the bow.
A veteran and business owner living in Shasta County, California is completely fed up with the authoritarian Covid lockdown orders so he gave a stern warning to the Board of Supervisors.
Carlos Zapata warned the masked officials in the Board of Supervisors chamber that a revolution is brewing.
“At first we sat as concerned citizens….as we realized that [Covid] is not as quite as dangerous as we thought it would be, I was absolutely appalled at the cowardice — and you guys are sitting here with your masks on — I don’t blame you for wearing masks because I would be hiding my face if I was you for what you’re doing,” Zapata said.
He continued, “I’m a business owner and I’m telling you, our families are starving — you guys can sit here with your jobs — you’re gonna sit here and get paid to fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman’s doing behind his mask right there.”
Zapata then put the officials on notice.
“Right now we’re being peaceful and you better be happy we’re good citizens, that we’re peaceful citizens but it’s not gonna be peaceful much longer — and this isn’t a threat — I’m not a criminal, I’ve never been a criminal but I’m telling you real good citizens are going to turn into real concerned and revolutionary citizens real soon. And nobody else is gonna say that. I’m probably the only person that has the balls to say what I’m saying right now.”
“We’re building and we’re organizing and we’ll work with law enforcement or without law enforcement but you won’t stop us when the time comes because our families are starving!” he said.
“This is a warning for what’s coming because it’s not going to be peaceful for much longer! It’s gonna get real!” Zapata said adding he went to war for this country and he’s ready to fight for this country even if it’s against its own citizens.
Well, the usual swearing-in oath taken by military personnel, police, and elected officials DOES mention defending the Constitution against “enemies foreign and domestic,” after all. There’s a reason for that.
That is the best synopsis I have seen, thanks for the link!
The data is clear and supports the assertions Kenny and I made all along.
And luck?
Luck had nothing the fuck to do with understanding how virus’s work.
The pressure keeps rising.
Who benefits?
UNC just shut down classes and went remote because of “clusters of positives” in dorms.
It is sad to see the School that Barry attended fall this far.
The emails amongst my neighbors was “woe is me, the clusters!”.
I said, “isn’t that going to speed up herd immunity?”.
No reply.
And yet my k-12 still keep telling me privately they want to go back to the classroom.
Telling you privately? Damn right they are.
If their teachers union ever got wind of it they would be in some pretty deep shit.
Yes, They would be. But of course they aren’t, I’m making that up, because my neighbors would never do that.
Sorry, wrong side of the bed and this damn Flu War and that damn Cooper in the Governor’s seat.
What I meant was, those who trust me tell me that. My neighbors are not to necessarily be trusted. I’m still sorting out the chaff and wheat.
Luckily some self identify with BLM and Sanders or Biden signs.