Remedial Amerika v2.0© 101.
The immediate pretext of the violence of August of 2020 in Kenosha was the shooting of Jacob Blake. Blake’s girlfriend and mother of his children had called the police on him, reporting that he was in her house unlawfully and had taken her car keys and was attempting to leave with at least one of the children, over whom he had no custody. Every cop dreads a domestic dispute, especially in the context of the chaotic nihilism of the underclass. Blake resisted every effort to talk and every attempt at non-lethal arrest, and, knife in hand, turned on the officer attempting to bring him into custody while Blake was in the process of fleeing the scene with a child. The officer shot Blake, who survived but is now paralyzed from the waist down. The shooting was later ruled justified and the officer returned to work without sanction, but that was in the future, and in the summer of 2020, the managerial state, the radical left, and the media all had a common project, the removal of Donald Trump from office by any means necessary. The police shooting of a black man, regardless of facts or context, would immediately be weaponized to that end.
It is important to understand the dynamic between these three forces. The managerial state is not itself leftist; it is not committed to a project of equality or the amelioration of social problems arising from capitalism. It is a neoliberal oligarchy focused on globalization, creating homogenous populations managed through the creation and provision of material desire, corporatist, statist, and bureaucratic, but above all committed to progressive ends through the benign rule of credentialed elites. Leftism figures into this as both a safety valve and system of control. Leftists amenable to the elite are parked in sinecures in universities, NGOs, and corporate HR departments, where they can do the hard work of destroying what remains of traditional culture, thereby serving the interests of neoliberals, for whom such is a hindrance to the creation of the mass-man they need to consume the new product. The other leftists, those too deranged, mentally ill, or violent for life in an office, are allowed to form militias that operate in territories given over to leftist rule, Portland, Oakland, etc. This is Antifa and its hangers-on, the black bloc of Nazgul who show up whenever the regime needs to remind the normies what happens when its protections are withdrawn. The media, for its part, has the task of packaging and contextualizing the violence and destruction as both legitimate and part of the bigger project of removing regime enemies in the name of keeping everyone safe. That’s a nice store you have there…be a shame if it got burned down because of racism. Best to let the nice people at GAE get back to running things. So remember, show up and vote D. You wouldn’t want us to have to come back.
The Democrat governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers, denounced the police shooting, making sure to include phrases like “racism” and “merciless killing” in between meaningless caveats. The plan was clearly to give Kenosha up to the sack and the left got the message loud and clear. All summer, Black Lives Matter, an amorphous group/movement that was equal parts grift and instrument of leftist radicalism, had organized protests which devolved (or developed) into violence, often featuring Antifa, more anonymous, more violent, and more purely ideological. Now that fury was set to descend on Kenosha. The system called out the National Guard, people boarded up windows, but it was obvious that nothing meaningful was going to be done to protect lives and property should the left decide to attack either. The people of Kenosha were to be made an example of; their role was to cry in front of their burned-out donut shops while Joy Reid mocked their impotent white tears.
Into this situation stepped Kyle Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse, as noted, was in town due to his work and familial connections. After the first night of destruction Rittenhouse and some friends volunteered to clean up graffiti; he then stayed on in town to help protect businesses the next night. One of his friends loaned him an AR-15 for this purpose. Guarding a used car lot, which the police and National Guard were content to let be razed, Rittenhouse was attacked by two protestors, Joshua Ziminski and Joseph Rosenbaum. Both men were violent criminals; the former was carrying a stolen handgun while engaging in multiple acts of arson, while the latter was a mentally-ill, drug-addicted pedophile recently released from both prison and a mental hospital. Ziminski seems to have been the more calculating of the two, with Rosenbaum simply possessed of a perverse urge to destroy. In any case, they were but part of a larger mob making its way down the main strip, being driven there by riot control elsewhere. It seems that it was Ziminski who initially pointed Rittenhouse out to Rosenbaum, and Rosenbaum charged at him, daring him to shoot him while inexplicably screaming anti-black racial slurs at the white Rittenhouse. At nearly the exact moment Rosenbaum caught up to Rittenhouse, hurling a plastic bag containing all of his worldly possessions at the teen, Ziminski fired a shot in the air. Rittenhouse turned on Rosenbaum at the sound, whereupon the latter grabbed at the AR-15 Rittenhouse was carrying. Tucker Carlson described what happened next better than I ever could:
A great moment in TV history.
At this point, egged on by Ziminski, the rest of the mob turned on Rittenhouse, who had actually stopped to administer aid to Rosenbaum. Rittenhouse fled in the direction of the line of the barricades of law enforcement with the mob in hot pursuit. One of them, Anthony Huber, attacked Rittenhouse with his skateboard, dealing out several blows that dropped Rittenhouse to the ground. Before Huber, another mentally ill violent criminal, could strike him fatally, Rittenhouse fired from a prone position and shot Huber through the chest. As he staggered off dying, another man, Gaige Grosskreutz, approached Rittenhouse, pistol in hand. This was the first encounter Rittenhouse had had that night with someone who wasn’t already a felon and Rittenhouse helped Grosskreutz avoid catching his first charge by shooting him through the arm. Having dispatched three attackers in a few minutes’ time, all of them grown men and demonstrably lethally dangerous, Rittenhouse threw up his hands and wandered over to the police, who simply let him walk through their line. Discovering that he was wanted, his mother took him to turn himself in the next day.
The moral of the story: a mulish belief in the continued viability and essential fairness of a manifestly broken, disruptive, and wholly dysfunctional system just might get you killed. As the author notes (and I’ve said here myself several times), the Left will see to it that Rittenhouse, a bona fide American hero, is persecuted and tormented for the rest of his life. To wit:
EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse Sued by Estate of Criminal He Shot in Self-Defense
The estate of Joseph Rosenbaum has filed a lawsuit on the third anniversary of the Kenosha incident.Sydnie Henry | August 25, 2023
Please note the date, and expect to be seeing similar stories about once every year or so, in perpetuity, until the day poor Kyle finally expires—on which day the obituaries puked forth by Praetorian Media will excoriate him as a “notorious” “murderer” who wantonly slaughtered two completely innocent American patriots in cold blood, for no reason whatsoever. Possibly the most egregious aspect of these obits will be the handwringing over how Rittenhouse got away with his “crime” scot free, the worst miscarriage of “justice” in Amerikkka since…well, since the last one—a notion which is no more nor less than obscene.
Update! I had forgotten about it until just now, but this auspicious anniversary calls for a rerun of my own original creation from back in the day.
Man, them ARs sure do some purty work, don’t they?
Updated update! Might as well throw this one in while I’m at it.
Do you not have faith that our “Legal” system will try this case properly and honestly?
Good place to mention that there are republican Attorney Generals in multiple states with the power to indict a democrat ham sandwich* and use lawfare to make their lives miserable.
And none are doing that. Why not? Because they are on the other side.
*or just investigate them. Since they are all criminals it shouldn’t be hard to find something to arrest them for.
They hate him because he was right, and protected themselves, and showed that *everything* they say about taking guns from honest men is a lie.
At least his three shots were effective, unlike the millions of others
All the more reason to respect the kid. Heat of battle and he hit the target.