The previous Eyrie hit record, set but a cpl-three weeks ago by the “Dumping Trump” installment, has been blown right up and left spinning in the dust like Wile E Coyote (Supergenius!) by this past Friday’s edition (“Secession tour de force”), driven by the selfsame force of Nature: a most gracious endorsement from our good friend Concerned American over at WRSA, which I didn’t know had even happened until just now. Dig it!
Note that, as confirmed in the above screen-cap, this was as of 7:45 on Friday evening, so the view tally is sure to have vaulted even higher since. In fact, here’s what the Eyrie overall stats look like for the month of June, with the tremendous impact of dat sweet, sweet WRSA linky-love more than evident.
Says so much, wouldn’t you say? Once more, my sincerest and most humble thanks go to CA, as well as all you readers—for the stat-boost as well as, y’know, all the fish.
Good deal, hope it continues to grow.
Me too Barry, me too. I’m reminded of what a stunned Claire Wolfe said to me back when I first endorsed her “Claire’s Cabal” forum here and she saw a sudden flurry in new registrations there: “You have the POWER, Mike!” Poor Claire would probably just about shit her britches if CA ever linked to her place, I betcher. 😉