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Whose idea was it to have John Fetterman introduce Joe Biden?
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx)
Whose idea was it? Dunno, but he’s a fuckin’ diabolical genius, is what he is. Did I not TELL you guys that having two (2) mentally-incapacitated rutabagas in DC was gonna yield up comedy gold? Folks, it just doesn’t GET much better than that. Reminds me of this classic skit.
Halp us, Handi Man—John Kary has failed, so only you can save us now!
Thanks (I think) to Brack for the steer.
Update! Yes, yes, I know I said “two” above, which was technically in error, being a serious undercount and all. Hell, Biden, Veggerman, and Feinstein all punch so much higher than their actual weight when it comes to retardation that, between them, they run up the score to waaaay on past mere single digits.
Updated update! Yep, the delightful pairing wasn’t a hoax or some kind of beautiful, beautiful dream. It really did happen.
Sen. John Fetterman garbles words, wears baggy shorts during event with Biden in Philadelphia
Sen. John Fetterman dressed for a day on a basketball court Saturday to greet President Biden in Philadelphia — then stumbled over his words as he spoke to the media.The Pennsylvania Democrat, in baggy shorts, sneakers, and a light blue hoodie, was unable to pronounce words such as “delegation” and “infrastructure” as he made a garbled one-minute statement after Biden toured the collapsed I-95 overpass that has snarled traffic throughout the northeast.
“This is a president that is committed to infructure,” said Fetterman, 53, who continues to grapple with the effects of a stroke he suffered last May as he campaigned for his Senate seat.
Biden, he said, “is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegadation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too.”
The freshman senator also praised Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, calling it “the jewel, kind of a law, of the infra, infration, infriction bill that is gonna make sure that there’s bridges like this all across America getting rebuilt.”
Ohhh, this guy’s good. Better than good, actually. He just might out-gobbledegook Biden, the acknowledged master. Via Bill, who quips: I doubt either man had any clue what the other was talking about. Or where he was, or how he got there.
I have to say, right off the start saying he’s standing next to the…uh..president..uh..a collapsed bridge here… made my day.
Couldn’t be a more apt metaphor.
Heh, yea that was good. And the collapsed bridge didn’t have a clue what he said.
Failure, for America and Americans, is The Plan™.
Is there any doubt about that left?
None. Not a sliver.
The Democrat and republican Party has become a party of drunks, bums, drug addicts, criminals, the mentally ill, and perverts from the bottom to the very top.
Fixed it for Bill.
Dems probably have more bums, drug addicts and mentally ill, but the R party will rival them for drunks, criminals, and perverts.