Peters asks the pertinent question.
Mentally ill people are inclined to do mentally ill things. Like shoot up a school. But we are not allowed to point out the former thing, because it is a politically incorrect thing to identify a boy who thinks he is a girl (and vice-versa) as…mentally ill.
And yet, that is precisely what such a person is. Unless one takes the position that fantasy is the same as reality, in which case why not endorse the fantasy of a 60-year-old man who insists he is a teenage girl and let him date teenage boys? On what basis would an objection to this be made, if one has no objection to a boy insisting he is a girl and must be allowed to enter the girls’ bathroom, as he is in fact a “girl” himself?
This is, of course, insane.
But one cannot fault the insane. Indeed, the law is indulgent toward them and with justice because an insane person is a person who does not appreciate that he is insane. From his—insane—point-of-view, it is the rest of the world that’s off-kilter. Not him.
The real crisis we have, then, is not one of insanity. It is the encouraging of it, which assures there will be more of it.
Bold mine, and that’s all anybody needs to say about that. But don’t let’s anybody be thinking that this all just came at us out of the blue nowhere, some kind of cosmic coinkydink. Ain’t no such thing.
This began in a mass psychosis kind-of-way with the normalizing of pathological hypochondria and its symptoms, including the wearing of odd garments and the performing of strange rituals. People were egged-on to regard these expressions of mental illness as normal—as opposed to in need of therapy. Indeed, those who counseled sanity were showered with opprobrium for hewing to facts, objective reality—to sanity.
Just as the same opprobrium is heaped upon the sane who refuse to concede the insane as regards the supposed fungibility of sex, that a boy can “transition” to a girl (and vice-versa) and that it actually is so – in the literally true sense. We are thus expected to not merely pretend but to accept as true that a boy who insists he is a girl is one and that if we say he isn’t, then we are cruel and “hateful” people in need of…therapy.
“Accept,” my rosy asscheeks. We’re not only supposed to accept it, but required to actively celebrate it, to act as if the demented are in fact somehow superior—to be neither censured nor pitied, but praised for their infirmity. The end result of this standing of all good sense and rationality on its head is entirely predictable, of course.
Is it any wonder people are going insane? That it feels society is, too?
This girl who shot up the school might not have, had she received the help she obviously, badly needed. Instead she was encouraged to think of herself as a “he”—and got worse rather than better, for the same reason that Crazy Uncle Bill up in the attic who thinks he’s Napoleon isn’t going to get better by addressing him as Your Majesty.
As a society, we once understood this. People with mental problems were treated—or at least, it was understood they needed it. This latter being the most important point, for their sake as well as ours. Having mentally ill people on the loose is bad news. It is something far worse when it is presented as good news – and something to want to see more of.
And that’s the bleakest, most horrid aspect of the thing: we assuredly will see more of it, lots more, unless and until enough of us stiffen our resolve to deal once and for all with the epidemic of Woke “liberalism” that created this whole situation—to make it clear that we will have no more of our children slaughtered, cities ruined, and public spaces made into No-Go Zones for decent people in the name of advancing a warped political agenda.
This was correctly defined, by no less than staunch Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, as “defining deviancy downward”, and these are exactly the predicted results, from the 1960s.
There’s going to come an inevitable reckoning, and it won’t be pretty, but can come none too soon.