You say you want a revolution?

Like it or not, you damned sure got yourself one.

My contention is and has been that the communists have been following the CIA Insurgency Manual, which I have been pointing out now for three years. The historians of the future will argue on when the exact date was, but I believe that the communist revolution began more than a decade ago. Antifa has a heavily supported and organized command structure. They have organized it under the US military’s model.

Communist overthrows happen in phases. I did a three part series on that back in 2020. Phase I (pre-hostility or incipient phase) corresponds to infrastructure development plus initial recruiting, organizing, training, and equipping of combat elements. I believe that phase began during the Obama administration. By the time Trump was inaugurated, we saw the beginnings of phase 2.

Agreed. I repeatedly argued back then that Bathhouse Barry’s insistence on militarizing the police—equipping even small-town PD’s with tanks, APCs, and such (if I remember correctly, even tiny little Lowell, NC got one)—was part and parcel of that effort.

Phase II (guerrilla warfare phase) is the first level of armed violence. Irregular forces engage in sabotage, interdiction of communication and logistics links, assassination, and selective attacks against government forces. Insurgents expand their secure base areas and, where possible, link them to form strategic enclaves of political autonomy. The Antifa (they weren’t known by that name yet) riots at the 2017 Trump inauguration, and the gunning down of Republican congress members, I believe marked the beginning of Phase 2.

Phase III is the “crisis” phase. The crisis state distinguishes resistance movements from social movements. Scholars have identified signals of this crisis state to include a decisive loss of legitimacy by the government, financial collapse, breakdown in authority, strong symbolic actions, and perception of dual sovereignty or provisional authority, among others. It begins modestly- assassinations, disappearances, unexplained deaths that aren’t fully investigated, and seemingly random attacks.

I believe that we entered phase 3 with the beginning of the Pandemic lockdowns. It was these lockdowns that enabled the leftists to take hold of our voting mechanisms and overthrow the republic. What we have now is no longer the government that we had. Make no mistake, the 2020 election was the coup. Our President was overthrown.

Once the last phase begins, totalitarian elites let loose their inclination to brutally eliminate their perceived enemies. Once this phase begins, things happen very quickly. The new government is a fragile one, and is prone to counter revolutionaries who would take power for themselves. They have to be eliminated.

Violence is considered a means to achieving the goal of centralized power. There is not even a pretense of due process or respect for free speech. Yes, there are pretexts given for eliminating perceived enemies, excuses that have the perpetrators projecting their own intentions upon their victims, but the accusations are merely for show. I believe that is where we are now. That is why Trump and his team have to go. They will be disgraced and imprisoned. To kill them outright would create a martyr and a rallying cry. To toss him in prison, where he can either rot or be Epsteined will not be as dangerous for them.

As I said in the comments and have been screaming myself blue in the face about for a good while now, revolution is indeed a process, not an event. I only wish I could find a way to argue with any of the above, but alas, I cannot. Put the way Divemedic does here, and being up on current events and a lifelong student of history as I am, how the hell could I?

Another thought: the above-excerpted post dovetails way too nicely with the one about the Ukrainian dot-mil tranny, don’tchathink? In a most ugly way, yeah, but still.


Bathhouse Barry rides again!

The truth will not exactly “out.” In this instance it would be more accurate and precise, according to the strictures of PC vernacular, to say it has been outed.

There is a fascinating passage in Rising Star, David Garrow’s comprehensive biography of Barack Obama’s early years, in which the historian examines Obama’s account in Dreams from My Father of his breakup with his longtime Chicago girlfriend, Sheila Miyoshi Jager. In Dreams, Obama describes a passionate disagreement following a play by African American playwright August Wilson, in which the young protagonist defends his incipient embrace of Black racial consciousness against his girlfriend’s white-identified liberal universalism. As readers, we know that the stakes of this decision would become more than simply personal: The Black American man that Obama wills into being in this scene would go on to marry a Black woman from the South Side of Chicago named Michelle Robinson and, after a meteoric rise, win election as the first Black president of the United States.

Yet what Garrow documented, after tracking down and interviewing Sheila Miyoshi Jager, was an explosive fight over a very different subject. In Jager’s telling, the quarrel that ended the couple’s relationship was not about Obama’s self-identification as a Black man. And the impetus was not a play about the American Black experience, but an exhibit at Chicago’s Spertus Institute about the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann.

At the time that Obama and Sheila visited the Spertus Institute, Chicago politics was being roiled by a Black mayoral aide named Steve Cokely who, in a series of lectures organized by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam, accused Jewish doctors in Chicago of infecting Black babies with AIDS as part of a genocidal plot against African Americans. The episode highlighted a deep rift within the city’s power echelons, with some prominent Black officials supporting Cokely and others calling for his firing.

In Jager’s recollection, what set off the quarrel that precipitated the end of the couple’s relationship was Obama’s stubborn refusal, after seeing the exhibit, and in the swirl of this Cokely affair, to condemn Black racism. While acknowledging that Obama’s embrace of a Black identity had created some degree of distance between the couple, she insisted that what upset her that day was Obama’s inability to condemn Cokely’s comments. It was not Obama’s Blackness that bothered her, but that he would not condemn antisemitism.

Perhaps the most revealing thing about Jager’s account of her fight with Obama, though, is that not one reporter in America bothered to interview her before David Garrow found her, near the end of Obama’s presidency. As Obama’s live-in girlfriend and closest friend during the 1980s, Jager is probably the single most informed and credible source about the inner life of a young man whose election was accompanied by hopes of sweeping, peaceful social change in America—a hope that ended with the election of Donald Trump, or perhaps midway through Obama’s second term, as the president focused on the Iran deal while failing to address the concerns about rampant income inequality, racial inequality, and the growth of a monopoly tech complex that happened on his watch.

Yet when it came out six years ago, Rising Star was mostly ignored; as a result, its most scandalous and perhaps revelatory passages, such as Obama’s long letter to another girlfriend about his fantasies of having sex with men, read today, to people who are more familiar with the Obama myth than the historical record, like partisan bigotry. But David Garrow is hardly a hack whose work can or should be dismissed on partisan grounds. He is among the country’s most credible and celebrated civil rights historians—the author of The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bearing the Cross (which won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography) and one of the three historian-consultants who animated the monumental PBS documentary Eyes on the Prize, as well as the author of a landmark history of abortion rights, Liberty and Sexuality.

Much, much, MUCH more here, as well as here, of which you should definitely read the etc. But don’t for a moment think Samuels’ interview with Garrow was strictly limited to salacious details about Bathhouse Barry’s, umm, bi-curiosity, let’s say. Oh no, he’s actually after much bigger quarry than that.

That Obama might enjoy serving as a third-term president in all but name, running the government from his iPhone, was a thought expressed in public by Obama himself, both before and after he left office. “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony,” he told Steven Colbert in 2015, “I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.” Even with all these clues, the Washington press corps—fresh off their years of broadcasting fantasies about secret communications links between Trump Tower and the Kremlin—seemed unable to imagine, let alone report on, Obama’s role in government.

I have never seen any evidence that Barack Obama has the slightest personal animus toward Jews as individuals. But from his denial of American exceptionalism, and his sourness toward Israel, going all the way back to Sheila Miyoshi Jager’s account of their breakup, there does seem to be an awareness of the underlying problem posed to his politics by Jews—that is, the problem posed by Jewish group survival and their continuing insistence on Jewish historical particularity.

Progressive theology is built on a mythic hierarchy of group victimhood which has endured throughout time, up until the present day; the injuries that the victims have suffered are so massive, so shocking, and so manifestly unjust that they dwarf the present. Such injuries must be remedied immediately, at nearly any cost. The people who do the work of remedying these injustices, by whatever means, are the heroes of history. Conversely, the sins of the chief oppressors of history, white men, are so dark that nothing short of abject humiliation and capitulation can begin to approach justice.

It goes to say that nothing about the terms of progressive theology is original. It is the theology of Soviet communism, with class struggle replaced by identity politics. In this system, Jews play a unique, double-edged role: They are both an identity group and a Trojan horse through which history can reenter the gates of utopia.

Ghettos were invented for Jews. Concentration camps, too. How can Jews be “privileged white people” if they are clearly among history’s victims? And if Jews aren’t white people, then perhaps lots of other white people are also victims and therefore aren’t “white,” in the theological sense in which that term gains its significance in progressive ideology. Maybe “Black people” aren’t always or primarily Black. Maybe the whole progressive race-based theology is, historically and ideologically speaking, a load of crap. Which is why the Jews are and will remain a problem.

Obama didn’t invent any of this stuff; he was just a wounded kid trying to figure out his own place in the world and get ahead. Still, looking back, it is hard to avoid the sense that Obama himself was exceptional. He was the guy chosen by history to put something in the American goldfish bowl that made all the fish go crazy and eat each other: America’s emerging oligarachy cementing its grip instead of going bust. The rise of monopoly internet platforms. The normalization of government spying on Americans. Race relations going south. Skyrocketing inequality. The rise of Donald Trump. The birth of Russiagate. It all happened with Obama in the White House.

To understand how we wound up here, it therefore seems necessary to start by understanding the man that so many of us refused to see outside of the myth that he created for himself. His problems are now our problems, as much as Donald Trump’s are.

That is why I went to talk to David Garrow.

And so he did. Follows, the interview itself, which is wide-ranging, very intriguing, and quite possible even dangerous, at least in a personal way, to Garrow and Samuels both. That there is no perceptible risk of similar harm to Bathhouse Barry is telling, I think.


The ONLY Politician Standing Against Tyranny

Well, the only one running for president at least. There are no others.

In the latest bit of deep state communist judicial control that puts the Soviet Union to shame, the corrupt and discredited (by a unanimous SCOTUS) Jack Smith has gotten a ham sandwich indictment in the District of Columbia. That indictment is against us, the American people, and our right to choose the leaders WE desire.

It’s not about Trump. It’s about criminalizing dissent and punishing the millions who voted for him — and warning them not to do it again.

That’s it in a nutshell. It is Trump, and only Trump, that stands in their way on our behalf.

The idea that our Justice Department can indict someone, especially the sitting president’s main political rival, over speech that’s protected by the First Amendment is simply insane. It puts us firmly into banana republic territory, where tinpot dictators jail their political opponents ahead of election day to ensure their “reelection.”

Simply put, this indictment is nothing more than a declaration of war against American voters and their constitutional right to free speech. As Jonathan Turley noted on Twitter, “If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

I’d say we’ve been in banana republic territory for quite a while, but I’m glad to see the people at the Federalist have finally noticed.

Consider what’s alleged, and what isn’t, by DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith (who, let’s not forget, was once rebuked by a unanimous Supreme Court after he tried to put a GOP governor in prison during the Obama administration). The charges against Trump do not include incitement to violence on Jan. 6, 2021. You might be surprised to hear that after Smith’s hyperbolic press conference Tuesday, in which he went on and on about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and how horrible it was.

Instead, the charges are that Trump committed conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights. Sounds scary, but what it amounts to is the criminalization of opinions with which Jack Smith and the Biden Justice Department happen to disagree.

Yep, it’s clear that pos Smith’s little Soviet style speech was just another head fake bait and switch effort.

You see, in the USA today you are no longer entitled to give your opinion if it disagree’s with the marxist power in control. You will be jailed if they are allowed to get away with this.

A certain set of fools need to close down the nuclear clock, perpetually at almost nuclear war, and open a US Civil War clock. I’d start with setting it at 5 minutes before midnight.

So, let’s be clear:

The 2020 election was stolen by the marxist cabal of the deep state. It wasn’t even close, President Trump won in an electoral landslide.

The “Department of Justice” ain’t. It is nothing more than the Soviet style department of political suppression, inquisition, and torture.

The FBI are all, top to bottom, liars, manipulators, and deep state dirty trick thugs.

I’ll just leave with one of the most famous quotes of all time, from Patrick Henry in a 1775 speech to the Virginia legislature:

Give me liberty, or give me death!

There are no other choices.

The Federalist – DOJ Indictment a Declaration of War Against the American People


House Republicans refuse to impeach Biden, go on Vacation

Quoting Sundance as he has said all that needs to be said:

The House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee has a team of lawyers and staff.

Evidence in public shows the sitting president of the United States took payments from foreign business interests in a scheme to use the power of the U.S. government to influence foreign government policy and protect/enhance the business interests of the people who paid him.

To wit…. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have thousands of Joe and Hunter Biden bank records, hundreds of trace records for wire transfer statements and payments, hundreds of reported U.S. Treasury suspicious activity reports, thousands of emails and subpoenaed text messages, audio and video recordings, thousands of photographs, access to the laptop of Hunter Biden and all the content therein, documented witnesses to the activity, testimony under oath corroborating how the Bidens collected tens of millions from foreign nations as unregistered foreign agents which was subsequently laundered through 20 shell companies.

The House committee also has FBI witness reports (FD-1023) from verified and reliable Confidential Human Sources who documented the intent and purpose of the transactions, along with US government attorneys in Philadelphia who investigated and confirmed the substance of the confidential human source allegations therein. Additionally, the Republicans in Congress have sworn affidavits and testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who testified the US attorney in Delaware was working with the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington DC to bury the results of the investigation.

Lastly, and most recently, the Republicans have a transparently corrupt federal plea agreement rejected as presented by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, because the intent of the construct was to protect the son of the President of the United States from legal exposure within the business that provided the material wealth for himself and the family of the President, providing immunity for their Foreign Agent Registration Act violations…

….And the Republican Speaker of the House is letting the Republican controlled Congress go on vacation for the next two months.

All of this,…. ALL OF THIS…. while the former Republican president and current 2024 election front-runner is being railroaded by the same Dept of Justice the Speaker refuses to confront.

If you didn’t understand that the republican party is nothing more than a rubber stamp for the other marxist party, maybe now you will.

If you didn’t understand that the GOPe’s chosen candidates for any office including president are corrupt to the core, completely under the thumb of the deep state, maybe now you will.

The republican party is just as corrupt, more so, than the democrat party. At least the democrats are now telling us they are insane. The R’s are still trying to fool you.

Republicant’s on Vacation


All roads lead to…

Guess who.

WAYNE ROOT: Everyone Has Missed Real Revelation of the Durham Report: Obama is the REAL ‘Big Guy.’ Obama is the Criminal Mastermind. Obama Committed Treason.

Anybody surprised by that? Anybody at all? Bueller…?

We are living in an age of mass deception, distraction and denial, of mass brainwashing. We might as well all be living in Jonestown, Guyana and following the orders of Jim Jones.

That’s how bad it is. It’s all laid out right in front of us. But no one can see it. Or maybe no one wants to see it. The Durham Report is “the canary in the coal mine.”

It’s all Obama. It’s always been Obama. Obama is the REAL “Big Guy.” Obama is the REAL criminal mastermind. Obama was the head of the snake. Obama was the John Gotti of the US government, overseeing a massive criminal conspiracy. Obama was the head of the “Obama Crime Family.”

And the worst part of all: Obama’s still in charge. Obama is pulling all the strings. He’s the one calling the shots. He’s the ventriloquist, speaking for the wooden dummy puppet Joe Biden. Obama is the real President of the United States, back for his third term.

It’s pretty hard to conjure Bathhouse Barry as any kind of mastermind—CF Lifers will doubtless recall that I myself have long argued in this very space that Ogabe was himself a mere puppet of much larger, more nefarious behind-the-scenes forces—but I must admit, Wayne makes a fairly solid case for the idea. Meanwhile, Putin is doing right by his own nation once again here, putting Russia’s interests first and foremost as is his usual wont.

President Obama BANNED from entering Russia after release of Durham Report
In response to new sanctions by the Biden administration, Russia’s foreign ministry announced Friday they are banning 500 US citizens from entry into the country. The list includes former President Barack Obama, along with American celebrities.

According to the Ministry’s statement, in response to the US refusal to grant visas to media traveling with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Russia denied the US Embassy in Moscow a consular visit to Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter who was arrested in March on suspicion of spying.

“It is high time for Washington to learn that no hostile attack on Russia will go unpunished,” the ministry announcement said. “The principle of the inevitability of punishment will be consistently applied, whether we are talking about tougher sanctions pressure or discriminatory steps to hinder the professional activities of our fellow citizens.”

Also included on the list are Capitol officer Michael Byrd, who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, New York Attorney General Letitia James, various House Representatives and Senators, White House Chief of Staff Jeffrey Zients, late night tv host Jimmy Kimmel, and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, among many others.

A pretty good ban-hammer list, wouldn’t you say? Not that I’m a huge fan of ol’ Vlad Pooty-Poot or anything, mind; as longtime head of the evil-incarnate KGB, Putin has his fingerprints directly on more atrocious crimes against humanity than could ever possibly be totted up, by anybody, regardless of how much time you gave ‘em to accomplish the Sisyphean task.

Nonetheless, I could certainly wish that we could boast of even one or two ProPol “leaders” here in the FUSA who could be relied upon to put their own country’s interests first, instead of dead last as they ordinarily do. Or, for that matter, even understood what our national interests are in the first damned place.


Taking security seriously

Biden clearly did, at the palatial Delaware mansion—easily affordable on a Senator’s salary, obviously—where he left top-secret classified documents laying around in cardboard boxes.

No Visitor Logs exist where docs were discovered: report
The White House Counsel’s Office revealed in a statement today that no visitor logs exist for President Joe Biden’s Delaware home where classified documents were discovered. This information came out when a pack of Republicans wanted the visitor logs after classified documents were found in Biden’s garage, but the White House had to give GOP members the bad news – that no visitor logs exist for that home, according to Biden lawyers.

So? No big deal; the visitor signatures in ’em would have all been in Chinese, so nobody would have been able to read ’em anyhow.


Who DIDN’T know this?

I mean, come on now.

General Michael Flynn: There Are Two American Governments, the Visible One and the SECRET One

And of all people, Flynn oughta know better than anybody, having had his life completely destroyed by it, for the unpardonable crime of working for and remaining loyal to President Trump.

You have probably never heard of it, but there is a parallel Supreme Court, of sorts, called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that General Michael Flynn warns is operating “in almost total secrecy.”

A judicial panel that oversees American intelligence agencies in surveillance matters involving American citizens living in the United States, FISC first came on the public’s radar during the investigation that was launched against the 2016 campaign of former President Donald Trump.

FISC operates as a type of secret police, Flynn further insinuated with a quote from former Sen. Frank Church (D-Id.), who back in the 1970s said that “hiding evil is the trademark of a totalitarian government.” Church further stated that:

“There is no more pernicious threat to a free society than a secret police…operating beyond the law…if these abuses had not been uncovered and had the agencies gone unchecked, we might well have seen a secret police develop in the United States. Once that begins, the Constitution is in very real danger.”

It turns out that Church was right, and his warnings came true. At the dawn of the year 2023, technological advancements, among other things, have allowed the federal bureaucracy to massively expand – its tentacles now reaching into every crevice of American life.

True, observably and beyond all debate. Yet still many of us slumber, seemingly beyond all hope of awakening. New category exclusively for this sort of thing: The Shadow State.


A distinction WITH a difference

When you’re a D卐M☭CRAT.

It’s different when Biden gets caught with classified docs
There is one law for the elite, quite another for you and me

And for Trump too, apparently.

So where are the FBI SWAT teams? Will they be raiding Joe Biden’s private office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement as they raided Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Palm Beach home? Of course not. Sure, it turns out that there were classified documents in Biden’s office dating from his time as vice president. But only Trump and Trump-friendly people get the full klieg treatment from the Deep State’s Geheime Staatspolizei. We do not yet know exactly what is in Biden’s documents, though news reports acknowledge that some of the material was marked “sensitive compartmented information,” also known as SCI, a designation used for “highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.” Late-breaking news specifies that at least some of the material has to do with Ukraine, Iran and the UK. Top secret stuff, in any case.

Back when Trump’s house was raided, the media was rife with speculation that the classified material might include “nuclear secrets.” They haven’t dared to air such speculation this time around.

“Haven’t dared”? No, they have no desire to. And why would they, prithee tell? That would be like an NFL offensive lineman or center turning around after the snap and sacking his own quarterback. Oh sure, it’s always a possibility, but it ain’t the way to bet.

What should we make of this latest episode? Two things. On the one hand, it is yet another illustration of the two-tier system of government into which America has devolved. There is one law for the elite, quite another for you and me. On the other hand, the revelation just might inaugurate a little carpet raising, allowing the world to get a glimpse of what “the Big Guy” has been up to in his business dealings.

Fat chance of that. Not with a D卐M☭CRAT junta in power, a compliant media establishment, and a wholly complicit, collaborationist “opposition” Party charged with doing the notional rug-raising. Far more likely that the whole contretemps will be quietly swept under said rug, with alacrity.

It is not without interest, for example, that the “Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement” at the University of Pennsylvania came into being with a hefty injection of Chinese cash, more than $50 million of the crispest. Inquiring minds might want to look into the penumbras and emanations of that bit of largess directed at the then-vice president of the United States.

Would that we had any of those handy, in Jurassic Media or the goobermint either one. Unfortunately, we most assuredly do not. Which is a whole ‘nother problem altogether, one that will have to be addressed eventually.


Heads. On. PIKES

They’re just blatantly rubbing our noses in it now.

Joe Biden Awards Infamous 2020 Election Workers With Presidential Citizens Medals

Ruby Freeman, the notorious election worker who was caught on surveillance video engaging in highly suspicious activity during the 2020 election in Atlanta, Georgia, was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal at the White House on Friday.

During a White House ceremony recognizing the 2nd anniversary of the January 6 riot, Biden honored Freeman, her supervisor daughter Shaye Moss, and ten other individuals.

The White House portrayed Freeman as voting rights heroine who had suffered cruel right-wing harassment in the aftermath of the election.

“Inspired by the voting rights legacy of her beloved Atlanta, Lady Ruby Freeman viewed her civic duty as a Fulton County Election worker as a sacred mission so the people of Georgia could exercise their fundamental right to vote freely and fairly,” a White House staffer said during the award ceremony Friday.

Freeman and her daughter were seen on the surveillance video pulling boxes filled with ballots out from under a table at State Farm Arena after supervisors had told poll workers they had quit for the night.

After Freeman, Moss and another election worker retrieved the ballot boxes from underneath the table, the video shows Freeman and Moss scanning and rescanning stacks of ballots into an election computer.

The presidential race in Georgia in 2020 was decided by less than 11,900 votes. Election investigators estimated at the time that the late night ballot scans added between 20,000 to 40,000 to the overall vote totals.

It’s long, but be sure to read it all; it truly, truly beggars belief. So much so, it’s bound to leave you absolutely slackjawed, the final two ‘graphs especially.


Keep your eyes on the ball

Don’t be fooled, distracted, or deceived by all the smoke and mirrors.

Speakership Battle Is Just More Bread and Circuses

This entire hullabaloo is about who will be the manager of a whole lot of static nothingness. Whoever is chosen will have the tiniest of margins with which to govern and a caucus far more divided and less obedient than the one Nancy Pelosi controlled. And whoever that manager is will be dealing with a Democrat-controlled Senate and a self-serving statist lapdog Republican Minority Leader and whatever we have in the White House. So, nothing of substance will happen beyond possible hearings and investigations—but even those will be of limited value.

Republicans can run investigations into Hunter Biden, maybe try to bring the corruptocrat-in-chief into the crosshairs, but that means very little because it was the FBI pulling all the strings and covertly engineering an election outcome for the third straight cycle. We have a deeply corrupted FBI manipulating our elections in myriad ways. Consider that sentence. It should knock Americans over. It has been shown to be undeniably true now with the release of the Twitter Files. But who is pushing to do what actually needs to be done: a ruthless offense?

The real problem begins to feel unplumbable. The permanent state remains unscathed and more powerful than ever. The original creator of the permanent state is Congress—yes, the folks who could begin to tackle the problem are the same ones who created the problem. Through legislation over decades that has ceded irresponsibly high levels of discretion to federal agencies in the executive branch, Congress has skated on making tough decisions itself—beneficial for their individual re-elections—and delegated those decisions (and therefore all that power) to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats.

The entire system of unaccountable bureaucratic mini-tyrants is working about as one might expect. For pity’s sake, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2012 with a lousy memo. It took 10 years for the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to determine it was unconstitutional while allowing all those who had taken advantage of it to remain legal. Congress created Homeland Security and ceded incredible powers to it. This dynamic is repeated thousands of times in the federal government at all levels.

So all of the endless drivel about a “dysfunctional” House is nonsense. It was well-functioning Houses that put us under the thumb of powerful, untouchable, invisible federal authoritarians. Oh, that we might have had dysfunctional Houses back then!

Yeah, well, as CA always says, Real Americans didn’t lose their freedom; it was stolen from them, by people who have names, faces, and addresses. May the slippery, slimery sneak-thieves all be reminded of that ineluctable fact, and that right soon.


Fix: IN

Those 20 heroes I sang the praises of yesterday? Meh, not so much.


Update: On the thirteenth ballot, McCarthy again failed to secure enough votes for a win. He picked up one additional vote this time around, Rep. Andy Harris (Md.). The rest of the holdouts voted for Rep. Jim Jordan (Ohio): McCarthy 214, Jeffries 212, Jordan 6. The House is adjourned until 10 p.m. tonight.

Original story:

On the twelfth vote for speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, several of the twenty holdouts switched their votes to Kevin McCarthy’s column.

The House erupted in cheers each time a holdout voted for McCarthy, signaling their relief that the end of the protracted battle for the top position in the House may be in sight. The final tally was McCarthy 213, Hakeem Jeffries 211, and others 7, coming on the heels of tense negotiations over the last several days as a group of conservatives pressed McCarthy for changes to House rules and key leadership roles. The magic number for McCarthy had been 218 votes, but due to three absences in the House, it was lowered to 217, leaving the California Republican just four votes shy of a win. McCarthy has indicated that he wants to proceed with another vote rather than adjourn for the weekend, suggesting he believes he has the votes needed to bring the election to a conclusion.

It was reported early Friday that the dam had begun to burst, and key holdouts indeed switched their votes to McCarthy early in the afternoon.

But hey, looky at this mess of pottage the Devil gave me in exchange for my soul!

I repeat: there’s only way out of this for us now. Yes, it will of necessity mean bloodshed.

Sick-making update! Ask a silly question.

WHAT COUNTRY IS THIS???!!! Mother of Murdered American Patriot Ashli Babbitt ARRESTED by DC Goon Squad on 2-Year Anniversary of the January 6 Mostly Peaceful Protest…

Why, Amerika v2.0, of course.

Micki Witthoeft was part of a group of protesters walking westbound on Independence Avenue between the Capitol and House office buildings. A trailing police officer in a marked car tried to order the protesters to move to the sidewalk away from the Capitol. The protesters ignored the warning and continued marching, with Witthoeft on the outside in the middle of a traffic lane.

Capitol Police set up a roadblock and ordered the protesters to cross the street to the sidewalk or be arrested. After an officer shoulder checked Witthoeft where she tried to move past him, Witthoeft turned her back to the officers and offered to be arrested. She was immediately cuffed and taken into custody.

She can only thank her lucky stars that the Capitol Pig goon-squad didn’t just gun her down in cold blood like they did her poor daughter. Because you know good and well they were just itching to, the soulless rat-bastards.


America: what happened?

JJ Sefton excerpts from the foreword to his new book, The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World. Read of it, for It Is…GOOOOD.

Back at home, later that night [Election Night 2020], I’m brushing my teeth and my phone buzzes, I pick up and hear on the other end, ‘Hey this is Rudy Giuliani, I’m here with Sidney Powell…” I spit out the toothpaste and stand there for a few seconds having a flashback to the aftermath of 9/11.

From then until January 6th I had held out some hope that the wrong would be righted. But the first mistake of Trump’s administration would come back to haunt him as it had so many times during those four years. You’re only as strong as the people you surround yourself with, and Trump was surrounded by spineless lizard people, deluded midwits, and outright traitors. He was fond of quoting a poem, The Snake. If only he had took it to heart. As the snake says to the women he bit after she brought him into her house, saving him from the cold, “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.” Such goes for the long line of snakes Trump brought into the White House: Henry McMaster, Reince Priebus, Gina Haspel, Mike Kelly, James Mattis, John Bolton, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo, Mark Meadows…the list goes on…

…January 6. An enormous crowd of Americans stood on the ellipse in front of the White House. The President was late. Pence had just told him that he would not use his power to reject votes from the states where the fraud occurred. When he finally got up he gave a rambling diatribe. Meanwhile, during the speech Pence had released a letter explaining that he was caving. Folks in the crowd started seeing the news on their phones. Some began to head for the Capitol to protest. Before they could get there, a vanguard of agent provocateurs had already began to smash their way in. By the time most of the regular Trump supporters had arrived, the Capitol Police were welcoming people in as if it was a normal day of visits by tourists. Most of the people behaved as if they were on an unguided tour. Who can forget the photo of the sweet old granny with her little American flag, looking around in awe at the magnificent building? It was a trap. But one that was only partially successful. Trump posted a video to his social media accounts urging people to “go home in peace”. The crowd began to thin and leave. Most of the people who came to DC for the rally had not even been in the vicinity of the Capitol. Most who did treated it as a lark. There was no insurrection. An actual insurrection would have involved heads on pikes and a new revolutionary government established on the spot. The only tragedy that occurred was the murder of Ashli Babbit, an American patriot and veteran who did not endanger anyone. She merely climbed through a window. It was a simulation. But as a simulation it did have enormous power, because it showed that the mechanics of American government are also a simulation. “They have desecrated the Sacred Temple of Democracy” the donkeys brayed. No, the sacred temple was turned into a cheap whorehouse long ago. To desecrate implies that there was something sacred. All modern experience tells us otherwise. Unless your idea of holiness involves bailing out Wall St’s reckless gambles with money you extract from the sweat of decent Americans, or approving NIH budgets which are then used to manufacture chimeric bioweapons that kill more of your own people than all foreign wars combined.

It was Trump’s admonishment to go home in peace that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Twitter and Facebook took down the video and locked Trump’s accounts. That’s right, after years of shitposting and threatening to annihilate entire countries, the President of the United States was kicked off the internet for telling people to go home in peace. Why? Because going home peacefully before nightfall was never part of the plan. The FBI had something far more bloody in mind. As night fell on the capitol, the black bloc paramilitary shock troops were to be deployed. The end of the siege would be Carthaginian in its destruction, which would then give license to a broad-spectrum crackdown. As bad as it all was, Trump’s last move as President blunted their plans to an extent. So they had to silence him.

This was the moment I knew that the last traces of the ancien regime in America was truly dead and buried. The first step of any successful coup is to seize control of the leader’s communications. In a rapid and coordinated succession of announcements, all social media platforms disabled his ability to communicate to the American people. Even Pinterest banned him. It all was shockingly anticlimactic, almost boring in its execution. “This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper.” – T.S. Eliot…

…we are now living under a much different and dystopian system than before, and we must act accordingly. As I write this, over half a year since Jan. 6th, political prisoners continue to be tortured in the DC Lubyanka. Our system is not unlike that of the Soviet Union. As a friend of mine observed, “America spent 50 years fighting the Soviet Union just to become a gay and retarded version of it.”

With a teaser that good, you know you’re gonna want to read all of it. Seriously, people, you do NOT want to miss a single word of this piece. It will crystallize events and underscore just what happened to us, where we now are, and how we got here more fully than I can easily describe to you.


Biden’s crack negotiating team SPRINGS into action!

That would be “crack” in the Hunter sense, I mean.

Washington—CNN — The Biden administration launched a full-scale pressure campaign in a last-ditch effort to dissuade Middle Eastern allies from dramatically cutting oil production, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter.

But that effort appears to have failed, following Wednesday’s crucial meeting of OPEC+, the international cartel of oil producers that, as expected, announced a significant cut to output in an effort to raise oil prices. That in turn will likely cause US gasoline prices to rise at a precarious time for the Biden administration, just five weeks before the midterm elections.

On Wednesday morning, OPEC+ oil ministers meeting in Vienna agreed to an even larger production cut than the White House had feared — 2 million barrels per day, beginning in November, according to a readout of the meeting released on Wednesday. The ministers said the cuts were necessary “in light of the uncertainty that surrounds the global economic and oil market outlooks.”

President Joe Biden told CNN’s Arlette Saenz on Wednesday that he was “concerned” about the cuts, which he viewed as “unnecessary.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters when asked about the move that “when it comes to OPEC, we’ve made clear our views to the OPEC members.”

For the past several days, Biden’s senior-most energy, economic and foreign policy officials were enlisted to lobby their foreign counterparts in Middle Eastern allied countries including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates to vote against cutting oil production. Wednesday’s production cut amounts to the largest cut since the beginning of the pandemic and could lead to a dramatic spike in oil prices.

Some of the draft talking points circulated by the White House to the Treasury Department on Monday that were obtained by CNN framed the prospect of a production cut as a “total disaster” and warned that it could be taken as a “hostile act.”

“It’s important everyone is aware of just how high the stakes are,” said a US official of what was framed as a broad administration effort that is expected to continue in the lead up to the Wednesday OPEC+ meeting.

The White House is “having a spasm and panicking,” another US official said, describing this latest administration effort as “taking the gloves off.” According to a White House official, the talking points were being drafted and exchanged by staffers and not approved by White House leadership or used with foreign partners.

Oh sure, “taking the gloves off”…by getting on their knees, clasping their hands under the chin in a prayerful manner, and beseeching OPEC+  to pleasepleasepleasePLEEEAAAASE don’t hurt us! Or, as George Bailey put it, “I BEG of you, don’t do this thing!” And all this merely to preserve their unsustainable, unworkable, wholly destructive Green New Fever Dream, as Michael Shellenberger pithily notes.

The second Tweet explains it all, for any obtuse fool confused as to how a calamity of such extraordinary magnitude could possibly be befalling us under the benevolent, wise stewardship of King Gropey the Scoundrel.

The truly amusing thing here is how Biden’s Boobs are all a-puff and a-blow about their big, bad selves interpreting OPEC’s move as a “hostile act”—among the rhetorical options of international political conflict, just short of the phrase “act of war” in terms of bellicosity and implied threat—as if there was a single damned thing the intentionally-enfeebled Third Rate Power nation they misrule could or would do about it if it really was intended as such. It isn’t, naturally; OPEC+ is merely managing the resources under its control according to whatever will profit them the most.

It wasn’t the Oil Ticks that bent America over, depantsed it, and positioned it for a thorough rogering against its will. Nor was it the Saudis, or Russia, or Evil White Republican Extremists that wilfully took the US, its economy, and its people from energy independence to being totally reliant upon the less than tender mercies of the Middle Eastern oil cartel for the energy it requires to survive. No, the Biden junta did that to us themselves. It ought to be remembered, and it damned well ought to be avenged in due course.

Update! Proving yet again that the suppurating carbuncles skulking about behind the Biden junta‘s protective curtain of deceit will do absolutely anything, anything at all, to avoid allowing American-owned businesses to avail themselves of the nation’s abundant natural resources for the benefit of the much-abused American working stiff.



When compliance is treason, defiance is patriotic

Resist we much.

Let me ask one simple question: What small scrap of freedom are you holding onto that is worth watching the complete destruction of America in silence? That is not a question for this audience, because they’re largely motivated and act in whatever way they can to secure freedom and they are vocal. It’s a rhetorical question to ruminate over when you see your fellow Americans waving the flag for all they’re worth on July 4th with a mask on their face.

It’s a question for those who go to work everyday, believing, still, in the righteousness of the United States Government after two full years of demonstrating Soviet/communist tactics, lies and distortions of people like Deborah Birx, who openly admitted in her book that she falsified Covid numbers and death rates to inspire compliance from the people. The very simple term for that is fraud. She says, in essence, “yes, I lied about the dangers of Covid, because I wanted people to do what I said.” And, this is not a one-off, this is the typical attitude of our government employees. Another example of the hubris involved here is the video of the ATF showing up at someone’s house to demand serial numbers of recently purchased weapons, without a warrant. Listen to the condescending, casual method of stripping someone of their rights, the nonchalant oppression and subtle threats, particularly, “so we don’t have to come back.” part. It’s the bluff and bluster of low-level government officials to command obedience and to the degree that there is compliance, that is treasonous.

Every act of resistance begins with non-compliance. Over the years this should have become a habit of the patriot, to step up and deny any government agency’s authority, the laws, etc. I’ve always done this, but admittedly, only when my own ox was being gored, perhaps its time to fight back on a few other fronts. One doesn’t have to make filing lawsuits their life’s work, but one or two goes a long way.

Yes, the 2022 election, if not awash in fraud, as it likely will be, will be a watershed moment for the country. It’s likely to support and reaffirm that the green agenda is a political loser. Republicans are licking their lips over the successes that they’ll have, but they need to understand, the nation is not turning Republican, they are rebelling against insanity and a few candidates in the Republican Party carry the popular message for that rebellion. That’s all. To the extent that they grow emboldened to offer their own form of oppression, communist-lite oppression, they are overplaying their hand, which is what politics are made of, the ebb and flow of hubris.

The evil nature of government and those attracted to it are the opponents and only by taking on the administrative state on their own terms will the people succeed.

Do note that last: On our terms. Not the Satanstate’s—OURS, and ours alone. Reject our decades-long acceptance of the grotesque fallacy that we must prove ourselves to be more deserving of victory than them via agreeing to do battle exclusively on their terms—thereby confirming Team Liberty’s status as The Better Men, forever Taking The High Road and treating grunting swine rooting around in their own filth as if they were Our Esteemed Colleagues Across The Aisle and Right Honorable Gentlemen—and start kicking some asses up between some shoulder blades instead, and we just might turn this damned thing around.

As with the police and the military, We The People are under no obligation whatever to obey unlawful edicts. By both word and deed our Ruling Class, their misbegotten, twisted government, and its enabling creatures both high and low have forsaken all and every claim on our loyalty, our cooperation, our allegiance, and our forbearance. Their law is not our law anymore, if it ever truly was, thus is our duty not to respect it, but to undermine it, evade it, and sabotage its agents and works whenever practicable.

Too many of our putative allies tacitly offer the Ruling Class a benefit of the doubt they in no way deserve when they foolishly claim that all the havoc and calamity they wreak must surely be “unintended consequences,” issuing from mere ignorance or stupidity and not perfidy and dishonorable motives. This is purblind delusion of the most damaging sort imaginable, leading those still susceptible to such inane blibbering astray to mire themselves up to the axles in folly and futility. Worse, it also emboldens our Enemy, convincing him that his inapt subterfuges are actually working quite well, and ought to be not just continued but expanded.

Our traitorous would-be lords and masters and their servants, minions, and helpmates are all vermin—craven, treacherous, and conniving. They are both mentally and morally diseased, sick with an ideological affliction which is extremely contagious, one that’s universally fatal if it’s allowed to gain a foothold in the body politic and metastasize without treatment. An aggressive regimen of large doses of high-velocity lead, applied topically to the infected areas, is the only known cure. Thankfully, it works every time it’s tried.

We owe these infernal parasites nothing but our scalding, implacable enmity. To ourselves and our posterity, however, we owe everything: our deathless hatred for all tyrants, our fierce resistance, our unflagging resolve. Most especially, we owe to our posterity a ceaseless quest for vengeance against the pestilential plague-rats who wrested a once great and noble nation from our grasp, only to ruin and humiliate both it and us for no greater purpose than their own fleeting amusement.

With their compliance—their disgraceful cowardice and docility, their bland acceptance of the sibling modern scourges of despotism and raw brigandry, all melding to attain their most exalted expression as High Art during the lockdowns, mandates, and societal persecution of the Covid Infidels—Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen in effect chose a side. In the memorable words of the Knight Guardian of the Holy Grail, they chose…poorly. Let them burn in the fires of Righteousness alongside their lords and masters for their error, then.


Gimme a bang, not a whimper

The J6 Inquisition and its scores of innocent victims must not go unavenged.

Americans are witnessing something unprecedented: a congressional committee handpicked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi working seamlessly with a highly partisan Justice Department to criminalize political dissent. Contrary to the solemn insistence of known liars like Schiff and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), none of it has anything to do with the four-hour disturbance on Capitol Hill more than 18 months ago but everything to do with dragging America into banana republic-style territory complete with political prisoners, kangaroo courts, secret police, forced confessions, and nonstop propaganda under the guise of “news.”

As this Democratic Party crusade has unfolded over the past year and a half, most Republican officials have been silent as the regime flagrantly flouts the Constitution and the boundaries of decency and tradition. Some leaders, most notably Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), have embraced the description of January 6 as an “insurrection” and blame Trump for what happened that day.

While congressional Republicans bury their heads in the Democrats’ latest pit of political quicksand, their voters are not as gullible. According to a report this week by Axios, a GOP-led House is planning to retaliate for the conduct of the January 6 selection committee by launching an investigation into the committee itself—not necessarily because top Republicans have the stomach for the fight but because they are getting an earful from their constituents. “The base is out for blood on subpoenas,” tied to investigations of January 6, Hunter Biden, the coronavirus response, and the Afghanistan withdrawal, a House Republican aide told Axios.

One would be hard pressed to find McCarthy criticizing the FBI even after agents arrested Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro at Reagan National Airport and placed him leg shackles on a contempt of Congress charge: ditto for FBI harassment of former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark and Trump campaign lawyer John Eastman. Yet McCarthy was quick to call for Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) to resign after a California jury found him guilty of lying to federal investigators in a clear case of FBI entrapment. (Fortenberry is appealing the verdict.)

Some members of McCarthy’s caucus, thankfully, are taking a more aggressive approach. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and a few others are demanding justice for the January 6 detainees and condemning D.C. correctional officials for harsh treatment of Trump supporters in custody. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), who lost his Republican primary last week, asked Capitol Police and Pelosi’s office to preserve all documents pertaining to January 6, accusing Pelosi of obstructing “Republican access to House records relating to the security preparedness of the Capitol complex.”

But sternly worded letters and empty promises won’t do the trick this time around; rank-and-file Republicans won’t be fooled again. After a much-hyped Durham probe ends with a whimper, House Democrats ratchet up their public pursuit of Trump associates, and the Justice Department continues to arrest Capitol trespassers and seek lengthy jail sentences for minor offenses, the base’s appetite for political blood will only increase. GOP leaders will need a cutthroat approach if they retake power next year.

I wouldn’t be holding my breath waiting on it, Jules. One thing we can say about the Vichy GOPe wing of the Uniparty: once they’ve been bought, they stay bought. Which means that if Real Americans truly want to see justice done for this monstrous travesty, they’re gonna have to stand up on their hind legs and do it themselves.


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CF Glossary

ProPol: Professional Politician

Vichy GOPe: Putative "Republicans" who talk a great game but never can seem to find a hill they consider worth dying on; Quislings, Petains, Benedicts, backstabbers, fake phony frauds

Fake Phony Fraud(s), S'faccim: two excellent descriptors coined by the late great WABC host Bob Grant which are interchangeable, both meaning as they do pretty much the same thing

Mordor On The Potomac: Washington, DC

The Enemy: shitlibs, Progtards, Leftards, Swamp critters, et al ad nauseum

Burn, Loot, Murder: what the misleading acronym BLM really stands for

pAntiFa: an alternative spelling of "fascist scum"

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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