Moar Oliver Anthony, PLUS!

TL has a look in.

It’s the government in Washington DC that’s turned on all of America, taxing us out of our budgets, inflating our grocery store intake down to a minimum, frustrating our efforts to get ahead with regulations and green energy initiatives that only demand more taxes while also increasing our per hour cost of electricity. The future is even more depressing. Suicides are up at the same time as excess mortality. When we aren’t killing ourselves, they’re doing it for us with vaxx mandates and wave upon wave of Executive Order assaults on our freedoms and financial liberty.

Oliver Anthony (Chris) simply expresses everything I’ve written for the last decade in a three minute song of frustration, but what does Rolling Stone focus on? The mention of obese people milking welfare and Epstein’s island, hoping that the reader will then vilify Anthony and drive him out of the limelight before people start to recognize the true villains in our lives are not our neighbors, but the Rich Men North of Richmond.

Anthony has so far refused the music industry’s attempt to co-opt his music, turning down an eight million dollar offer and I hope he refrains, because I know that accepting the offer would be akin to giving up the voice that has garnered his success. They will quickly edit out such honest lines about welfare and pedophilia and turn him into the type of artist I haven’t been able to listen to for more than 20 years, because it’s dull, lifeless, emotionless, but with all the right hooks and gimmicks to get one to sing along.

Anthony brings soul and pain when he brings out a song. That’s what made Country music my favorite when it was sung by the likes of Haggard, Cash, either Hank Williams and Waylon. Their songs felt like they’d been there, suffered that, dealt with it in inappropriate ways, perhaps, but lived it, lived life, felt life, they didn’t just go from day to day stumbling along. They provided inspiration or a vent for frustration. Their songs could be guidance in a dark time, because they came from someone who had suffered the same.

If Oliver Anthony recognizes he can make all the money he needs by remaining independent and singing about what matters to him and the rest of us, he will inspire a resurgence of the protest anthem song that beats in the heart of every American right now. There’s so much wrong and so much pain in this nation and the people need to express it, use it to make change, drive the Rich Men North of Richmond out of our lives.

A-fuggin’-MEN to that. Meanwhile, the spontaneous groundswell of support from millions of much-put-upon and abused Real Americans just goes on a-building, with even dreadlocked white rappers now expressing their own fed-up-itude with the intolerable stolen-nation status quo.

You all know that I will never be mistaken for any kind of fan of the rap crap, but the lyrics to this one are actually pretty good, I think. “It’s not your America”? Damned right it ain’t, Rich Men North North of Richmond. Unfortunately for you and your Enemies, Domestic ilk, it looks more and more as if millions of us are just about ready to take it back from you again.

Maybe this one really is just an attempt at cashing in on a trend; I can’t say, and won’t speculate. But in the end, it isn’t going to matter; as I said in a comment over at Sido’s joint last week:

Songs have a funny way, once they’ve been released into the wild and have gotten loose (so to speak), of ricocheting off in all sorts of directions, almost none of which were ever even imagined by the people who wrote them. At that point, it’s beyond control; people will make of them whatever they will, no input from the original creator either asked for or welcome.

Ask me how I know. 😉

S’truth, folks. How many times have I spoken with a fan after a show, and he/she would be gushing on about how my lyrics had really touched them deep down, the meaning behind them being this, that, or the other thing—none of which I had even remotely had in mind when I wrote the blasted thing. It made me ask a few times if we were even talking about the same damned song, because if we were I sure couldn’t tell. Music wants to be free, untrammeled and unpredictable, regardless of its original source and/or the intentions of its creators, and it will always find a way to get there.

Update! Yep, there’s definitely something happenin’ here.

See what I mean about the innate tendency of music to take on a life all its own? I’m pretty sure the conventional, Mark-1 Mod-0 Lefty hippies in Buffalo Springfield never dreamed that their anti-Vietnam War protest anthem would one day become so profoundly relevant to the bizarre idea of millions of Real Americans rising up to throw off the shackles of the (Lefty) Man. Duuude, it’s mind-blowing!



Looks like them dang Injuns think they’re allowed to arrive at their own opinions or something.

Native American Group Threatens Boycott if Washington Commanders Don’t Change Name Back to Redskins
In a plot twist no one saw coming, a group of Native Americans is threatening to boycott the Washington Commanders unless they change their name back to the Washington Redskins.

The Native American Guardians Association (NAGA) posted a meme to its X account (formerly known as Twitter) with the message to “Educate not eradicate,” and wants the team to go back to its original name.

“At this moment in history, we are formally requesting that the team revitalize its relationship with the American Indian community by (i) changing the name back to ‘The Redskins’ which recognizes America’s original inhabitants and (ii) using the team’s historic name and legacy to encourage Americans to learn about, not cancel, the history of America’s tribes and our role in the founding of this Great Nation,” the letter said.

“Should we need to encourage a national boycott similar to what happened with Anheuser Busch (Bud Light) which is now down $27 billion (note, not one brick thrown, not one highway blocked, not one bridge burned) — WE WILL DO JUST THAT,” the letter continued.

The letter also warned that it would stand its ground because, if “you don’t acknowledge history, we are doomed to repeat it.”

Boy, the irony just doesn’t come any more delicious than that. In another note-perfect Tweet X Whatthehellever, the NAGA takes NY-state high school sports teams to task for the same thing, dubbing the sudden wave of PC-mandated name changes “the eradication movement.” Yep, you better just believe you’ll be seeing that one again around these h’yar parts, people.


The Oliver Anthony story

In his own words, straight from the horse’s mouth.

Im sitting in such a weird place in my life right now. I never wanted to be a full time musician, much less sit at the top of the iTunes charts. Draven from RadioWv and I filmed these tunes on my land with the hope that it may hit 300k views. I still don’t quite believe what has went on since we uploaded that. It’s just strange to me. 

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place. 

So that being said, I have never taken the time to tell you who I actually am. Here’s a formal introduction:

My legal name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. My grandfather was Oliver Anthony, and “Oliver Anthony Music” is a dedication not only to him, but 1930’s Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I’ll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine. 

In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from Spruce Pine, NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again. 

From 2014 until just a few days ago, I’ve worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated. 

In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27′ camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of craigslist for $750.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.

FAIR WARNING: the link is to a post on Anthony’s Fakeberg page, if that’s a problem for ya. This once, it wasn’t for me.

I’ve seen some speculation here and there that Anthony is in reality some kind of false-flag sleeper agent for TPTB, but I can’t honestly say I buy it myself; his story rings true enough to me, especially knowing as I do how these lightning-in-a-bottle moments work in the music biz, and how commonly they actually do occur.

And, per John Nolte, those jackwagons at NRO can STILL kiss my baggy, white ass.

(Via Insty)


Simple Problem, Simple Solution

We have a number of countries (40+ being claimed) which want to join the BRICS block of economies.

End of the Dollar: South Africa Says Over 40 Countries Want to Join BRICS

Spearheaded by the communists in China of course, as an attempt to harm the USA. These guys, the ones with the faltering economy, said faltering being covered up like flies on something smelly.

Xi Demands Patience as Chinese Economy Crumbles

The solution, for us, is quite simple. We announce 100% tarrifs on all imported goods from any BRICS country or any country trading with them in the brics currency of choice (yuan).

Trump would do it in a heartbeat.

Argentina is on that list, and yet the leading candidate for the presidency there, Javier Milei, plans to ABOLISH the Argentine peso and replace it with, get this –


That would be Trump supported Javier Milei in case you were wondering.

Argentina to Embrace the Dollar as their Currency

I’ll just go ahead and announce it now – BRICS is a dead end for every country that signs on.

Other opinions welcome! Spit them out!

“You can’t negotiate with leftards. You don’t negotiate with trash because they will end you! And since we are so much better than them, since we are defeating them in the cultural battle, we’re not only superior economically, we’re MORALLY superior, we’re aesthetically superior, we’re better than them at everything. And it hurts them. It hurts them. And since they can’t beat our arguments and ideas peacefully, they use the repressive apparatus of the state to try to destroy us, with taxpayer money to influence public opinion and destroy us, and yet they’re still losing! You understand? They’re losing. They’re desperate. Shit leftists are losing the cultural war. For the first time ever, leftards are cornered!”

Javier Milei


Japanese exports to China decline 14.4%

China is imploding, and it is happening faster than you can imagine.


WHOA, that’s good squishy!

As CF Lifers will know by now, I often like to commend skillful writing here on Ye Aulde Colde Furye Blogge when I run across it, if only because I enjoy it so much my own self. Also well-known is my fondness for military history/historical fiction, which is where this post comes in.

I’ve lately been reading one called Wings Over Summer, a sort of prequel which covers the lives—and deaths—of the Spitfire pilots serving in the RAF’s (fictional) 646 Fighter Squadron during the Battle of Britain, with the second (really, the first) volume of the two-part series recounting their exploits during the Siege of Malta. The author, a chappie yclept Ron Powell, definitely has some writerly chops, as this extremely amusing excerpt confirms.

WingsOverSummer 1

WingsOverSummer 2

Since I couldn’t find a way to simply C&P the above passage in the Kindle Unlimited application, I had to screen-cap the above passage in two parts, hence the size discrepancy. But still: great stuff, no? A little biographical info on the author:

After 32 years in the Royal Air Force, from which he retired as a Group Captain (full Colonel) pilot commanding the first stage of flying training for the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, Ron moved to south Wales to pursue his long held ambition of becoming a writer. Since then, he has written an illustrated history of events in the skies above Britain in the summer of 1940, The Battle of Britain, Hitler’s First Bloody Nose; an acclaimed novel, Wings Over Summer, set in the same period; a sequel, Wings Over Malta; and two volumes of memoir, Shropshire Blue: A Shropshire Lad in the RAF, the first, Preparation For Flight, about growing up on the English/Welsh border and his early years in the RAF, including working on Vulcan nuclear bombers on a Cold War air base, the second, On The Buffet, about his RAF pilot training. He has also written numerous short stories and articles and gives talks on a range of topics, including the Battle of Britain.

There’s also a website with more on Group Captain Powell’s life and RAF career, perusable here.


Movin’ on

Only just ran across this, but Joe Hoft—younger brother of Jim, founder of the renowned Gateway Pundit blog—appears to have flown the coop for his own self-titled digs. Not having seen him over at GP very much if at all of late, I kinda wondered what might’ve happened with him. Good to see the blogging addiction is still pulsing strongly in your veins, Joe. Duly bookmarked and blogrolled, natch.

Miscarriage of justice

Still think the cops won’t happily haul you off to the Amerikan Goolag for crimes against Political Correctness? Better think again, bub.

Wisconsin Teen Arrested While Protesting Outside ‘All Ages’ Drag Queen Event: ‘I Was Arrested For Reading the Bible on the Sidewalk’
A Christian teenage boy was arrested in Wisconsin over the weekend as he read bible passages outside of an “all ages” Drag Queen Dance Party and Drag Storytime Hour. Police officers in Watertown, Wisconsin were captured on video pulling the boy’s microphone out of his hands and walking him away in handcuffs.

Marcus Schroeder, 19, a student at the Institute of Theology in Cape Coral, Florida, told American Greatness in a telephone interview that the police gave him no warning before they cracked down on him and his friends. The teen said he was taken to the police station and cited with unlawful use of sound amplification, and resisting arrest. Schroeder said he was fined “almost $200” for the sound amplification charge and another $500 for resisting arrest. He told American Greatness that he intends to fight the charges in court and some good law firms have already offered to help him.

Two other young people, Nick Proell and Margaret Trewhella, were also briefly detained and released later with a warning.

The drag event was part of the small town’s second annual “Pride in the Park.”

As reported by The Sentinel, the boys are members of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin and were among more than 200 individuals from various groups assembled to protest the city-sanctioned drag show. The event featured transvestites strutting provocatively in front of children.

For any remaining doubters of my opening assertion, here’s vid of the local Gestapo “just obeying orders,” as is their wont.

And now, back to our story.

The Wisconsin chapter of Gays Against Groomers was among the groups protesting the event. The group posted a video on X of one individual wearing a skimpy outfit in front of the kids. “Why dress like this knowing the audience will be children?” GAG Wisconsin wrote.

Good for them. Meanwhile, Wisconsin’s godawful shitlib governor got busy flapping his fat yap, emphasizing a contingent of supposed “Nazi” provocateurs who showed up briefly, then scurried straight on back to FBI HQ.

Local media focused heavily on the appearance of the “Nazis” in their reporting of the event leading Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D.) to issue an overwrought statement.

In a post on X, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D.) said the presence of the Nazis “was disgusting and a direct attack on our state’s LGBTQ community, communities of color, and Jewish Wisconsinites.”

“LGBTQ Wisconsinites deserve to be treated with dignity, decency, kindness, and respect just like every other Wisconsinite,” he said. “They deserve to be safe being who they are without fear or threat of shame, harassment, intimidation, or violence.”

“Dignity, decency, kindness, and respect,” is it? Perhaps if they started conducting themselves that way, Normals would feel more obliged to return the favor in kind. Not until, though. Meanwhile, Schroeder courageously vowed to keep up the fight.

Schroeder said the incident only encouraged him and his Christian comrades to continue their mission with “further boldness.”

“It was worth it. It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” he told the Sentinel. “If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action.”

Proell (fellow arrestee Nick—M) told The Sentinel that he did not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

“It was worth it. It’s actually an honor to be counted worthy to stand with the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us and been arrested for the sake of spreading Christ and his kingdom,” he told the Sentinel. “If the police wanted to try and set an example for others or anything like that, the only thing I’ve seen is actually the exact opposite, where more and more people are seeing the severity of what’s going on and being called to more action.”

Proell told The Sentinel that he did not regret his detainment. “I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents,” he said. “God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

Schroeder told American Greatness Thursday that Christians “no longer have the convenience of staying apathetic to these matters. It’s time for us to take action.”

Time, and way past time. We can only hope we still have time, that we haven’t sat on our hands until it’s too late.


National treasures

Not just one, but two of ‘em.

The above is three minutes’ worth from Tucker’s latest Twitter X ep, itself an extended interview that is absitively, posolutely worth your while. I didn’t expect I’d ever say such a thing, not being anybody’s idea of a rap/hip-hop fan, but Ice Cube shows himself to be an independent-minded, extremely thoughtful and politically-astute guy—articulate, even. Whodathunkit? Watching this interview gave me a whole new respect for the man.

Update! Waitwaitwait—is that Erik Satie I hear in the background as outro music? Right at the very end? I do declare, I believe it is! Wonder whose idea THAT might have been?


Tucker on top

Of his game, and the world as well. Just watch the vid and then tell me this guy isn’t having the time of his life.

Now THAT is one happy man right there. Whodathunkit, eh? Turns out being unceremoniously and gracelessly dumped by the shitlibs at now-faltering Faux News was the best thing that ever happened to him. Good as he always was before, it’s become a real joy to watch the new Tucker Unchained. Good for you, Tucker, you deserve it.



Mo’ bettah fallout from Tucker’s interview with Russell Brand, previously covered here.

Tucker Carlson: Entire American media, including Fox News, lying about Jan. 6
Jan. 6, 2021 “was not an insurrection. It was not armed, and its purpose was not an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government,” Tucker Carlson said in his first interview since leaving Fox News.

While major media continue to push the “deadly insurrection” narrative, Carlson said in an interview with Russell Brand on Friday that “the more time passed, it’s now been two and a half years, it becomes really obvious that core claims they made about January 6 were lies.”

Carlson went on to say: “The amount of lying around January 6th, and it was obvious in the tapes that I showed, is really distressing. And anyone who is covering for those lies should be ashamed of themself. And that would include almost the entire American Media, including Fox News.”

Carlson said there “were people at Fox News” who were angry at him for airing the video from Jan. 6 that was released to his staff by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

“If you think I’m cherry picking, taking it out of context, show me where,” Carlson added.

Included in the video that Carlson aired prior to his firing by Fox News was that of the so-called “Q Anon Shaman” Jacob Chansley. Chansley was sentenced to prison after essentially being escorted by police through the Capitol as if he were a VIP tourist, Carlson told Brand. “To put Jacob Chansley, an American citizen, a Navy veteran, in jail for years after he was let into the Senate chamber by uniformed Capitol Hill police officers and then I play that and I’m the bad guy?”

Well, I mean, DUH, Tucker. To the Swamp-state Powers That Be—Uniparty politicos, FedGovCo bureaucreeps, thug Stasi agents both federal and local, Enemedia—who all have an obvious vested interest in keeping the phonus-balonus J6 narrative alive and kicking and the truth about it dead and deeply buried, you ARE the bad guy. Take it for the badge of honor and backasswards compliment it actually is; it’s in no way a bad thing to have the very worst of the worst aligned against you.


No hard feelings, and thanks for all the fish

Tucker tells all, in his first interview since being canned—kinda sorta, in a left-handed way—by the shitlibs at Unfair, Unbalanced, and Unwatched Faux News.

Carlson sat down with Russell Brand, on his “Stay Free” podcast, and discussed a number of germane issues at length, for almost two hours.

We reported on Friday about a segment of the Brand interview, in which Carlson talked about his interview with the Capitol Police chief with respect to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. But he also talked with Brand about his feelings on covering politics, why he was fired, and his feelings about both former President Donald Trump and 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

A fascinating interview, to say the least. Brand kicked it off by asking Carlson how he’s handled being fired from Fox. Carlson said that while he was surprised, he wasn’t shocked.

This is not the first time I’ve been fired. And I think in our business, when you work for a big company in media, and you know, you say what you think, there’s an expectation that you could get fired. So I’ve always had that. And I’ve always tried to take the long view, not just on media, but on life.

All graves go unvisited in the end. I always think. I was surprised. I didn’t, you know, expect to get fired that morning at all in April. So I was shocked, but I wasn’t really shocked. And I wasn’t mad. It’s not my company. And when you work for someone else, that person reserves the right, in fact, has inherently the right, to decide whether you work there or not.

As for why the top-rated host in cable news was fired, Carlson told Brand he doesn’t really know, and said he wasn’t angry about it. He also wished Fox News well in the future.

Accounts and assumptions about Tucker Carlson’s relationship with — and thoughts about — Trump have varied through the years. Carlson explained his feelings to Brand, and also said he’s “not a very astute political analyst,” surprisingly adding that he’s never been interested in politics, period.

Where am I on Trump? Now? I love Trump personally. I mean, I made a huge mistake last November in getting involved in American politics — something I’ve never done before. And making calls, you know, “This guy’s gonna win. I think this is going to happen in this state. Meet your new governor, New York.” And I was wrong on almost every call. I’m not a very astute political analyst. I’m not interested in politics. I never have been interested in politics. I’m interested in ideas.

So, what does interest the former Fox News star?

I’m interested in people; and so there’s a primary going out in the United States between Trump and a bunch of other people — primarily Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, but others, Vivek Ramaswamy, for example. And I haven’t said word one about it. Don’t plan to.

But when I think about Trump right now, so it’s July of 2023, I’m struck by his foreign policy views. You know, Trump is the only person with stature in the Republican Party, really, who’s saying, “Wait a second, you know, why are we supporting an endless war in Ukraine?” And that, you know, leaving aside whether Trump’s gonna get the nomination or get elected president or would be a good president, and I can’t even assess that. All I can say at this point is: I’m so grateful that he had that position.

I’m in agreement with most of the above.

As am I, with not just most but all of it, actually. Not being a cable-TV subscriber myself for many years now—it’s been digital rabbit-ears and Roku exclusively for me up until about two-three years ago, when I just stopped bothering to even turn my TeeWee on at all; not because I made a conscious decision to, I just lost interest—probably due to the many long hours* I spend nowadays staring at Ye Trustye Auld iMac’s 27-inch screen reading, researching, and hunt ’n’ pecking away for Ye Auld CF Blogge—pretty much anything I knew about Tucker I got second-hand from my brother, who’s always been a big fan.

That said, I think it’s pretty clear that, with his new Twitter venture, Tucker has taken the gloves off at last and unleashed his inner RightWingNaziDeathBeast persona, which is all to the good as far as I’m concerned. Carlson’s ongoing evolutionary progression from more or less-milquetoast mainstream moderation to bare-knuckled Truth-speaker sensation has been interesting as well as entertaining; it’s a compelling story, and I very much look forward to watching as further developments (!!!) transpire. Although YMMV, of course, it’s kind of a Big Deal, I think, one that’s just liable to have much greater impact going forward than we can easily discern from where we’re standing right now.

*Superfluous addendum: Strangely enough, that would be many more hours than I ever spent on blogging back in the days of yore, owing to my unlooked-for and unwelcome status as an involuntary retiree from gainful employment thanks to having had one (1) leg and a significant hunk of the surviving foot sawn off not so long ago; what seems stranger still about the additional hours is that these days, I find myself writing fewer of the longer-form essays I was known for back then, and more of what I call the Pure Bloggery-type stuff—not a conscious decision either, it just…sorta…happened, like. I’m also doing much more research and fact-checking than I used to, seems like, for whatever strange reason. With the ever-increasing decrepitude of both mind and eyesight concomitant with advancing age, I have to do a lot more correcting of typos and grammatical faux pas too. A terrible thing, getting old is


Affirmative Action State-Mandated Racism struck down, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas has thoughts

The greatest USSC Justice of all time deals out the righteous juridical smackdown to a dissenting dipshit.

As RedState reported earlier, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 vote Thursday that the race-based college admissions processes used by Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC) violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, effectively striking down the use of affirmative action programs in college admissions.

In Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s dissenting opinion in the UNC case, Jackson, who was nominated by President Joe Biden to the Supreme Court in part based on a campaign promise to nominate a black woman, accused the court’s conservative majority of “let-them-eat-cake obliviousness,” proclaiming that the Justices “detached” themselves from “this country’s actual past and present experiences,” while lecturing the “ostrich-like” members about so-called “lived experiences.”

In his concurrence with the majority, Justice Clarence Thomas responded accordingly to Jackson’s dissent. Here are some noteworthy excerpts:

Accordingly, JUSTICE JACKSON’s race-infused world view falls flat at each step. Individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. What matters is not the barriers they face, but how they choose to confront them. And their race is not to blame for everything—good or bad—that happens in their lives. A contrary, myopic world view based on individuals’ skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices is nothing short of racial determinism.

JUSTICE JACKSON then builds from her faulty premise to call for action, arguing that courts should defer to “experts” and allow institutions to discriminate on the basis of race. Make no mistake: Her dissent is not a vanguard of the in-nocent and helpless. It is instead a call to empower privileged elites, who will “tell us [what] is required to level the playing field” among castes and classifications that they alone can divine. Post, at 26; see also post, at 5–7 (GORSUCH, J., concurring) (explaining the arbitrariness of these classifications). Then, after siloing us all into racial castes and pitting those castes against each other, the dissent somehow believes that we will be able—at some undefined point—to “march forward together” into some utopian vision. Post, at 26 (opinion of JACKSON, J.). Social movements that invoke these sorts of rallying cries, historically, have ended disastrously.

Unsurprisingly, this tried-and-failed system defies both law and reason. Start with the obvious: If social reorganization in the name of equality may be justified by the mere fact of statistical disparities among racial groups, then that reorganization must continue until these disparities are fully eliminated, regardless of the reasons for the disparities and the cost of their elimination. If blacks fail a test at higher rates than their white counterparts (regardless of whether the reason for the disparity has anything at all to do with race), the only solution will be race-focused measures. If those measures were to result in blacks failing at yet higher rates, the only solution would be to double down. In fact, there would seem to be no logical limit to what the government may do to level the racial playing field—outright wealth transfers, quota systems, and racial preferences would all seem permissible. In such a system, it would not matter how many innocents suffer race-based injuries; all that would matter is reaching the race-based goal.

The rest of Thomas’ characteristically-brilliant, well-reasoned, and just plain commonsensical opinion can be found here, beginning at Page 97.


Better sit down for this one

Never thought I’d I’d see the day I would say this, but: you GO, Muslims!

Watch: Michigan City Bans LGBTQ Pride Flag, Other Political Flags from City Property
The all-Muslim city council of Hamtramck, Michigan, voted unanimously on Tuesday to approve a resolution that would ban the LGBTQ+ Pride flag from being flown on the city’s public property.

The resolution, proposed by Mayor Pro-Tem Muhammad Hassan, also bars any religious, ethnic, racial, political, or sexual orientation group flags from being flown on city property and only allows the American flag to be flown, along with state and city flags, other national flags, and the Prisoner of War flag, according to Click on Detroit.

“Hassan and other members of the council said the LGBTQ+ community and others are welcome in Hamtramck but that they need to respect religious freedom,” according to the report. “Some proponents of the resolution said the Pride flag clashes with their faith. Several speakers from Dearborn who were leaders in protests last year against LGBTQ books spoke at the Hamtramck meeting, saying American soldiers sacrificed for the U.S. flag, not the Pride flag.”

City Councilman Nayeem Choudhury said LGBTQ+ people will not be discriminated against in the city but should also respect the religious liberty of the city’s Muslim community.

“We want to respect the religious rights of our citizens,” Choudhury said. “You guys are welcome…(but) why do you have to have the flag shown on government property to be represented? You’re already represented. We already know who you are…By making this (about) bigotry…it’s making it like you want to hate us.”

City council members also commented that the code was not about targeting a specific group, stating: “If you let one flag in, you’ll have to let all of the flags in.”

Good stuff, all of it, but this next bit I especially like.

An immigrant from Yemen spoke in favor of the resolution, stating that while the city “respect[s] all nations, cultures, and their flags…we only salute the American flag.”

The man spoke of coming to the United States from Yemen as a child and believing until he was older that America was an evil, racist country because that is what he was taught in schools. It was not until he went back to Yemen as an adult and saw what he described as “poverty and chaos…at another level” that he realized how thankful he was to live in America, where he can “worship [his] creator in peace and tranquility.”

“Unfortunately, many people in our country don’t seem to understand this. They don’t know, or they don’t want to know, what it is like to live in extreme poverty, what it is like to live under severe repression, where there’s no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion,” the man said.

“I owe my success and my livelihood first and foremost to the Creator Himself, Almighty God, then to this great country. Our soldiers fought, bled, and died in the jungles of Iwo Jima and the beaches of Omaha so that you and I can live with peace, prosperity, and freedom,” he said. “Those soldiers fought under the American flag and no other.

“It’s shameful and embarrassing to have any other flag on public buildings. You have the freedom to display whatever you wish in your home or your private businesses. We respect all nations, cultures, and their flags, but we only salute the American flag,” he concluded, telling the city council members, “Do not waver and do not flinch, you are doing the right thing. God bless you, and God Bless the United States of America.”

My God, that guy sounds more American than all too many AINOs these days do. He really, really gets it, much more than these next two stupid-ass bints ever will.

At one point during the public comment portion of the city council session, a woman wearing a clown nose sarcastically stated that the city should change its slogan to say it “welcomes you if you’re straight” before kissing the woman next to her.

Yeh, yeh, fuck you too, freak. Tolerance, we’re all just fine with. Being forced to stand up and cheer for you, to “celebrate” you, based entirely on your sexual preference and nothing whatsoever else, though? Meh, not so much. Straight people don’t wave their private sex lives around in your face; best, then, not to be waving yours around in theirs, lest you set off an enormous powderkeg of backlash dynamite I promise you you won’t enjoy.

I DO find the clown nose wholly appropriate, even commendable for its unflinching (albeit unintentional) honesty. Other than that, though, I’m with JJ on this deal.

First, while I usually describe the Michigan town of Hamtramck as alternately “Hamas-tramck” or “Haram-tramck” I’m cheering the residents of that town, albeit with a rather wary eye. Still, regardless of the source of the attack, the rhetorical weaponry used against a common and deadly enemy is right on target and welcome.

Looks like a 50-car pileup at the Intersectionality Intersection. More, please! Just to reiterate, my wariness of the Muslim community in this country is quite justified for obvious reasons. But at least in this instance, the Islamic doctrine of the enemy of my enemy being my friend, if only temporarily, is in full operation. And this is as crucial a battlefield as ever their was one. It’s America’s children on the line and whatever hope for salvation we have as a nation, if not their own protection which is cause enough.

Bang on, if you ask me. I have to say, it’s almost shocking to see how thoroughly the Muslims in Hamtramck have assimilated, to the point of being willing to stand up in defiance of the continuing Leftist assault against core American values and beliefs with such pride and unswerving devotion. The CF chapeau is duly doffed to them for that.

Update! So’s I could put in boldface the parts I found most perceptive, most compelling, most just by-God all-American. I swear, I still just can’t get over it. Might the Hamtramck Muslims actually have put themselves, however inadvertently, at the pointy end of a Real American Renaissance here? After this, I don’t know as I’d be willing to bet against it. Again: sincere, humble, and utterly stunned kudos to them.


Head on a swivel, JD

Hopefully the good Senator Vance knows enough by now to keep carefully checking six, scrupulously and ceaselessly. If he follows through on this gutsy but ultimately doomed maneuver, he’s damned sure gonna need to.

Vance Vows to Use Senate Rules to Stop Merrick Garland’s Partisan Lawfare, Demand Cloture Vote for Most DOJ Nominees
There is a reason the Left went all in to stop the election of Sen. JD Vance in Ohio. Like that other Republican son of the Buckeye State, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, this man knows how to fight. His plan is to vote against unanimous consent resolutions on virtually all DOJ nominees. A filibuster will follow, which will force a cloture vote.

Vance plans to be the sand in the gears that slows Attorney General Merrick Garland and President Joe Biden’s Justice Department to a snail’s pace in the Senate nominating process. He is vowing to be a one-man version of a factory labor slowdown. In this case, the factory is the U.S. Senate, and its product is left-leaning judges and prosecutors who will aid and abet Merrick Garland’s persecution of Christian pro-lifers and political enemies of the Democratic Party like Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump is merely the latest victim of a Department of Justice that cares more about politics than law enforcement. Merrick Garland’s department harasses Christians for pro-life advocacy but allows hardened criminals to walk our streets unpunished. This must stop, and I will do everything in my ability to ensure it does. Starting today, I will hold all Department of Justice nominations. If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt.”

Vance said he would make an exception for U.S. Marshals Service appointments. But he will vote no on all unanimous consent resolutions. These resolutions are the normal way the Senate moves groups of nominations forward. Now for every single nominee, there must be an individual floor vote in the Senate. It means every vote would require a quorum with members of the Senate present and voting. All procedural resolutions and speaking opportunities would have to be respected and gone through before a nomination could be put to a vote. In short, every nominee could face the type of Sente maneuvering usually reserved for Supreme Court nominees. S-L-O-W, deliberative, and ever so annoying.

Sen. Vance plans a well-thought-out and stubborn defense of religious and political freedom. Filibuster and cloture are the tools he has chosen to fight DOJ overreach. Democrats will not be happy. The next question is how Republican leadership will respond to this scorched earth counterattack. Will they support Sen. Vance or Attorney General Merrick Garland and his reckless policy decisions?

OHHH yeah, a real headscratcher, that one. Which way might the Swampy slimewads of the Vichy GOPe jump? We wonders, Precious, yes we wonders.

Update! Meanwhile, over on the House side.

One of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s primary goals, having regained leadership of the House, must be to reinstate the institutional integrity that was honored only in the breach over and over again by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Long-standing fundamental House rules and protocols repeatedly were violated under Pelosi, for the single purpose of pursuing a partisan political agenda at the expense of historically honored principles. The formation of the House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol and its indisputable perversion of important House rules highlight the issue. The rules that were violated allowed the committee to abuse the subpoena process and deny subpoenaed witnesses basic protections the rules were intended to provide. This must be corrected immediately.

There is one mechanism readily available to the speaker to restore order and respect for the rules. It is called the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (“BLAG”).

The BLAG was created in 1993 by a Democrat-controlled House, over the objection of a majority of Republicans in the House. It is a body comprised of five members of the House leadership, three majority party members and two minority party members, that speaks for the House in directing litigation in which the BLAG perceives the House to have a direct interest.

Republicans who opposed the formation of BLAG argued that the entire House should vote before a legal position that purports to speak for the House is adopted. The Democrats prevailed, and now by House rule, once BLAG members vote to direct the House general counsel to participate in litigation and take a position, even if the vote is 3-2, its position speaks for the entire House.

McCarthy characterized the degree to which the Jan. 6 Committee flagrantly violated long-entrenched House protocol and rules to support its partisan political agenda as “unprecedented” and “an egregious abuse of power.” However, when the rules violations have been challenged, courts have concluded that they were bound by the House’s own interpretation and application of its rules and had to yield to the BLAG as the official advocacy voice of the House. Since BLAG endorsed the Jan. 6 Committee’s actions by a 3-2 vote, their rules violations were permitted with impunity, notwithstanding the express language of the House rules.

McCarthy must now convene the BLAG, as he has the full authority to do, to reverse its partisan political perversion by Pelosi and company, and to return the House to a body that at least honors its own rules, without regard to a politically expedient agenda of the day.

Yeah, I shan’t be holding my breath awaiting it. Neither should you, nor anybody else, lest they turn blue and fall over deader’n a ProPol’s integrity. Whatever else McCarthy may or may not be, he’s already proven himself to be no JD Vance, not by a long yard he ain’t. As the very next two ‘graphs after the above excerpt confirm well enough, he already rolled over, wagged his tail, and showed Pelosi his yellow belly once. So forgive me for thinking that it’s gonna be a mighty long wait for any such thing. The addled-pated old soak rightly doesn’t expect any such show of defiance and rectitude from him, and neither should anybody else.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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