The legitimization of delegitimization
Time and past time all Real Americans just stopped caring what they think or say—about this, about that, about anything whatsoever.
Ooooooh… Al Franken Thinks The Court is Illegitimate
During a recent episode of his podcast, the disgraced former U.S. Senator Al Franken, who resigned in 2017 following a sexual harassment scandal, asserted that the Supreme Court is “illegitimate” and referred to Chief Justice John Roberts as a “villain.”Franken cited the contentious confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who was nominated by former President Trump, and the court’s ruling last year to overturn Roe v. Wade as a basis for his statement.
“The way they didn’t take up [Obama nominee Merrick] Garland and on saying, ‘It’s an election year,’ and then they, of course, put in Coney Barrett like eight days before the election. Then, of course, Dobbs and abortion.”
Franken continued, “I think the Chief Justice is actually much more culpable for this division than people think,” Franken argued. “I think Roberts is much more the villain in this than people give him credit for.”
That’s a rather bizarre position because Roberts has become the de facto swing vote on the court and was notoriously opposed to overturning Roe v. Wade.
The radical left, of which Franken is a part, has been making mountains out of molehills regarding so-called financial scandals involving Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch. But, unfortunately, they are using these allegations as a pretext for subjecting the court to congressional oversight—which, I must add, is unconstitutional.
While the accusations against Gorsuch and Thomas are unfounded and lack legal and ethical justification, the allegations against liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor are not. Sotomayor received $3.6 million from Penguin Random House, a publishing company that had business before the court. Furthermore, she opted not to recuse herself from the related proceedings, while Justice Stephen Breyer did recuse himself since he had received money from the same publisher.
I don’t think we’ll ever hear Franken argue that Sotomayor delegitimized the Supreme Court. Nor will any other Democrat, for that matter. Their objective isn’t to enhance the ethical standards the court must uphold but to force conservative justices off the court so they can retake the ideological majority on the nation’s highest court.
Well, I mean, D’UH. Contra their own lofty-sounding eructations claiming otherwise, they care not a whit about principle, ethics, or other nebulous, gauzy vagaries. What they DO care about—first, last, always, and exclusively—is expanding their power, getting their way, and plowing over anything or anyone that might conceivably hinder or thwart them in that eternal quest.
Whenever a shitlib like Franken starts in lecturing you about “principle” and such-like, better carefully check your six right away. Because there’s sure to be a big, brass cock aimed directly at your fourth point of contact—wielded by a Leftard, with malicious intent aplenty. If you indulge them by pretending to care, you only get more of the same for your trouble. Best to just tell them straightaway to go take a flying fuck at a plate-glass window instead, and have done with it.