It’s not just worst than you thought…

It’s worse than you can imagine.

Large area’s of western NC are destroyed. The roads are GONE. The power is off, for months at best, years more likely. Many of the power substations were destroyed and we have no capacity to replace them.

The destruction is WORSE than that caused by war conditions. People are completely cut off. There is no food and if there were they cannot get to it.

Entire mountain towns are DESTROYED. The lively-hood of the people in the towns are destroyed. There is nothing left.

This happens on rare occasion but always in a small area, one town or two has devastation. This is across the entire western part of the state.

This is without question the worst disaster in American history. Did you know that?

Who are our friends and who is our enemy? I have absolute contempt for our state and federal government that does nothing. Every resource at their disposal should have been mobilized, and CRICKETS.

It’s clear who the enemy is.

I have a customer in the area. I’ve had one text from one person, “It’s really bad”. That’s it.

Spruce Pine, Little Switzerland, Burnsville – these are all communities at or near the top of the mountains, imagine that if they are destroyed that what is below is just hell –



I’m not the only one that notes the obvious:

…I can confirm that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’ response to this round of mass suffering has been orders of magnitude worse than federal actions taken after Katrina.

“Biden, likewise, could have mobilized the 101st and 82nd Airborne Divisions the morning after Helene to deliver food, medical supplies, and evacuate stranded citizens by helicopter.”
And the Democrats are, by calculation, waging war against the dying citizens of western North Carolina.

I am entirely convinced that we just witnessed the greatest natural disaster in modern U.S. history…

There actually would have been backup transformers available to fix all these broken substations had President Biden not just sent off the nation’s strategic stockpile of them to Ukraine so Volodymyr Zelensky can use them to advance his interests.

UPDATE Quatre:

I drove from outside Charlotte NC down Interstate 85 to near Georgia Monday morning. I am happy to report that help is arriving in the form of tree company trucks and power company service trucks. I passed at least one hundred of them headed south* in a 2.5 hour drive. Shout out to the states of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan as there were quite a few trucks with tags from those area’s. There is a shortage of hotel rooms in the Greenville and Anderson (SC) area’s due to the out of town help that has arrived. These are some seriously capable folks.

*I left the house at 6:30am, so the number arriving through the day is probably in the hundreds, maybe more. And yes literally, I passed a truck nearly every minute of the trip. It was crowded.

Mittens Romneycare, confirmed coward

Poor widdle dear says he’s afwaid of the big bad MAGA monster lurking under his bed, and personally, I’m GLAD he is, the punk-ass pissypants. Putting the skeer on Uniparty Fauntleroys like Romneycare and then keeping the skeer on ‘em is the first step in putting things to rights in this fallen nation. Or as right as they’re ever gonna be again, at least.

The Fear That’s Keeping Mitt Romney From Endorsing Harris
Republican Senator Mitt Romney, who has said he would not vote for Donald Trump, has expressed some reticence about endorsing Trump’s opponent over a particularly grim worry.

The Washington Post reported Friday that Romney has cited concern for his family’s safety as one of the reasons he has not publicly supported Kamala Harris, according to one person familiar with the Utah politician’s thinking.

Link is to Ed Driscoll’s Instapundit post, not the original item in the New Republic. Because fuck those shitlibtards, that’s why.


Another red pill, down the hatch

First Megyn Kelly, now Roseanne Barr—where will it all end?

Not a single punch pulled; not a smidgeon of irresolution, timidity, or fence-straddling; every last word of it the raw, unvarnished truth—every point hammered home boisterously, boastfully, ferociously. In the above broad-spectrum diatribe Roseanne exhibits the subtlety of a steam locomotive; the gingerly restraint of a barroom brawl; the soothing delicacy of a stick of TNT, its fuse alight; the biddable diffidence of a fistful of brass knuckles; the careful politesse of a hungry Great White shark slashing through a school of unwary minnows. She is confrontational, not conciliatory. She holds nothing whatsoever back, offering neither mercy nor apology.

Love her or hate her, Roseanne obviously groks certain essential facts, among them:

  • That, whatever they may once have been in the long ago and far away, Leftists can no longer be safely regarded as our friends, our countrymen, or just honest, well-intentioned fellow citizens who, although we may occasionally disagree with them on specific relatively minor issues, remain loyal Americans who share our fundamental beliefs and/or aspirations
  • That, regrettably, tragically, Leftists are now the avowed Enemy of the American nation, Her institutions, Her Founding principles, and Her people
  • That said Enemy is multitudinous, serious, and implacably devoted to the utter destruction of absolutely everything we hold dear

In sum, then, if Real Americans are ever to defeat the perfidious Left, Barr just gave an advanced-level course of instruction in how it must be DONE: not via discussion, not via accommodation, but via bludgeoning—brutal, unstinting, and whole-souled, using any and every weapon ready to hand, be it rhetorical, metaphorical, or physical. Not with a smile, but a snarl. A heart not tender, but hard…and terrible.

Henceforth, any American (so-called) who attempts to flinch from, evade, or ignore these harsh realities confirms himself as unworthy of the very freedom he professes to treasure.


Liberals: If we don’t get our way, we will assassinate you

Also liberals: These assassination attempts are all YOUR fault, not ours.

Well, of COURSE they are, Mollie. Just remember the handy-dandy rule of thumb: OUR speech is “violence,” THEIR violence is “speech.”


Fight the Futurists

Forget Fox Mulder, what we need most right now is Sarah Conner.

Time To Rebel: We Are Now Entering The Total Censorship Stage Of Global Tyranny
The authoritarian regimes of the past century have all followed a pattern of events that is generally predictable. Almost every totalitarian government has been inspired by the ideologies of the political left. Meaning, increasingly bigger government, socialist control of resources, the melding of bureaucracy and corporate entities, demands for “social justice”, collectivist propaganda, the abandonment of individual merit for the sake of the state and the “greater good”, Marxism not just from an economic standpoint but also a cultural standpoint, and finally, the adoption of Futurism.

Futurism is, in my view, the key to all modern authoritarianism. It’s a philosophy that has been present at the birth of nearly every major despotic government in recent memory and it’s the root of leftist ideology today. Futurists argue that history is, for the most part, dead weight. They believe that every notion of heritage, the lessons of the past, the ideals and principles of our forefathers are all irrelevant.

Futurists think nothing is sacred and all new ideas are superior to all old ideas. Therefore, they claim, any society that clings to (or conserves) the old ways needs to be dismantled because it is holding humanity back from progress. In other words, anyone promoting or defending traditional norms must be silenced in the name of “progress.”

I suspect most people reading this at least intuitively understand the monstrous nature of this belief system. The very structure of futurism is based on a lie – The idea that all change is good and that any oppression committed in the name of change is justified.

In Brazil, leftist authoritarians have shut down Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter) because Musk has refused to institute their censorship model on his social media site. To Musk’s credit, he has been willing to lose Brazil’s business and stand by his principles.

The developments in the UK are another blatant example, with the government now trying to hunt down and imprison people for the most minor of actions (a British teen was recently put in prison for two years for merely flying a British flag near a Mosque). Anyone who stands against multiculturalism (and futurism) risks being arrested and thrown in a cage.

UK authorities have suggested that Elon Musk should be charged and that other Americans should be extradited for promoting conservative values on immigration or arguing in favor of British protests. We’re just pointing out that there’s only two ways this can go: Either the British people rebel and violently overthrow the globalist puppets in their own government, or, they will become slaves living in fear within their own country.

It sounds truly insane; all of this drama over basic free speech rights, but this is the world we are now approaching and leftists are happily supporting the transition.

Musk has stated that he believes X will eventually be shut down in the US should Kamala Harris gain the presidency in the November election, and I’m inclined to agree. Look at what the establishment did to social media newcomer Parler when they started gaining traction; the elites simply shut down their ability to function efficiently on the web grow their user base. Under a Harris regime they will feel emboldened to go even further.

The rhetoric of the Democrats is quite clear – They are anti-free speech and they view certain ideas as a threat to our THEIR society.

And that, as is the way with all tyrants, is something they just will not stand for. The silver lining? Smith puts it pithily:

Frankly, a rebellion doesn’t need to ask for permission to rebel.

Indeed it doesn’t; certainly, it shouldn’t be asking. The question before us remains the same old one I’m becoming downright monotonous about asking: are there enough Real Americans left who are genuinely interested in rebelling? Read the rest for Smith’s perhaps overly optimistic response. Which brings us right back around to Bedford Forrest’s evergreen admonition to “get ‘em skeered, and keep the skeer on ‘em.”

Update! Via Glenn: related? Oh, you just bet your sweet bippy it is.

What September 11, 2001 Taught Us: There Are No Adults in the Room
The Axis of Evil in American politics is now complete: Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, and Kamala Harris are all on the same side. They will compromise on any of their supposed ideological differences and bury old blood-stained hatchets — remember when the Left called Cheney a war profiteer and blood-crazed jingoist? — in pursuit of a higher goal.

That goal is keeping power in the hands of tiny, privileged elites who despise most lesser Americans. And centralizing such power in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, including the power to start pointless wars (see Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine), and flood American cities with tens of thousands of poor immigrants. Remember that it was Bush/Cheney that started the policy of recruiting Somalis and flying them over 10 safe Muslim countries in order to make Minnesota more “diverse.” Mission accomplished!

You could see the coalition taking shape years ago, when all the Best People gathered for John McCain’s funeral in Washington, D.C., and then-President Donald Trump was pointedly disinvited. Our elites air-kissed and traded alligator tears around McCain’s flag-draped casket. In a touching moment of bipartisan polyamory, George W. Bush and Michelle Obama flirted like 13-year-olds while Barack looked on with a smile.

What unites these power elites beside a haughty contempt for the public they claim to serve? One key qualification that is too little discussed, even among MAGA types: amoral, blasé, dilettantish incompetence, unencumbered by moral principles or basic human empathy.

Few of these high-flying powerbrokers rose to the top on merit. As one of us (John) explained in his September 31, 2022 TED Talk in Davos, Switzerland, these people are sharp-toothed, aggressive “alpha sheep,” whose skill set centers on sniffing out elite opinion, quickly conforming to it, then ruthlessly punishing any member of the herd that steps out of line.

Time and past time that these “alpha sheep” got their asses sheared, but good. Trust me when I tell y’uns that you’re gonna want to read every last word of this one too.



Chris Bray discusses where it’s at, where it’s going, and where it might end up.

Jackbooted Paste Eaters
it’s illegal for you to notice that i pick my nose, you fascist, so you have to go to prison

The current unifying theme among a set of people who regard themselves as progressive, liberal, mainstream, respectable, and so on, is a spectacular punishment fetish. Arrest them arrest them arrest them arrest them, they helpfully explain about people who disagree with them about anything, ever. See, for an easy example of the discipline fetish, this quite popular reader-generated “diary” post from a few days ago at Daily Kos, arguing that Tulsi Gabbard’s “Quiet Skies” designation is a proper use of the state security apparatus against a domestic enemy:

It seems to this reader that our intelligence services are merely doing their jobs on this one. Given all of the terrorist horror that Putin has unleashed on the world, if Homeland Security wasn’t keeping an eye on people who meet Gabbard’s profile, I’d be deeply confused and worried. In any case, it seems that in Gabbard finally becoming a part of Trump’s team, the Kremlin is starting to put all of their rotten eggs in one basket and that should make things a bit easier for Homeland Security to do their jobs.

Underlying the teeth-grinding lust for a good firm application of the belt and the rounding up of domestic enemies is an attitude about authority that presumes the correctness of obedience and the proper absence of checks and balances. As Matt Taibbi noted yesterday, the Washington Post has just run a tech policy analysis arguing that social media executives have “thumbed their noses at authorities” — but the authorities are working to “bring tech giants to heel.”

Nearly every paragraph of this Washington Post thing contains extremely telling language, like the description of the brave judge Alexandre de Moraes fighting for democracy in Brazil by repressing platforms that tolerate the evil of dangerously unmediated speech, or the Eastern Bloc-flavored description of social media figures like Elon Musk as “impudent.” Note that, while social media leaders are being “brought to heel,” they’re also being “reined in.”

So the tolerant liberals are both yanking the leash and jerking on the reins, bringing the animals into submission. To protect democracy.

Underscoring once again why it was that the Founders abhorred and feared democracy vehemently, explicitly, and unequivocally. As a classic 1st-Generation meme had it: “Liberals” are the people the Founding Fathers warned us about; they’re the precise reason why the Second Amendment exists in the first place. Wise men, those Founder-dudes were. The bill for having ignored their sagacious advice is now coming due, and the price of our flaccid negligence is dreadfully steep.

But yeah, I’m sure we can find SOME way to peaceably coexist cheek-by-jowl with the Goosesteppin’ Left scourge. All’s Real Americans will have to do is agree to siddown, shaddup, and Submit©, no biggie. Left unanswered is just why any self-respecting, liberty-minded Patriot would even WANT to peaceably coexist with such as they.

Hit the road, Jack

It’s already been noted by Barry and Kenny in the comments, and happily, it appears to be the genuine article.

Normalcy advocate Robby Starbuck makes Harley-Davidson do a U-turn on woke policies
Conservative boycotts evidently work wonders.

Conservative filmmaker Robby Starbuck announced on X Monday that under threat of boycott and amidst a concerted pressure campaign, the 121-year-old motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson has scrapped various leftist initiatives.

“We did it again,” wrote Starbuck. “3 for 3. The left fears what I’m doing because it’s effective. The attacks will increase with the plan we have but we have a plan and it accounts for the arrows that will be fired at us. We won’t slow down for anyone.”

Blaze News previously reported that Starbuck and others blasted Tractor Supply, a company established in 1938, for mandating that its employees undergo “LGBTQIA+ training,” for funding sex-change mutilations through its health plan, and for sponsoring so-called family-friendly transvestite performances, as well as for other leftist initiatives.

The exposure was evidently too much to handle, as Tractor Supply announced on June 27 that it had taken the “feedback to heart” and would no longer volunteer data to the powerful LGBT activist group that calls itself the Human Rights Campaign; would ditch “DEI roles and retire [its] current DEI goals”; and would jettison its carbon emission goals.

When similarly targeted for liberation, John Deere similarly traded the LGBT colors back for the red, white, and blue, indicating it would “no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events” and would be taking additional steps to shore up customer trust.

Last month, Starbuck launched his latest campaign: a boycott of Harley-Davidson, a once-beloved motorcycle manufacturer founded in 1903.

In a series of social media posts and videos, he provided fuel for a Bud Light-style boycott, alleging that the company:

  • supports legislation that would enable men to enter “girl’s bathrooms, sports and locker-rooms”;
  • required thousands of employees to undertake training on “how to become LGBTQ+ allies”;
  • was a founding member of Wisconsin’s LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce — a group that opposed a law that would have saved children from sex-change mutilations;
  • celebrated two additional “Months of Inclusion” beside so-called Pride Month;
  • worked on having “less White suppliers, dealers and employees”;
  • partnered yearly with “Pride Ride”; and
  • partnered with the Human Rights Campaign on non-straight activism, ultimately securing a 90/100 rating on the HRC’s CEI index.

Starbuck also highlighted some statements made and actions taken by the company’s German-born CEO, Jochen Zeitz, that might prickle customers, including:

  • his boast that his corporate activism had at least one peer calling him the “sustainable Taliban”;
  • signing of a joint letter to the COP28 presidency demanding an end to fossil fuels;
  • criticism of President Donald Trump for leaving the Paris Agreement;
  • committal of Harley-Davidson to the UN Global Compact; and
  • advocacy for DEI.

“I don’t think the values at corporate reflect the values of nearly any Harley Davidson bikers,” wrote Starbuck. “Do Harley riders want the money they spend at Harley to be used later by corporate to push an ideology that’s diametrically opposed to their own values?”

Whatever pressure Americans helped apply in concert with the conservative filmmaker appears to have been enough.

At noon on Monday, Harley-Davidson stated on X, “We are saddened by the negativity on social media over the last few weeks, designed to divide the Harley-Davidson community. As a Company, we take this issue very seriously, and it is our responsibility to respond with clarity, action and facts.”

Harley-Davidson claimed that pursuant to an internal stakeholder review initiated earlier this year, the company has kicked its supplier diversity spend goals to the curb and does not have hiring quotas. It noted further that its “DEI function” has been dead since April 2024 and the company does “not have a DEI function today.”

More yet at the link, all of it heady, enheartening stuff. Sincerest kudos and a hearty Yo Ho Ho for swashbuckling “Normalcy Advocate” Robbie Starbuck, who says he very much digs his new title, as well he might. I know plenty of CF Lifers don’t much care one way or the other about Harley-Davidson, which is their good right. Ultimately, though, the Motor Company being hauled off into Wokester oblivion would have been another resounding victory for the Goosesteppin’ Left—something we can ill-afford more of, greasy, grubby bikers and cage-driving squarejohns alike. So good on ya, Mr Starbuck sir, keep up the fine work.



Feel the love, the “joy,” the compassion, the empathy. That weirdo JD Vance certainly does.

The only thing at all shocking about this is how entirely NOT shocking it is. Still think I’m in any way kidding around, hyperbolizing, or exaggerating for effect when I call them The Enemy and/or say “kill them ALL,” prithee tell?

Sure, I could chase my tail pointing out that the overwhelming majority of abortions are not the result of rape but of using abortion as an alternate, last-ditch form of birth control, but I refuse to waste my time shouting at brick walls.


To Civil War, or NOT to Civil War?

On Amerika v2.0’s self-evidently fraudulent “elections.”

Of course the propagandists gaslit everyone – election fraud was a conspiracy theory, it was the most secure election in history, and so on and so forth. That this was the precise opposite of what they’d been saying for the previous four years – that Russia had hacked Our Democracy – was neither here nor there. Later Time Magazine bragged that they had ‘fortified’ the election, which everyone understood to as an admission that they’d stolen it.

Election fraud in America utilizes a variety of tactics: ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting from senile seniors, registering illegal immigrants and other non-citizens to vote (which, as everyone knows, is why the regime is so hostile to voting ID laws), electronically forged ballots, and forged mail-in ballots. Definitive evidence of any one form of electoral fraud is extremely difficult to obtain, requiring painstaking forensic work. Even when such evidence is found, it will only pertain to one form of fraud, in one or a few locations. This enables regime respecters to claim that fraud is rare, and does not occur on a large enough scale to swing elections. Somehow they never say that any cheating at all is unacceptable. Funny that.

Not everyone fell for the fraud, of course. Outraged rallies began to spontaneously rise up across the country, ultimately converging on DC for the doomed J6 ‘insurrection’.

It didn’t matter.

The propagandists called Trump’s supporters terrorists. Those who entered the Capitol were arrested, imprisoned, subjected to various forms of psychological torture.

The regime stole the election in broad daylight, grinned with its hands in the cookie jar, looked the country right in the eyes with crumbs dribbling down its wobbling chins, grinned “What cookie?”, and dared anyone to call it on their blatant lies.

The regime got away with it.

It is obvious that they are doing the same thing again. It worked the first time, so why would they not? The Biden administration proved that you don’t need a charismatic candidate, or even a minimally competent one. All you need is a warm body that can be wheeled in front of the cameras every now and then. The compliance of the propaganda organs renders any embarrassing behaviour from the warm body wholly irrelevant. Enough of the population is so thoroughly brainwashed, so completely incapable of evaluating reality, so utterly prostrated before propaganda, that they will believe whatever they are told to believe and they will do so with the whole of their hollowed-out hearts. Not everyone, to be sure … but enough. Particularly as those most completely captured are the Single Woke Females, the professional-managerial class aparat-chicks that infest the institutions.

In the confusing months between November 2020 and J6, there was rampant speculation Trump would take some sort of bold action – a military coup d’etat, or even a Civil War. There’s no question that if he’d given the word his supporters would have turned out in their millions. Everyone sensed that it was go time, and they were ready to go. In the end, after some half-hearted lawsuits and a few rallies, the big man lost his nerve. Go home, he told his supporters. Go in peace. It’s over.

He may well have been right to do so. The Biden presidency was disastrous for America. The economy has fallen apart; inflation has wiped people out; the leaking border has shattered, letting in tens of millions, many criminals, many very possibly much worse than criminals; America has found itself embroiled in wars all over the world, which threaten to turn nuclear. The last four years have been an almost unprecedented national humiliation. Biden is, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst president America has ever had.

But was the Biden presidency worse than a Civil War?

Think about that.

And that really is the question, isn’t it? In effect, it amounts to the same quandary I’ve been struggling with here for a very long time now—or it FEELS like a very long time, at any rate. To wit: Is it better to fight back against metastasizing Überstadt tyranny to the last drop of Patriot blood, or to maintain the illusion of notional “peace” and tacitly accept defeat? In the end, I think, the hard nut of our dilemna comes down to this:

And there you have it. The rest is just applesauce.

Update! Having linked/excerpted him a cpl-three times now, the time has come to grant the planet-hopping Jeddak of Helium John Carter his rightful place of honor in Ye Aulde CF Blogrolle, methinks. Done, done, and done.

Updated update! And with the addition of the Warlord of Mars to our CF blogroll section, it occurs to me that a thorough scouring/refreshing/reshuffling of said section to update changed URLs, delete abandoned or extinct blogs, and put in new (if only to me) blogs/sites/portals—a tedious albeit essential routine-maintenance chore I dread like an ass-whuppin’, thus encouraging my lifelong habit of procrastination*—is way overdue. *le sigh*

* Did somebody say “lifelong” just now? I originally learned the word “procrastination” when my first-grade teacher wrote it on my very first report card, cautioning my parents to be on the lookout for my seemingly-innate inclination to it. I repeat: *le sigh*


Let’s you and him fight

We can but hope.

Cops Are Reportedly Calling in Sick: Will DNC Violence Be Worse Than 1968?
The Democratic National Convention kicks off in Chicago on Monday, and the city has been bracing for violence and riots. Businesses started boarding up their windows and doors last week due to the many thousands of antisemitic, pro-Palestinian protesters expected to descend on the area organized by more than 200 different groups. Some are saying it could be reminiscent of the violence that plagued the 1968 DNC, which was also in Chicago.

Chicago law enforcement dismisses that idea.

“Chicago 2024 won’t be like Chicago 1968. That is the promise of law-enforcement officials and protest organizers alike as the curtain prepares to lift on this year’s Democratic National Convention,” the Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend. “Each side says it aims to maintain the peace even as thousands are expected to demonstrate against the war in Gaza, abortion restrictions and on other hotly contested issues.”

That may just be wishful thinking. According to some reports on social media, more than 1,000 officers are calling in sick.

While we cannot independently verify this, it makes perfect sense. In light of recent history, who in the police department wants to put their lives on the line for these people? 

Meanwhile, Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-Ill.) says that 150 members of the Illinois National Guard are “on standby” for the DNC.

Obviously, we hope that there won’t be violence and no one gets hurt, but the signs of pending chaos have been there for months. If more than a thousand police officers have called in sick, they’re going to be severely outmanned, and that’s a recipe for disaster.

Sorry, Matt, you know I love ya and all, but speak for yourself on that one. Me, I’m rooting for mass casualties, as many as possible—the vast majority of them DRTs, hopefully. If the Dims and their freaks, pAntiFa geeks, Jew-obssessed psychos, and sundry professional-victim-class losers burn Chicago to the fucking ground and leave a smoking ruin in their wake, hey, I’m fine with it.

Update! WINDY CITY FORECAST: Unseasonably high rhetorical temperatures, with widely scattered rioting and severe lawlessness likely over the next several days; chance of bodies stacked in windrows exceeding 90%.

Crime-filled Chicago displays all that’s wrong with Democrats in one failing city
If the message of this week’s Democratic National Convention is “We’re going to make America more like Chicago” then run for the hills.

Chicago is the murder capital of America — with someone shot every two hours and someone killed every 17 hours. So far this year, 353 victims, most of them black, have been murdered in Chicago. The homicide rate is five times higher than New York’s. 

“Democrats wanted to hold the convention somewhere safer, but Beirut wasn’t available,” quipped one wag.

Chicagoans thought Lightfoot was bad, but Johnson’s embrace of Chicago’s sanctuary-city status and exploitation of racial grievances has taken crime and disorder to a new level, with an influx of illegal migrants threatening to bankrupt the collapsing city budget and angering black Chicagoans. 

Last week, a black pastor warned Democrats that many black Chicagoans are so fed up they are considering deserting the party.

“Black people have been with the Democratic Party for over 60 years and we have nothing,” Pastor David Lowery Jr. told reporters. “We don’t own anything in our community…All we have is crime and problems.”

Sorry dipshit, but seeing as how we both know you’ll be voting en masse for Kumala this fall no matter what, my sympathy for you, your congregants, and your nightmarish urban hellscape is, shall we say, limited to nonexistent.


Ain’t that America

Welcome to Thunderdome.

Anybody who knows anything at all about paintball guns and ammo knows that those little suckers hurt like a brass-plated bitch, leave one hell of a Technicolor bruise, and are entirely capable of inflicting serious, permanent injury should one catch a round in the face, eye, or throat. As such, I consider it a scandal and a shame that nobody returned fire at the Minneapolistan Geheime Staatspolizei—and I do NOT mean with paintball guns, neither. Far as I’m concerned, there should’ve been lead-poisoned cops lying all over the street within moments after those filthy pigs opened the ball.

On innocent people guilty of nothing more, mind, than sitting out on their own front porch bothering, threatening, encroaching on, and/or harming nary a soul, in any conceivable manner.

Perhaps most sobering of all is that we’re only hearing about this state-sanctioned brutality now, four years after it occurred. Have Americans become so anesthetized, so complacent, so docile that wanton assault by marauding bands of brigands-with-badges can pass them blandly by without igniting a firestorm of public outrage, vilification, and howls for justice in its wake? FORBID IT, ALMIGHTY GOD!

The detestable Command Master Chief First Top Bird Colonel DELTA Force Power Ranger Sergeant of the US Army Gov Tampon Tim AWOLz shouldn’t get a pass for his part in this atrocity, of course, but he’s a Communist idiot so one doesn’t really expect much better from the twatwaffle. The thug cops, on the other hand, knew damned well that what they were doing was immoral, unlawful, reprehensible, and completely over the top, yet they did it anyway—and seemed to enjoy themselves tremendously, if the vid is any indication.

We DO expect better from the “Protect and Serve” boys, and are perfectly entitled to; in fact, we not only should, but must. Every last man Jack of these vicious schweinhunden ought to be identified, hunted down, and punished unsparingly for this outrage.


EU fascists threaten Musk, Musk responds

Not just appropriately—PERFECTLY, in actual fact.

Up your ass with jagged glass, EU fascists. The more Elon shows us of his, erm, feistier side, the more I have to like the guy.

(Via Eeyore)


Liar, coward, Blue Falcon Part the Umpty-leventh

Remember the other day when I said:

Actually, as I understand it, it was NOT his “right” to “retire early.” His contractual service commitment was not due to expire until 2007, but when word came down in late 2005 that his cannon-cocker unit would soon be deploying to Iraq, he summarily dropped out—after shitting himself in sheer terror, of course.

Yeah, well. About that.

According to Walz’s Command Sergeant Major, Walz had signed a six year contract when he re-upped in the National Guard in 2000. When he was notified that his unit would be mobilized for Iraq, he put in for retirement, despite having two years left to serve on his contract.

His superior denied his request — so Walz went up to two levels of command above to get someone to grant his quickie retirement (and breaking of his contract).

Why would someone let him out of the contract?

I don’t know, but remember, in 2004-2006, the Democrats’ big plan for defeating Bush and the Republicans was to recruit lots of people who could claim a military background, so they could challenge the Republicans’ notions of patriotism.

And it just so happened that as soon as this coward was let out, he declared he was running for Congress.

Did that motivate a politically-minded superior to give him a Get Out of War Free pass?

Of course it did. Next up: ask a silly question.

A: He’s a fucking lying-ass D卐M☭CRAT, that’s how. Lying is not just SOP for such slimeballs as they, it’s mandatory.


Getting it straight

Regarding Herr Kommissar Starmer’s latest outrage.

I’m trying a little experiment on an end-run of my own devising around the annoying “Show more…” Twatter links. Let’s see how it goes. Inline update! Nope, didn’t work. Oh well, whatcha gonna do. No biggie, really; if Elon needs the extra clicks, I’m okay with not depriving him of ‘em.

As for Herr Starmer, Divemedic makes a crucial point.

The UK says that they will extradite and prosecute Americans for saying mean things on the Internet, which is a violation of UK law. It’s illegal to say mean things while engaging in political speech online.

You might scoff, but remember that it won’t be UK police coming to arrest you. It will be US cops coming to haul you away to be sent to the UK for doing something that is entirely legal to do here in the US.

Indeed. Thank goodness no US cop would ever arrest and/or extradite an America citizen to Britainistan for exercising his God-given, Constitutionally-protected right to free speech. What a relief!


Have You Forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2016, the FBI and DOJ ran a comprehensive surveillance operation against his campaign. The same people manufactured a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2017, the DOJ and Congress ran a comprehensive Special Counsel operation against his presidency. The justification of the SC operation was to prove a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. The real reason for the SC operation was to cover up the FBI and DOJ completely fabricating the case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2019, congress and the intelligence apparatus (Mary McCord and Michael Atkinson) manufactured an impeachment hoax using Ukraine, a fabricated DoD plant on the National Security Council (Vindman), the CIA (Ciaramella) and the Intelligence Community Inspector General (Attkinson). Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2020, the U.S. Intelligence Community, working through the U.S. CDC, seeded a global pandemic and quickly manufactured an election result using mail-in ballots to manufacture 81 million votes for a completely controlled candidate with dementia. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2022, Joe Biden (through AG Garland) appointed a special prosecutor (smith) to investigate, indict and convict him. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2023, the FBI and DOJ raided his home. Indicted him under claims of “national security,” then began to use Lawfare in the court system against him. Have you forgotten?

♦ To stop him in 2024, the U.S. Secret Service permitted a 20-year-old with a backpack, range finder, drone and long rifle, to walk into a Trump rally, set up position on a rooftop next to the USSS operating team, and fire eight shots at less than 150 yards at President Trump’s head, wounding his ear. Have you forgotten?

So, my question remains:

Big Question: How are Ukraine Stakeholders, CIA and U.S. Intelligence Community Going to Stop Donald Trump?

If you are not reading Sundance you are missing some of the most profound and intelligent material available about the sickness and corruption in the American government.

This is not about Donald Trump, in spite of how the neverTrumpers try to frame it. It is about freedom and Liberty, it is about Americans choosing an American path. Trump is just the first to stand and fight on our behalf. There will be others and so “they” are trying to stop this one in order to stop us.

Stop talking about the coming Civil War. We are already in the 2nd Civil War and the other side has drawn weapons and are shooting. There are multiple ways one can fight back against tyranny short of using the last resort, so start using those as best you can.

Have You Forgotten – Darryl Worley


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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