Terrorist alert!

“Palestinian” “activists”: SHOOT ON SIGHT.


Ask a silly question Part the Eighty Bajillion And Eleventh

Man, I really gotta start properly keeping up with the numbers on these “silly question” posts of mine, instead of just making ‘em up as I go along.

Spaniards Aren’t Afraid To Protest, So Why Are American Conservatives?

Hmmm, lemmesee now: because they’re aware that they have an overly powerful enemy in Amerika v2.0’s FBI/Stasi/Waffen SS, and will surely be summarily pronounced guilty—without benefit of legal representation, formal indictment, or trial by jury—of multiple counts of the Sacred Democracy™-annihilating Secret Felony of “unarmed parading with aggravated counter-revolutionary intent” and end up Goo(g)lagged as “violent insurrectionists” if they do?

Tens of thousands of protesters have flooded city streets across Spain since October in sustained demonstrations opposing a socialist takeover of the Spanish government. Protesters are showing their opposition toward an amnesty deal between Spain’s socialist President Pedro Sánchez and treasonous Catalan separatists, who violated the Spanish constitution in 2017 by attempting to secede from Spain. By striking a deal to free incarcerated and exiled Spanish criminals, Sánchez was able to secure a third term in power.

The protests are organized by Spain’s conservative People’s Party and Vox, its further right, populist party. In an interview between Vox President Santiago Abascal and Tucker Carlson last week, Abascal explained that the amnesty deal is a crime “against the constitution” and “national unity.”

But the massive demonstrations are not just in defense of the Spanish Constitution, Abascal explained; they’re about what an illegal third Sánchez term means for Spain, namely a failing Spanish economy, two-tier justice, mass illegal immigration from Muslim countries, speech policing, globalism, the demonization of Spanish history, and loss of Spanish identity.

The problems faced by Spaniards are strikingly similar to those facing Americans. The American left hates our heritage so much they torched American cities and destroyed historical statues and monuments for an entire summer. Our corrupt president, Joe Biden, was able to take power thanks to a rigged election, and his administration has weaponized the federal government against his most prominent political adversary, former President Donald Trump, and anyone in ideological opposition to the Democrats.

Using fear and intimidation, the left is scaring conservatives into giving up their freedom to assemble. One of the primary fear tactics is to severely punish those who, on Jan. 6, 2021, opted to protest Democrat’s election-rigging practices, such as mass mail-in balloting and Big Tech censorship. As newly-released Jan. 6 footage further reveals, many of the Jan. 6 protesters accused of rioting were peaceful.

Conservatives aren’t just afraid — they’re also hopeless. After witnessing the Marxist race riots of 2020 and the erasure of their civil liberties during Covid, many Americans no longer recognize their homeland.

Spain Understands The Stakes

Spain has first-hand experience with communism. When communists controlled Spain, both in the lead-up to and during the civil war in the 1930s, it resulted in the persecution of Spanish intellectuals, clerics, and Christian laypeople.

Spanish communists began their anti-Christian hate by banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from classrooms, and deeming all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Eventually, they started burning Catholic Churches and mass executing Catholic religious and laypeople. Property rights were thrown out, and conservatives were unjustly convicted in kangaroo courts and executed.

In America, we are blessed not to know. However, that blessing is also a curse. We don’t appreciate how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny. Unable to oppose or even recognize tyranny, younger generations have lost touch with the American revolutionary spirit after sending generations of Americans to spend their formative years in reeducation camps run by cultural Marxists (aka public school and the university system).

Perhaps a way to regain America’s lost fortitude is by watching conservative freedom fighters in Spain. We may not have the national memory of communists burying priests alive or defiling and decapitating nuns, but we can look to Spain for motivation.

Indeed, the Spanish protests should inspire Americans, and Spanish history should be a warning. If we resign ourselves to failure or allow ourselves to be intimidated into silence, the consequences will be nothing short of complete national destruction.

After having been unequivocally and repeatedly schooled, in writing no less, by their own Founding Fathers in all anyone should ever need to know about the subject, if American conservatives don’t appreciate fully by now “how easily a free nation can fall into tyranny”—if they don’t understand the warning provided by not only contemporary Spanish history but more than a century’s historical experience with communism all over the planet—then American conservatives are just too fucking stupid to live, and richly deserve what they’re going to get.

Forget Spain; OUR OWN history, heritage, and powers of observation should provide more than sufficient inspiration to fight the menace of insidious Communism with every ounce of our strength, to our last dying breath. It’s a mark of the Left’s total success at penetrating, taking over, and perverting our education/indoctrination apparat entire that we should need to be reminded of that absolute imperative.

It’s incomprehensible to me that, to our eternal disgrace, we should remain lackadaisical about offering much in the way of meaningful resistance to the damnable Commies, much less openly denounce and defy them, much less take any action against them more effective than sotto voce grumbling amongst our fellows, then scurrying on out to VOAT HARDERER AT THEM!!!© just one more time.

Guess that would be downright uncouth of us, eh? Sometimes, despair can come to feel like the only sensible option in light of all this.

The one and only example Real American patriots need look to and follow is the one set by our illustrious, heroic forefathers. Every day, in every way, let them be our mentors, our inspiration, our spiritual guides. Without them, we are lost. We all know full well what those men would be doing in our situation right about now.

Then again, we also know they’d never have let things slide to such a dire extent that they’d find themselves in our situation in the first place. They’d consider such straits as these to be utterly intolerable, a lowly condition which no proud, self-respecting American man could ever even think of enduring without acting to avenge the insult and redeem his personal honor and dignity—promptly, vigorously, in a fashion brusque enough to preclude any possibility of misinterpretation or mistake.


No, one of these things is NOT like the other

Despite what way too many people who really ought to know better are saying these days.


I screencapped this one rather than embed it like I ordinarily would because for some reason Twitter/X wanted to chop it off after the first few lines and insert one of those obnoxious “Show more” clickbait-links of theirs. Hopefully the text isn’t too small for some of the older eyes out there to make out; it’s really good stuff, and IMHO a very important read. If it is, maybe try this link instead, it might work better for y’all decrepit old fossils. More along similar lines from Harris, with whom I feel like I should be more familiar than I actually am, and likewise-important reading.

In the wake of Hamas’s October 7 attack, it’s important to keep in view the bright line that exists between good and a very specific form of evil. It is the evil of bad ideas—ideas so bad that they can make even ordinary human beings impossible to live with. 

There’s a piece of audio from October 7 that many people have commented on. It’s a recording of a cell phone call that a member of Hamas made to his family, while he was in the process of massacring innocent men, women, and children. The man is ecstatic, telling his father and mother, and I think brother, that he has just killed ten Jews with his own hands. He had just murdered a husband and wife and was now calling his family from the dead woman’s phone.

Of course, all of this horror is compounded by the irony that the Jews who were killed on October 7 were, for the most part, committed liberals and peace activists. Hamas killed the sorts of people who volunteer to drive sick Palestinians into Israel for medical treatments. They murdered the most idealistic people in Israel. They raped, tortured, and killed young people at a trance dance music festival devoted to peace, half of whom were probably on MDMA feeling nothing but love for all humanity when the jihadists arrived. In terms of a cultural and moral distance, it’s like the fucking Vikings showed up at Burning Man and butchered everyone in sight. 

Just think about what happened at the Supernova music festival: at least 260 people were murdered in the most sadistically gruesome ways possible. Decapitated, burned alive, blown up with grenades…and from the jihadist side, this wasn’t an error. It’s not that if they could have known what was in the hearts of those beautiful young people, they would have thought, “Oh my God, we’re killing the wrong people. These people aren’t our enemies. These people are filled with love and compassion and want nothing more than to live in peace with us.” No, the true horror is that, given what jihadists believe, those were precisely the sorts of people any good Muslim should kill and send to hell where they can be tortured in fire for eternity. From the jihadist point of view, there is no mistake here. And there is no basis for remorse. Please absorb this fact: for the jihadist, all of this sadism—the torture and murder of helpless, terrified people—is an act of worship. This is the sacrament. This isn’t some nauseating departure from the path to God. This isn’t stalled spiritual progress, much less sin. This is what you do for the glory of God. This is what Muhammed himself did. 

There is no substitute for understanding what our enemies actually want and believe. I’m pretty sure that many of you reading this aren’t even comfortable with my use of the term enemy, because you don’t want to believe that you have any. I understand that. But you have to understand that the people who butchered over 1,400 innocent men, women, and children in Israel on October 7 were practicing their religion, sincerely. They were being every bit as spiritual, from their point of view, as the trance dancers at the Supernova festival were being from theirs. They were equally devoted to their highest values. Equally uplifted. Ecstatic. Amazed at their good fortune. They wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone. Let this image land in your brain: they were shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) all day long, as they murdered women and children. And these people are now being celebrated the world over by those who understand exactly what they did. Yes, many of those college kids at Harvard and Stanford and Cornell are just idiots who have a lot to learn about the world. But in the Muslim community, and that includes the crowds in London and Sydney and Brooklyn, Hamas is being celebrated by people who understand exactly what motivates them. 

S’truth. It’s beyond dismaying how, in such a relatively short span of time after the 9/11 atrocities, so many Americans could have forgotten so much already—especially seeing as how the jihadist filth have carried right on with their 1500-year campaign of bloodcurdling horror and brutality, committing numerous, if less spectacular, crimes against humanity across the civilized world since 2001. Can the Leftist Enemy really be as adept at propagandizing, brainwashing, and desensitization as that? Are American college students really so incapable of learning, of thinking for themselves, that they’d be susceptible to such Satanic blandishments? Will entire generations of our historically-illiterate young people have to be written off as irretrievably lost to pure evil?

The above excerpt is from a partial transcript of a longer audio interview with Harris, which is available at the link also. Like I said before, I’m minimally aware of Sam Harris as some kind of controversial New Right figure, and…well, and that’s about it, really. Never have read any of his stuff before; I do know he’s one of those gadfly pundits that routinely catches a crapton of condemnation from just about every side. Beyond what you just read, I can’t honestly say I know a thing about his views on other topics—as insightful and incisive as the above items are, he could still be full of shit as a Christmas turkey on everything else for all I know. I should probably try to do a little self-edjumacation on him, I reckon.

(Both via KT)


The “insurrection” that wasn’t

But damned well should have been.

Watch these two horrific videos in their entirety—sound up, so you can hear everything the Capitol Hill Pigs are saying as they gloat over carrying out their assigned violent role in this blatant coup d’état—and then try to tell me the evil government behind the whole put-up job does not richly deserve to be brought down in flaming ruin by the outraged, infuriated populace they’re terrorizing and oppressing.

Every last one of the plotters—from gin-hag Pelosi right down to the lowliest CHPD thug—needs to swing from DC gibbets until dead, then left hanging for a month to allow the carrion fowl to feast on the carcasses. After all, buzzards gotta eat too, you know.

There simply aren’t words strong enough to express my heartsick disgust at this godawful mess. Yes, I do fully support Israel’s retaliatory assault against the Paleosimians in Gaza (and everyfuckingwhere else) and wish them all success at removing the Islamist cancer from their midst. But from the above it’s all too clear that we have no business sending carrier groups, fighters/bombers, and ground troops to assist them; there’s war aplenty to be fought right here at home—we have an illegitimate, contra-Constitutional government to deal with our own selves.


Truth: outing

Slowly but surely, as it will do.

MAGA Calls for J6 Committee to Be Jailed After Capitol Building Tapes Reveal ‘Insurrection’ Was Really an Inside Job!

  • Jan. 6 tapes released by House Speaker Mike Johnson prove Capitol breach was government entrapment operation facilitated by police — not an insurrection.
  • Republican lawmakers demand investigations into Democrat J6 committee.

Conservatives on social media are calling for investigations into the January 6 Committee in light of exonerating evidence showing the Capitol breach was a setup facilitated by police.

Unedited footage released Friday by House Speaker Mike Johnson is devastating to the Jan. 6 Committee narrative that a violent insurrection unfolded at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) likewise called on House Republicans to investigate the Jan. 6 Committee.

“Why didn’t Liz Cheney and Adam Kizinger ever refer to any of these tapes? Maybe they never looked for them. Maybe they never even questioned their own narrative. Maybe they were just too busy selectively leaking the text messages of Republicans they wanted to defeat,” Lee wrote Saturday on X.

Or maybe they were, y’know, complicit. Included is a whole slew of videos, the pick of my personal litter being this one:

Prison, my chapped ass. What they ought to be is stood up against the nearest wall and fucking shot. No blindfold, no last cigarette, no nothin’. Them, along with one whole helluva lot of others, too.

“Investigation”? By the Vichy GOPers? Yeah, that should take care of it. PROBLEM SOLVED, ISSUE ADDRESSED, THE SYSTEM WORKS! Everybody can just go on back to sleep now, mmkay? And just never you mind about the scores of J6 “insurrectionists” still languishing in the FederalGovCo Goo(g)lag without benefit of attorney, kangaroo-court trial, or even charges—as well as the ongoing Stasi manhunt for the rest of those traitorous ÜberUltraMegaMAGA thugs who perpetrated a violent, deadly assault against the Holy Citadel of Our Sacred Democracy™ that dark day.

Update! Francis takes issue with the latest utterance of The Biggest Lie Of All Time.

It pays to stay abreast of developments in deceit. Those who fail to do so might not recognize occasions when someone is striving to mislead them. That can lead to unpleasantness.

One that is seldom appreciated for its ironic beauty recently poked its head above the high-slime line:

Late Wednesday, the Capitol Police confronted violent protesters outside the DNC’s HQ in Washington, D.C. The situation was particularly tense because top members of the Democratic Party, some of whom receive a 24-hour security detail from the Capitol Police, were inside the building at the time. Multiple police officers were injured in the violence, which the Capitol Police confirmed was violent and more resembled a riot.

“That is quite an image. We haven’t seen an image like that since January 6,” [CNN anchor Dana] Bash said of images from the violence plastered on the screen.

Let’s pause here for a moment. A couple of years ago, Mainstream Media news figures compared the events in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021 to recognized horrors such as those in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. They employed the latter atrocity as a standard: something by which to measure other things. That’s what standards are.

Above, nearly three years since the January 6 disturbance at the Capitol Building, Dana Bash uses that event as a standard by comparing the riot outside DNC headquarters to it. This implies that the January 6 disorder, which was far milder than the press strove to portray it, has become a measuring stick for outbreaks of violent disorder.

However, Bash appears to have realized immediately that she’d “overplayed her hand:” that is, that the events of January 6, 2021 were not usable as a standard for atrocities…or at least not yet:

Reacting to the incident on CNN, network anchor Dana Bash compared scenes from the violence to Jan. 6 — before immediately trying to retract the comparison.

“Totally different topic, totally different kind of people. I mean, I don’t want to at all compare the sort of substance of it,” Bash backtracked, “but the idea that there was violence and that there were Capitol Police officers actually hurt there.”

Just a moleskin-gloved minute there, Colonel: Were any Capitol Police injured on January 6, 2021? There were no reports thereof, even though those selfsame police killed at least two of the protestors. But perhaps I should stick to the main point.

The “promotion” of the scandalously slandered January 6 protest into a standard for the measurement of “other atrocities” might succeed among hard-left-wingers and the most credulous. But owing to the slow leakage of real-time videos from the Capitol protest, the percentage of Americans who are aware of the realities has grown steadily. Perhaps Bash realized that, though not quite in time to avert the comparison.

Quite a rare thing in a way, this sudden spontaneous outburst of candor revealing her considered opinions on the matter, however moronically at variance with observable reality they are; distorting or concealing them is the usual practice of such “people.” Her impromptu scrambling to cover for the invidious comparison betwixt the J6 protests and bona fide destruction and violence committed by shitlib rioters might bespeak a shifting of the prevailing political winds, one must hope.


TWANLOCs exposing themselves

Would anyone like to explain to me again why we should think of these subhumans as our “countrymen,” rather than as what they actually are: our enemies?

Osama bin Laden’s infamous ‘Letter to America’ after 9/11 promoted by TikTok influencers, goes viral
Others on social media are promoting the terrorist’s justification of attacks on the U.S., antisemitic rhetoric

A TikTok influencer went viral this week for promoting Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America.”

Online personality and pro-Palestinian activist Lynette Adkins urged her over 175,000 TikTok followers on Tuesday to read the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks. 

“I need everyone to stop what they’re doing right now and go read- It’s literally two pages. Go read ‘A Letter to America,” Adkins said the video. “And please come back here and just let me know what you think because I feel like I’m going through, like, an existential crisis right now and a lot of people are, so I just need someone else to be feeling this.”

Her video received roughly 800,000 views and over 80,000 likes on TikTok.

So there it is then, in plain, black and white numbers: 800k (at least) “people” who very much need to be, umm, removed, shall we say, without further ado before we can call this a truly civilized country again.

Update! Megyn Kelly, smokin’ hot as always (in more than just the obvious way), puts it to ‘em straight.

Said a mouthful there, girlfriend.


“Hey, I know, let’s give ourselves back to England!”

That’s a punchline I remember from the “Letters to the editor” feature in the old National Lampoon magazine, to which I subscribed throughout my teenage years and a bit beyond; the gag being that the letter was ostensibly from some prominent conservative Republican or other, as odd as that sounds today. What brought it to mind was a pair of regrettable Tweets from an idiot.

GelenderTwit 1

And then Number Two.

GelederTwit 2

Oh, I’m starting to get it all right, you brain-dead bint, believe you me I am. Lileks responds:

The best way to ensure security for Jews is to dissolve the country where they can define themselves and defend themselves, and disperse them among other populations in other countries where they have no history.

Relocating Palestinians to Jordon, of course, is off the table.

So the Jews should be moved to the United States, but don’t unpack, because we’re moving everyone in United States out of United States. The good news is it will be okay to be a colonizer for a week or two until we sort out the paperwork and figure where you’re going.

It’s not just the wisdom of these bright lights that inspires, it’s the way it’s matched with such can-do practicality.

By the way, I assume that everyone with European ancestry has to leave Central and South America, and pile back into Spain and Portugal. Perhaps mestizo will be given a choice – stay or go – or moved to a large platform in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

It’ll be quite the project, everyone sorting themselves back to the proper starting point, but it will be a Just World when it’s done. This will coincide with a ban on air travel and non-essential movement because of the Climate Crisis, of course, so this means everyone will be frozen in stasis in their original lands, with no one colonizing anyone else.

Naah, James, no need for all that bother, really. It’s only the US and Israel these SooperdooperdoubleplusGENII© hate with such frothing, desperate zeal. If they could just get those two bastions of purest evil sorted out once and for all, then everything would be allllll right. For about three minutes; then they’d start casting about for their next fix-it-yourself project to bitch, piss, and moan endlessly about. With the Left, that’s just who they are, it’s what they do.

(Via Ed Driscoll)


Church Militant

And not in the Dagger John Hughes sense, either. Not hardly. Quite the opposite, unfortunately.

Was St. Malachy Right?
These are hard times for conservative Catholics. For the past 60 years, they have had to watch their church gradually but steadily abandon many of its bedrock principles in what was at first an attempt to stay “relevant” but now looks very much a hostile takeover by the forces of relativistic “progressivism.” Under a series of weak and/or malicious popes, beginning with the unaccountably sainted John XXIII and continuing to the present day in the reign of the regrettable Pope Francis, the Church has abandoned its liturgy, its core beliefs, its traditions, its probity, and its sexual morality. Can things get worse? Of course they can.

Still, let us count the ways they already have hit bottom: During the Second Vatican Council between 1962 and 1965, much of the liturgy was “modernized,” starting with the traditional Latin Mass, called the Tridentine rite. No longer did the mass have to be universally celebrated in Latin, one of the faith’s two historic languages (the other is Greek); now it could be said in the local languages — a deliberate, disruptive balkanization of the faith that was in retrospect one of the first manifestations of the divisive “diversity” fetish that has taken hold in the West.

The priest, who formerly led his congregation by facing the elevated altar, now addressed the parishioners, thus making instant nonsense of his opening words, Introibo ad altare Dei — “I will go unto the altar of the Lord.” In the name of “ecumenicism,” distinctions between and among other faiths, including Judaism and rival Protestantism, were deliberately obscured. And the enormous library of sacred music, written over the centuries by some of the greatest composers, went onto the ash heap, to be replaced by mock-folk hymns sung by Peter, Paul and Mary imitators in order to get in synch with the folk-music revival of that period. It was all very current, now, hip, happening, and utterly awful.

Over the past couple of years, the first Jesuit pontiff, Jorge Bergoglio (an Argentine-born “progressive” Italian) has taken the strongest steps yet to outlaw the Latin Mass…

Last week the punitive primate fired a restive, rebellious American bishop for daring to challenge papal authority: “A statement from the Vatican posted online says ‘The Holy Father has removed Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral care of the diocese of Tyler, United States of America.’ Replacing Strickland will be Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin, according to the statement.”

Strickland, 65, has been publicly critical of Francis and the Vatican. He wrote an open letter in August suggesting the church’s “basic truths” would be challenged at a synod in September, and wrote that he believed an “evil and false message” had “invaded the church.” In another open letter the next month, Strickland addressed members of the LGBT community, particularly taking aim at trans people. “The transgender movement is another face of the LGBTQ agenda, and it is also at odds with the Catholic understanding of the human being,” he wrote in the letter.

It doesn’t help that Bergoglio is a Jesuit — a foundationally radical order that, according to Catholic insiders, has become a hotbed of homosexuality, which may account for this pope’s gay-adjacent theological preferences. Indeed, the Jesuits have distinguished themselves by their rampant apostasy during this parlous period for the Church. Their universities — Georgetown, Boston College, Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles, even Fordham — are among the most “progressive” in the nation, having largely abandoned their religious functions in favor of “diverse” secularism. Like Bergoglio, they’ve lost faith in their own faith — the end stage of any liberal enterprise.

None of this would come as a surprise to Malachy, the 12th-century bishop of Armagh and close confidant of Bernard of Clairvaux, the influential Benedictine abbot and one of the founders of the Knights Templar. While the canonicity of Malachy’s famous prophecies of the popes is roundly disputed (and I generally discount “prophecy” across the board), perhaps we should heed his words. The loss of faith at the top levels of the Church, the diminution of its adherents in the West — not to mention the weird rush to canonize the line of largely failed popes from John XXIII to John Paul II (strong on politics, weak on dogma), including the cipher, Paul VI — indicates an institution in serious trouble.

We might start with treating the Jesuits the way Pope Clement V did the Templars, dissolving the order and leaving them to the mercies of the French king, Philip IV, who executed their leaders in a grand auto-da-fe in 1314.

Not being Catholic myself, strictly speaking, I don’t feel myself qualified to offer much in the way of commentary or analysis. But for what it’s worth, I think Walsh just might be onto something there.


The “climate change” Trojan Horse

In this as in everything else, it’s never really about what they tell you it is.

I have thoroughly debunked the idea of man-made climate change in previous articles and I won’t be spending time on that here. Instead, I want to examine the end goal of climate change policies – The ultimate solution, which is NOT to save the planet, but to dominate the populace.

The names used for the climate change “reset” vary, but it is often referred to by globalists and the UN as Agenda 2030 or Sustainable Development Goals. These programs wear a facade of environmentalism but they are ALL rooted in economics. That is to say, all climate change efforts exist to destroy industry and trade and establish a government/corporate partnership to dominate production. Climate change is a Trojan Horse to introduce authoritarianism.

I believe one of the most important aspects of Agenda 2030 for globalists is something called the “15 Minute City”; a project which involves hundreds of city mayors from across the US, Europe and Asia working closely with groups like the World Economic Forum. Any mention of this idea in a negative light and the media erupts with anger as well as mockery as if it’s not a real issue worthy of debate.

The establishment paints an interesting picture of 15 Minute Cities – A Utopian future in which everything you need is only a short walk away and private transportation is superfluous (or banned). You might even live in mega-complex, much like a giant mall where you also work. You could spend months within one square mile of space, never having to leave for anything.

It’s no mistake that this idea was pushed hard during the pandemic lockdowns. The public was awash in fear propaganda over a virus with a 99.8% survival rate and that fear made the unthinkable idea of staying at home all the time suddenly thinkable. Media pundits continue to call the connection between covid lockdowns and climate lockdowns a conspiracy theory, but the idea is openly admitted in UN and WEF white papers.

Some people argue that most cities are already “15 Minute Cities” with necessities all within walking distance of their homes. These folks don’t understand what a 15 Minute City really is. As numerous establishment descriptions of the project note, it’s not just about convenience or close access, it’s about changing every aspect of our current philosophy of living. It’s not about gaining amenities, it’s about making an array of sacrifices in order to appease the gods of carbon emissions.

The 15 Minute City is more like a recipe, containing every single ingredient of the climate change and covid lockdown agendas in a single comprehensive Orwellian vision. It includes removing motor vehicles, removing private transportation and roads, smart city and AI monitoring of each person’s electricity usage, monitoring of product consumption and “carbon footprint”, biometric surveillance within a compact and stacked urban landscape, the cashless society concept, equity and inclusion cultism, population control, etc.

It is the culmination, the end game; a massive prison with no bars. A place where you are conditioned to grow accustomed to artificial limitations on privacy, no civil liberties, no private property, and no work options or mobility. You are tied to the land and the land is owned by the state (or corporation). If you want a historic comparison, the closest I can find is the feudal system of Medieval Europe.

It’s important to understand that these compact cities will not be designed for your comfort. They will not be designed so that you can have all the amenities you have today closer to your fingertips while also providing “sustainability.” That’s how the globalists try to sell it, but that’s not what it will be. Rather, these cities will be designed to better CONTROL you, so that you can be forced to make the sacrifices they say are necessary for sustainability to be possible.

They are erroneously billed as “decentralized communities,” but they are the exact opposite – They are utterly centralized, like a hamster cage where you are the pet. The core philosophy behind them is dependency. If you live in a place which is specifically constructed to eliminate your ability to provide for yourself, then you are a slave. Though, to be sure, even slavery can be made to look noble if people are convinced that their chains are necessary for the good of the planet.

Thanks to these bloated, endlessly grabby, monstrously-powerful governments, the world becomes a scarier, more threatening place with every passing day, don’t it? Why, it’s almost as if the Founding Fathers actually knew whereof they spoke when they so vehemently warned future generations against the dangers of permitting their central goobermint to outgrow the box it originally came in or something.

Lisa Liberal splutters hysterically: but…but…but…HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY HAVE FORESEEN (fully semi-automatic assault weapon riflepistol guns at every WalMart, available for purchase by any man, woman, or child with no background check, waiting period, permit, or registration required AT ALL, EVER/unlimited-capacity self-reloading magazine clips/Cop Killer bullets/shoulder thingy that goes up/heat-seeking .50 caliber incendiary rounds/GAIA-raping ICE automobiles/rural electrification/deadly gas ranges/insert Leftard bugbear of the month HERE)?!?


A shriek from the loony-bin

Hey, she sounds perfectly sane, reasonable, and well-adjusted to me.

Woman Who Was Featured in Vogue Tells Jews ‘We Will Drink Your Blood and Eat Your Skull’
Back in October 2018, Vogue Arabia, the Dubai-based Arab edition of the venerable fashion magazine, published a piece ostensibly written by Ahed Tamimi, a Palestinian teenager who was seventeen years old at the time: “Occupied Childhood: Ahed Tamimi Pens a Heartfelt Letter About Life in and After Prison.” The editor’s note was worshipful: “In a heartfelt letter, 17-year-old Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi tells the story of her arrest and eight months in an Israeli prison – and the struggles she faces as a symbol of resistance.”

In Vogue, however, Ahed Tamimi did her best to portray herself as just a regular teenage girl, albeit one who happened to be the victim of a cruel military machine: “If I were permitted to be a regular teenager living in a normal country, I would play sports. I wanted to become a football player but I don’t play here because there is no time. Instead, I have been involved in demonstrations and confrontations with the Israeli army since I was a child. Many criticize that, but why not criticize the army who places itself in front of children? Under the occupation, everything is a crime. People should not accuse us; it is the occupation that is wrong.

There isn’t actually any occupation, but Ahed Tamimi’s ardor for the cause remains undimmed. Five years after her Vogue glamor shot, she published this message in Hebrew and Arabic on her Instagram page: “Our message to the settlers: (We) are waiting for you in all the cities of the West Bank, from Hebron to Jenin. We will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke. We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we’re waiting for you.”

Any questions? Anyone? Bueller…? As for all the “occupation,” “stolen land,” “right of return” mumbo-jumbo, Charles Krauthammer put paid to that codswallop long ago:


No further questions, Your Honor; Western Civ rests its case. Word to Netanyahu, on Gaza: Like shit. Through. A. GOOSE, baby. Not one brick left standing upon another. Just git ‘er done, that’s all. Krauthammer meme courtesy of Powerline, with my thanks to ‘em.


The enemy inside the wire

What a disgusting, obscene joke this putative “nation” has become.

White House slammed for ‘tone deaf’ unveiling of anti-Islamophobia strategy as antisemitism surges
The Biden administration faced backlash Wednesday after announcing that it would develop “the first ever US National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia” in the US amid rising levels of antisemitism.

The White House’s focus on combatting Islamophobia comes one day after both the arrest of a 21-year-old self-identified “Hamas fighter” in New York who allegedly threatened to kill and rape Jews at Cornell University and FBI Director Christopher Wray telling senators that antisemitism is reaching “historic levels” in the US following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

“For years, Muslims in America and those perceived to be Muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueled attacks,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a video posted on X.

Surprising absolutely no one who isn’t a ((((JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOO!!!))))-hating “liberal,” that last is just a rerun of the tired, worn-out Wokester lie the Left has been wailing on and on about for decades.

“As a result of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, we have seen an uptick in anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents across America,” she added, referencing the brutal slaying of a six-year-old Palestinian American boy in Chicago last month.

Referenced by Lying Whore Harris because, horrific as it certainly is, it’s just about the only incident she could reference—a lone incident perpetrated by a guy who is clearly a deranged lunatic. The continuous drone from shitlibs bemoaning “Islamophobia” is yet another example of one of their perpetually-imminent-but-never-materializing hobgoblins, ever since 9/11. Assuming anybody out there still remembers why that date used to have some significance attached to it, that is.

Harris indicated that the plan – still in the works – will aim “to protect Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim from hate, bigotry and violence. And to address the concern that some government policies may discriminate against Muslims privilege domestic jihadi terrorists and their left-wing supporters and shield them from all potential consequences for their vile, hateful transgressions against decency, sanity, and the very concept of human civilization.”

Fixed it for ya there, Willie-Licker.

Canadian professor Gad Saad, who referenced the statistics Wray presented to senators Tuesday, was one of many who took to social media to express dismay with the Biden administration’s anti-Islamophobia announcement.

“According to the [FBI] director, Jews make up 2.4% of the US population but are the targets of 60% of hate crimes. This is why it is apparently important to fight Islamophobia according to the White House,” Saad, who was born into a Jewish family in Lebanon, wrote on X.

GAAAAH, THE TRUTH, IT BURNS US, IT BUUURRRNNNNS USSS! GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY!!! More 24k truth ***”pResident”*** Slo-Jo Stumblebum and his vapid-whore Veep would rather we all ignore:

Direct quotes:

HAMAD: Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military, and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation, and it it must be finished. We are not ashamed to say this, with full force…

We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth, because we have the determination, the resolve, and the capabilities to fight. Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.

Q: Does that mean the annihilation of Israel?

HAMAD: Yes, of course. The existence of Israel is illogical. The existence of Israel is what causes all that pain, blood, and tears. It is Israel, not us. We are victims of the occupation. Period. Therefore, nobody should blame us for the things we do. On October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000 — everything we do is justified.

And there ya go. Any further questions? When an enemy of all civilized humanity openly, explicitly declares his intentions like this, I’d suggest you should take him at his word…and either quarantine or kill him, along with all of his adherents you possibly can.

I especially like that “on our land” horseshit. Sorry, Charlie, but that land had been known as either Israel or Judea (as in, JEWdea, get it?) for about, oh, three thousand fucking years before your precious Pedophile Prophet was even fucking born.

“Never forget” 9/11—and now, a (un)duly-“elected” US administration is issuing stern fatwas deploring a nonexistent Islamophobia to its dimwitted, cowed subjects, spending money it doesn’t have to claim a moral high ground it’s too improvident and reprehensible to ever even locate, much less reach. Yeah, I’d say 9/11 has been well and truly forgotten at this point, shamefully so, its lessons blithely tossed into the dustbin of history until our next painful schooling.

Bottom line update! Bayou Peter has it.

There is no place in a civilized world for anyone who can speak so casually about the mass gang-rape and murder of women, and the mass slaying of children, as “justified”. Any person, and any organization, that can say such things so openly has self-defined as being in need of elimination, so that the rest of human society can rest easier at night.

It’s as simple as that. Israel needs no further justification to eliminate Hamas. That organization has already provided enough, and more than enough, out of the mouths of Mr. Hamad and its other spokesmen. As I’ve said before, there is a moral imperative upon Israel to do its utmost to protect innocent victims in Gaza…but that it must eliminate Hamas, even at the tragic cost of some innocent victims, is an overwhelming, pre-eminent priority. Far too few people appear to realize that – even in Israel.

That’s because it’s a difficult, brutal calculus to confront: that this world could be so hard, so cold, that there would exist people in it who are beyond any hope of redemption or reform; that among us there will always be those who are utterly without worth—that the Law of the Jungle remains forever in effect, that for all their advancement and sophistication, even decent, kind, eminently-civilized and high-minded people must eventually either kill or be killed.


The nihilistic/narcissistic West

Can narcissists even BE nihilists, really? Or that a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron? Y’know, like “jumbo shrimp,” “militant pacifist,” or “unbiased opinion”?

The Scales Have Fallen. Now What?
You may have noticed that the enemies of the West no longer need to hide their animosity or their purpose. In the wake of my 2015 book, The Devil’s Pleasure Palace, I was often asked what, exactly, did the Frankfurt School and its spawn in academe and its fellow travelers in the media desire in the wake of the collapse of Western civilization? What would follow the triumph of “Critical Theory”? A new communist paradise? The teleological resolution of their imaginary “arc of history”? The sunny uplands of “fairness,” “equality,” and even “equity”? None of those things, I replied. What they want is…nothing.

To assume that our ideological opponents want something is to play the game on their turf. It’s a mistake we make constantly. We imagine that words mean the same thing when they use them as when we use them. We have accepted their protestations that they “only” want a new, post-revolutionary Brotherhood of Man when they speak glowingly of the future, when instead they’re happy to stop with the destruction of the past two thousand years of history, and call it a job well done. We mistakenly assume that they want the same world that we do, only different, when in fact nihilism is their goal. To put it in contemporary terms, they are Jokers, the kind of men who only want to watch the world burn.

Thanks to a host of recent developments, this finally seems to be sinking through the fog of our post-Greco-Roman Christian reality. Muslim irredentists have butchered thousands of innocents in Israel — and Muslims and their supporters all over the West march in full-throated support. In London, they have defaced public monuments; in Germany they have ignored orders to disperse; in the United States their radicalized supporters in the universities — universities that were deliberately radicalized by the Left in this country, and who now are astonished to find themselves on the receiving end of overt anti-Semitism — show not the slightest signs of shame, but instead exult in their chance to finally be against everything

As winter approaches, the exhausted bugbear of the Covid hoax isn’t playing as it did during the heyday of the pocket tyrant, Anthony Fauci, as the public realizes that the entire charade was a test run to see just how much Americans would take, how eagerly they were willing to rat out each other out, to be spied on, lied to, panicked by their friends, neighbors, and government. The same mouthpieces at the wholly corrupt CDC and other official organs continue to push their “vaccines,” but this time the public is saying that it’s asparagus, and to hell with it. People are more fearful of dying young and “unexpectedly” after a hot shot of mRNA than they are of the weaponized common cold imported with malice aforethought from China.

The “transgender” movement, too, is losing steam, along with the “diversity” shibboleths. The sexy lingerie manufacturer, Victoria’s Secret, has abandoned its attempt to sell fat women (and feminized men) as objects of sexual desire to straight men, a wholly undesired push for “inclusivity” that has economically come a cropper. Gillette’s sales of razors and blades tanked after an unfortunate experiment with denouncing “toxic” — i.e., real — masculinity, while Bud Light’s beer sales famously cratered after its unfortunate liaison with a transsexual model: The Crying Game of American corporate stupidity. And real women are finally waking up to the fact that men in dresses can cause them serious harm, and that this delusion must be stopped in the fields of competitive women’s sports.

So the choice is stark, the danger clear and present, the time is now: do the men of the West rise once again to stop the barbarians at — and already within — the gates, or do they surrender to the resentful losers of cultural Marxism and their burning desire to set the world aflame and live in the ruins? How do we save the cultural legacy that extended, until recently, from Greece and Rome through the democratic victory of the Second World War?

Exhausted and effeminate (to use Gibbon’s scornful characterization), Rome eventually collapsed, split apart, and was reborn in the West as the nation-states of Europe, whereas in the East it succumbed to luxury, replaced war with bribery and negotiation, and eventually fell to a leaner and hungrier Islam that had only contempt for the effete Byzantines. Which is why Constantinople, founded as a Christian capital, is today called Istanbul.

In 1919, Georg Lukács — one of the founding fathers of the Frankfurt School — wondered aloud: “Who will save us from Western civilization?” Today, we must ask: “Who will save it?”

An excellent question, one which bespeaks unimaginable travail, loss, and human misery no matter what the eventual outcome of any attempt at saving it might end up being, should anyone ever bestir themselves to try at all. The jury is still out on that last one.



At last, Kuenstler has written a column that I can’t quibble with, complain about, or disagree with in even the smallest, most niggling way.

Our nation, under the leadership of “Joe Biden” (…iden…iden…iden…iden…), has deployed our mighty warships in the waters all around and amongst Israel’s adversaries. Hard to see how that couldn’t happen, our sacred duty and all. If called upon, they can probably do a lot of damage — though there is plenty of reason to believe that Iran has enough anti-ship cruise missiles to create a big problem for us. Heck, Iran has enough long range conventional guided missiles to turn Haifa and Tel Aviv into ashtrays. But then, five minutes later, the same would be true for Teheran and Damascus, only they’d be radioactive. And who knows what those swarms of moiling migrants in the US and Euroland might be inspired to do, when it comes to that?

Jihad is in the offing. Too many are itching to set it off. Now they’re just waiting for an excuse, a reason to ignite the fuses. The obvious excuse would be an Israeli military incursion into Gaza. That would git’er done, I’m sure. The Israelis must realize this. Despite prior expectations, though, and even given the thirst for vengeance, they might realize it’s unnecessary. They’ve done enough bombing in Gaza. They could neutralize the command network of Hamas pretty much the same way they got the Black September ringleaders of the Munich Olympics massacre, 1972 — a methodical hunt over years, decades. They don’t have to shout from the rooftops, either. Everyone will know.

There is the fate of the Gaza hostages to consider. It doesn’t look good. Given enough time, of course, they can be shuttled around geographically here, there, and everywhere and concealed for years. They have value. World opinion will turn on the hostage-takers, though you might argue that no longer matters. I rather expect that rescue operations are well-planned and some may be carried out. But, overall, many of these poor pawns are apt to be lost. Tragic is tragic.

If we manage to avoid World War Three, America has its own grave problem to consider, which is comprehensive collapse — of economic activity, the financial scaffold for it, and of civil order in a society under deadly stress. Most of this damage has been induced by our own political leaders. Now that the House of Representatives has been put in order, it’s time for that body to act expeditiously and relieve “Joe Biden” of his responsibilities…and then Ms. Harris…and then Messrs. Garland, Mayorkas, and Wray. Out with them, post haste, and begin the project to save our own country.

Seconded, wholeheartedly—every word of it, to the last detail. Well, except that nothing in the last two sentences—which demonstrate that poor old James is still eager to succumb to the usual unfounded over-optimism about the likelihood of even one item on his devoutly-to-be-wished list coming to pass, desirable as they would doubtless be—has a ghost of a chance of happening. I say again: this is NOT America as we once knew it, not in any way, shape, or form. This is Amerika v2.0, and the sooner we can all get our heads around that dismaying home truth, the sooner something useful might actually be done about it.


Of leashes, muzzles, and chains

Anybody surprised at all by this revoltin’ development? Anybody? Bueller…?

Israel Delays Ground Invasion Because US Is Unprepared to Defend Itself
Israel has been prepared to enter Gaza to eliminate Hamas, but the ground invasion keeps getting delayed. The reason why?

The US is unprepared to defend US military installations in the area.

This is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. However, I am not sure that the Biden Administration isn’t just pressuring Israel to delay for other reasons as well, given their neverending expressions of concern for Gaza.

Israel has agreed, for now, to a request from the U.S. to get its air defenses in place to protect U.S. troops in the region ahead of an expected ground invasion of Gaza, U.S. and Israeli officials said.

The Pentagon is scrambling to deploy nearly a dozen air-defense systems to the region, including for U.S. troops serving in Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to protect them from missiles and rockets. U.S. officials have so far persuaded the Israelis to hold off until those pieces can be placed, as early as later this week.

Israel is also taking into account in its planning the effort to supply humanitarian aid to civilians inside Gaza, as well as diplomatic efforts to free more of the hostages held by Hamas, officials said.

The new excuse by the Biden Administration looks utterly pathetic because it is an admission that despite decades of having troops and assets in the region, our military is not prepared to defend our interests.

That is quite the reality if true, and quite the message to our enemies if either true or false.

WhoawhoawhoaWHOA there, big fella! Ixnay on the oosetalk-lay, if you please. Surely you must know that, according to the Progressivist catechism, Amerika v2.0 HAS no enemies, only “friends” who haven’t been appeased, bribed, beseeched, and groveled before sufficiently yet.

In fact, the word “enemies” itself is strictly verboten, reserved exclusively for domestic use to describe violent ÜberUltraMegaMAGA insurrectionists; non-“liberal” Whypeepuh; the traitor Trump and anyone who has ever spoken with, seen, and/or been closer than ten (10) statute miles from him bodily; all Republicans; and assorted Christians, Normals, rednecks, slope-browed ridgerunners, and cishet-binary Breeder freaks. In matters of foreign policy, this ugliest, most foul of epithets must never be uttered by more enlightened, evolved, sophisticated beings such as ourselves.

Fortunately, we have our Chinese friends to help guide us on the Path To Peace For All.

Tracking major warship movements in response to the developing situation in Gaza and beyond has been interesting. Most people have focused on the comings and goings of the US Navy in or towards the Eastern Mediterranean. Even the USN itself seems to have taken its eye off other potential flashpoints, as something has happened which never normally would: the most powerful naval force in the Gulf is Chinese.

Just fourteen days ago, US Navy movements were being passed off as ‘business as normal’. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Gerald R Ford was in the Mediterranean anyway. The Dwight D Eisenhower (Ike) carrier group deployment was planned anyway, just brought forward.

About ten days ago this changed. Ford’s stay in the Med was extended and it was stated that Ike was going to join the Ford. Two super-carriers in the same place – that’s big medicine. Articles were written noting this, by me among others. We armchair admirals also noted that the USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall, amphibious ships carrying the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) were dispatched from the Gulf to the Red Sea and the command-and-control ship Mount Whitney, complete with a 3* Admiral and his staff, was pulled off Nato duties and sent to take charge in the eastern Med. This could no longer be passed off as ‘planning adjustments’.

The only way to work out what’s going on is to take away the drinking straw through which you are looking at Gaza and zoom out, a long way out.

One thing jumps out straight away. The US Navy, for now at least, is not the preeminent naval force in the Gulf. That distinction now belongs to the 44th and 45th naval escort groups of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The two groups, one of which has just arrived to take over from the other, have a total of six ships. Two are Type 052D destroyers equipped with YJ-21 hypersonic anti-ship ballistic missiles.

No worries; I’m sure they mean well, no harm done. Carry on, Most Puissant Lords and Masters. As you were.

Back when I was playing wargames a lot as a staff officer, we found that if a war with Iran was going to start, the Bab el Mandeb strait at the bottom of the Red Sea and/or the Eastern Med were likely places for the Iranians to start it. This is partly because it exposes the problems of having three US Combatant Commands converging, but mainly because it draws assets away from the root of the problem – Iran. And now we have attacks happening in both places, launched by Iranian-backed organisations in both cases. Suddenly there are not many assets left near the Strait of Hormuz, where Iran menaces all traffic in and out of the Gulf. It all looks a bit like the beginning of some of those Iran-vs-the-West wargames.

Large naval deployments affect oceans and continents way beyond the coastlines off which they sail. Experts in land power and followers of land wars sometimes forget this. One has to zoom way out and look at all of the moving parts to even have the first idea of what effect things like carrier strike groups may have and even then, don’t be surprised if you are wrong or if it changes.

Winston Churchill got this when he said, “a battleship exercises a vague general fear and menaces all points at once. It appears, and disappears, causing immediate reactions and perturbations on the other side”. There will be many conversations along these lines in the corridors of Washington DC and Whitehall – and it’s to be hoped that the planners remember that Churchill used this phrase to compel the deployment of Force Z, with its battleships without air cover, against the advice of the Admiralty. More than eight hundred British sailors paid the price.

As is perfectly typical of D卐M☭CRAT administrations going all the way back to loathsome cockroach Woodrow Wilson, the Chaos Party has a nasty little habit of involving the US in needless, futile Tar Baby Wars, mismanaging them ludicrously, then leaving the next Republican president to shoulder the burden of finding some way of extricating the nation from the gooey, sticky mess—reviling said Republican as a “warmonger” the whole while, natch.


“Argue with them and get in their face”

Throw their own shit back at them, exactly as Bathhouse Barry once recommended be done to us.

A Wine O’Clock Wendy — I’m really trying to make this put-down go viral; I think it’s Streets Ahead of “AWFL” — and her Frankencuck husband were videoed ripping down posters of American hostages held by Hamas.

The woman putting up the posters was not having it.

Indeed she was NOT, bless her heart. After the “man” had committed assault and battery by placing “his” dainty hand over the justly outraged woman’s camera and shoving her—a Mark-1 Mod-0 insufferable shitlib smirk all over “his” womanly face—our Power Couple quickly scurried off with their tails tucked (y’know, like “his” squirrel-dick usually is) between their legs before the Bad Woman could punch their dim fucking lights out.


HELL yeah, that’s how you do it. The happy ending:

Brooklyn man suspended from job by his Jewish dad after ripping posters of Hamas hostages
A Brooklyn man seen tearing down posters of Israeli kids held by Hamas has been identified as a former magician — whose Jewish father suspended him from his gig at a user experience company, according to a report.

Noah Schaffer, 41, and his wife, Kelly, were seen being berated by a Jewish woman after they removed the posters this past weekend at Brooklyn Bridge Park, the group StopAntisemitism posted on X.

“This couple has been identified as spouses Kelly Ann and Noah Schaffer. Kelly has been previously arrested and works as a social worker for @UrbanDoveNY. Noah works as a strategist for @humanfactors,” the group wrote.

Again, that’s Noah and Kelly Ann Schaffer, likely of some precious, too-twee Brooklyn hipsterhood. Wherever these two vile creatures may reside, I think it would be just AWFUL if large, angry mobs started showing up on the doorstep of their domicile with torches, truncheons, and bullhorns at 3 AM every night for about, oh, a year. Anybody out there knows how to find their home address, feel free to let me know and I’ll happily update this post with it. Goose, meet gander.

Update! Done and done, courtesy of our friend Aesop, reporting in from his extended vacay:

Apparently, that address would be

Noah and Kelly Ann (McManus) Schaeffer
191 Willoughby St. Apt 12K.
Brooklyn NY 10026

Well whaddayaknow about that, in Brooklyn, just a hop, skip, and a jump from the borough’s Ft Greene nabe. Only reason I know even that much is I had two musician friends who lived thereabouts, but that was back in the mid-90s: bassist Bill and drummer Stanley. Used to drive out from Manhattan to fetch the boys a cpl-three nights a week, load their gear, and whisk the three of us off to whatever extra-money side gig we had scheduled in Brooklyn, central Lawn Guyland, or out in the Hamptons. As many times as I did that, I very much doubt I could find either of their houses today.

Billy has long since moved to Norway, where his lovely and vivacious wife Ingegerd hails from originally. Aussie Stan, as his friends called him, lived in a HUGE three-story Victorian-style house on a lovely, quiet, tree-lined block off Flatbush Ave which his wife had inherited some years before I met him. I won’t say it was a mansion, but if somebody else wanted to I might put a “yes” to it. I pure-tee loved Stan and Mrs Stan’s crib; for starters, it had a paved driveway leading downhill into a three-car (THREE!) garage under the house equipped with automatic bay-doors and remote-opener fob. Through the inside door from the garage waited a sumptuous, nicely-appointed rumpus room/man-cave, complete with:

  • A tournament-size pool table
  • A vintage Wurlitzer jukebox loaded with old blues, country, and rockabilly .45s
  • A fully-stocked bar from the late 1940s–dark, worn wood and the traditional brass foot-rail at bottom, out of a long-deceased neighborhood gin-mill owned by a friend of Stan’s who just gave him the bar gratis when it finally shut down for good; the guy even went so far as to help Stan move the heavy-ass thing to his house
  • A classic Bally KISS pinball table in near-new condition
  • Assorted plush, comfortable leather sofas and recliner-chairs deep and soft enough to sink down into without a trace
  • A German foosball table, likewise meticulously preserved, but with that easy, loose feel to the action that all properly broken-in German tables ought to have; a fast, hard front-man pull-, toe-, or slap-shot past the opposing goalie would always yield that sharp, satisfying BANG! that every skilled foosballer lives for, so loud it can easily be heard way over on the far side of a packed, noisy arcade—a sound those shitty French tables with their wimpy cork balls simply can’t produce—usually accompanied by the metallic, whispery TINK! of the hard plastic ball meeting the thin sheet-steel plate mounted at the back of the goal-hole to protect the wood behind it. The game rooms I loved best in my misspent youth would go dead silent for a few seconds in the wake of such a resounding score, after which respectful pause the shouts and applause would ring out from the other players: POINT! HELL yeah! BURN! Sucker just got his ass SLAMMED!!! High fives, backslaps, gales of raucous laughter all around; those were the rooms I went to again and again and again, and there’s a damned good reason for that

Let me tell ya, driving down to park in the underground garage, unass the vehicle, from there to emerge into a veritable palace like Stan’s basement hideaway was, the whole damned house was—in cramped, overcrowded New York City, mind, not exactly renowned for its generously-sized, airy, comfortable indoor spaces—made you feel like you were really somebody. And that is the God’s honest truth.

Fort Greene was a nice enough if not particularly fancy area back then, but by now who knows. Been nigh on twenty years since I was last in Brooklyn, so I couldn’t guess how extensively or even whether Ft Greene has been gentrified; I do know that at this point most of seedy, grubby old Brooklyn has been tidied up, refreshed, and/or rebuilt to at least some degree. But no matter. Whatever the neighborhood’s current condition, if you’re in the area I think the sudden wee-hours appearance of a flaming bag of fresh-squeezed dogshit at Chez Schaeffer’s front door as a Halloween gift would surely not go amiss, to hijack from its proper context a fine old Captain Mal line.

A flick of the Bic, a press of the doorbell, a fleet-footed dash back into the anonymity of night’s darkness, and voila! Mission accomplished, and well done to you. Maybe the pissed-off woman in the above Andy Ngo vid would enjoy dropping one off for ‘em. T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished, the absolute least the rotten, uncaring douchetools deserve for what they did. A standard issue non-apology “apology” accompanied by an insincere, blasé shrug just ain’t gonna cut it, I shouldn’t think.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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