The Jeddak of Jeddaks gets positively jiggy with it.
Trump’s agenda is not compatible with American decline. Trump wants America to thrive. He wants America to be strong.
Just as a weak country must weaken its allies, a strong country can afford to strengthen them.
This would be a complete break with decades of implicit US foreign policy.
Trump has said repeatedly that he wants Europe to pull its weight in NATO, meeting the 2% GDP threshold that all member states are theoretically expected to fulfill, but which almost none of them actually do. Being a businessman, he frames this in financial terms: why should America pick up the tab for Europe’s defence? Which is certainly an urgent matter, given the disastrous state of America’s national debt. But this has inevitable geopolitical consequences. A remilitarized Europe that can actually defend itself is a Europe that is no longer at the mercy of the American military.
Making Europe Great Again isn’t solely a matter of investing more in European militaries. Such an agenda reaches into everything. Arabs and Africans need to be remigrated, in vast numbers. The rainbow parades need to stop: a continent of prancing sodomites is not a continent that can defend itself. And, of course, the economy must be revived: the overly intrusive regulatory fetters must be peeled off and set on fire, in order to make it possible for Europeans to once again exercise that famous, world-shaking creativity. People talk about “American ingenuity”, and Americans are ingenious, but this is only because Americans are a subspecies of European.
Extending MAGA to MEGA is not a matter of charity. The interconnectivity of the world makes MEGA essential to MAGA, and vice versa. The vampire strategy of ruling by weakening the imperial dependencies a little faster than they weaken the imperial core just results in the whole system getting weaker, which is a problem when your opponents are pursuing the opposite strategy domestically.
MEGA is also domestically important. The people running Europe are loyalists of the US deep state. As one example, the EU has been used as a way for the American deep state to try and do an end run around the US Constitution and reintroduce internet censorship, particularly on X, via the back door: the Eurocrats and their tame courts are quite happy to help them with this. There’s also a symbiotic relationship between Eurocrats and their left-wing American counterpart in the deep state: leftist policies are implemented in European political laboratories, which are subsidized by the American economy; their ‘successes’ are then cited as reason to bring these same policies home to America. If Trump is serious about dismantling his enemies at home, he also needs to crush their allies abroad.
This absolutely magisterial piece is a long ‘un indeed, of which you will most definitely want to read the all, folks.