The Jeddak of Jeddaks gets positively jiggy with it.

Trump’s agenda is not compatible with American decline. Trump wants America to thrive. He wants America to be strong.

Just as a weak country must weaken its allies, a strong country can afford to strengthen them.

This would be a complete break with decades of implicit US foreign policy.

Trump has said repeatedly that he wants Europe to pull its weight in NATO, meeting the 2% GDP threshold that all member states are theoretically expected to fulfill, but which almost none of them actually do. Being a businessman, he frames this in financial terms: why should America pick up the tab for Europe’s defence? Which is certainly an urgent matter, given the disastrous state of America’s national debt. But this has inevitable geopolitical consequences. A remilitarized Europe that can actually defend itself is a Europe that is no longer at the mercy of the American military.

Making Europe Great Again isn’t solely a matter of investing more in European militaries. Such an agenda reaches into everything. Arabs and Africans need to be remigrated, in vast numbers. The rainbow parades need to stop: a continent of prancing sodomites is not a continent that can defend itself. And, of course, the economy must be revived: the overly intrusive regulatory fetters must be peeled off and set on fire, in order to make it possible for Europeans to once again exercise that famous, world-shaking creativity. People talk about “American ingenuity”, and Americans are ingenious, but this is only because Americans are a subspecies of European.

Extending MAGA to MEGA is not a matter of charity. The interconnectivity of the world makes MEGA essential to MAGA, and vice versa. The vampire strategy of ruling by weakening the imperial dependencies a little faster than they weaken the imperial core just results in the whole system getting weaker, which is a problem when your opponents are pursuing the opposite strategy domestically.

MEGA is also domestically important. The people running Europe are loyalists of the US deep state. As one example, the EU has been used as a way for the American deep state to try and do an end run around the US Constitution and reintroduce internet censorship, particularly on X, via the back door: the Eurocrats and their tame courts are quite happy to help them with this. There’s also a symbiotic relationship between Eurocrats and their left-wing American counterpart in the deep state: leftist policies are implemented in European political laboratories, which are subsidized by the American economy; their ‘successes’ are then cited as reason to bring these same policies home to America. If Trump is serious about dismantling his enemies at home, he also needs to crush their allies abroad.

This absolutely magisterial piece is a long ‘un indeed, of which you will most definitely want to read the all, folks.


Star Trek: 765874 – Unification

If you’re any kind of Star Trek fan at all, you’re gonna find this one…AWESOME.

A bit under eight minutes of unalloyed beauty, wonder, and joy, that’s what. Involving as it does the Genesis planet of fame and legend, I have to wonder what this might set the stage for, Trek-wise.

(Via Ed Driscoll)

Troll level: JEDI MASTER

You gotta love it. Which, I most certainly do.

‘Trump Train’ trolls celebs from Oprah to Meghan Markle by driving through their tony Calif. enclave
A cavalcade of Trump fans trolled an A-List California enclave filled with lefty celebs such as Oprah Winfrey and Meghan Markle by driving their “Trump Train’’ right through it Saturday.

A series of posts on X showed the succession of flag-waving, sign-holding, horn-honking cars and motorcycles traversing Coast Village Road in Montecito defiantly blaring their support for the president-elect.

The wild display was likely an unwelcome shock to the hordes of limousine-liberal stars — some of the Democrats’ biggest donors — in the Santa Barbara suburb.

Winfrey, Markle and hubby Prince Harry, as well as bold-faced names such as Ellen DeGeneres, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Ariana Grande, Rob Lowe, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, call the Southern California paradise home.

The tony town, nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains, provides just the right mix of mild weather and scenic seascape for privacy-seeking celebrities with cash to burn.

Saturday’s California spectacle was just one of many so-called “Trump Train” processions that have popped up in cities and towns across the US in support of The Donald.

He ain’t even taken office yet, but what we might call “the Trump Effect” is already being felt everywhere.

Personally, I can only agree with absolutely everything this guy says—especially the last bit.


Meeting of the minds

GOD, how I love this.

Javier Milei becomes first world leader to meet Trump since election win
Javier Milei, the Argentinian president, has become the first foreign leader to meet Donald Trump as he flew into Florida for a visit to Mar-a-Lago.

Mr Milei is due to meet Elon Musk in the coming hours where the pair are expected to discuss strategies to cut government spending.

Mr Milei arrived on Thursday at Mr Trump’s Florida residence, where Mr Musk has also been holed up for several days, and will be the first foreign leader to congratulate Mr Trump in person on being re-elected US president.

The brash libertarian economist will also hold informal talks with the Tesla, SpaceX and X (formerly Twitter) owner. The pair will chat about their shared interest in slashing public spending and jobs.

Since taking office in December last year, Mr Milei has overseen cuts to Argentina’s bureaucracy, abolishing multiple government agencies, including entire departments, and sacking an estimated 15,000 officials.

Only a start, yes, but a damned good start nonetheless, one well worth emulating.




If this one doesn’t make your heart go pit-a-pat and bring a tear to your eye then goddammit, you ain’t anything I’ll ever think of as a Real American, and to Hell with ye. First saw it last week and decided not to run it, despite how good it was. It’s popped up several times since in other places, until finally America’s most beloved tall but brilliant, fabulously talented and visually stunning example of a placental mammal reposted it, which motivated me to rethink my earlier decision against running it. Thanks for that, Ms DS.


Skin art

Well whaddyaknow about that. I like Hegspeth even more now than I did; clearly, he’s my kind of guy.

BCE sez:

Seems that Hagspeth was a Rakkasan (the tat in the lower right corner in the regimental crest)

Never met him (to my memory) but it seems we were in a LOT of the same areas around the same time, to include Gitmo

Again: whaddya know about that. Where the post title came from: Skin Art, now sadly defunct. When I lapse into another of my maudlin reminiscences of the bygone days when I was “working for the magazines,” Skin Art was one of said mags.

EXTRANEOUS INSIDE-BASEBALL ADDENDUM: SA, which my boss-lady Chris proudly deemed our best and most praiseworthy publication, was put out by the likewise defunct Art & Ink Publications. Our other titles were my treasured Outlaw Biker ragazine, a labor of love for me and Chris on which I was tasked not just with ad design and layout duties but also cover design/layout now and again, as well as occasional feature articles covering full-custom Harley chops, bobjobs, and sundry uncategorizable oddities; your better class of independent shops and/or wrenches; biker events, runs, and other gatherings; and last but not least, the regular “Leatherballs” column (see the nav-bar link up top for my L-balls archive*). Additionally, we did Tattoos For MenTattoos For Women; and the outrageous, calculatedly offensive, disturbingly popular, and habitually pornographic Tabu Tattoo.

Tucked in a closet or under the bed someplace, I still have a big box jam-full of photos that people had sent in hoping to be run in one or the other of our mags, a great many of those pics featuring nekkid or practically nekkid women, in settings and poses that ran the gamut from “quite alluring” to “ unintentionally comical” to “what the fuuuu…?!?” A woefully high percentage of said hopefuls were uglier’n a mud fence, displaying all the sex appeal of a steaming, fresh-dropped hog turd. From the pics, you could see that these unfortunates were hard-bitten, slovenly, hatchet-faced slatterns with reek of cheap booze, BO, and broken dreams practically wafting up off the pic in an eye-tearing, all-hands olfactory assault. In Raymond Chandler’s concise, unforgettable sum-up: too much makeup on too many miles.

On the other hand, though, many of those half-clad aspiring biker-zine models were legitimately smokin’ hot, against every expectation of us office-drones slaving thanklessly away under the A&I lash.

Ahh, but the unsolicited submissions with Tabue Tetoooz Crayola’d illegibly in large, wobbly block print across the front of a ragged, worn-soft Manila envelope—no return address, because what mentally semi-sound person possessed of the smallest smidgeon of taste, discernment, self-respect, and functional eyesight would want the horrible things back, fer gawd’s sake?—were really something else again, I gotta say.

See, our production schedule required each individual staffer to upload one (1) set of the InDesign/Distiller PDF page layouts he’d been assigned to create to the printing company, with all the hi-res photos for said pages in their own separate IMGS folder (all covers were created in Illustrator, don’t know why). The uploading deadline  was each and every Thursday afternoon by 2PM; on weeks the four-issues-yearly (the others were six) OB was due we doubled up, basically, kiting two (2) completed magazines off to the printers—which, surprisingly enough, there were only three of nationwide, by the by. IIRC, the one we used was way out in the untracked wilderness of Ohio or Nebraska or Indiana or some other such Godforsaken backwater.

Biker, as the boss always called it, was pretty much mine and Chris’s baby, with Jeff standing by to lend a hand as needed. Job assignments for the four mainstream, non-emetic tattoo mags were divided between the staff, said assignments written up by Chris in a four-cell table sketched up for that specific purpose, printed via the office inkjet, then distributed to the worker bees on Monday morning. When Tabu week rolled around the impending ordeal (permanently assigned to moi shortly after I started at A&I) of wading through the most recent soul-blighting submissions imbued me with a queasy combination of dread, disgust, and morbid fascination.

The five (5) members of Team A&I being the stout, indomitable sorts we were, the crew never flinched nor faltered underTabu’s unholy menace no matter what. We laughed; we cried; we jokingly mimed puking into the steel wastebaskets beside our desks; the most revolting pics were passed around amongst ourselves for the requisite snickering, mockery, and marveling at—yet somehow, some way, we persevered; we got through our shared travail more or less unscathed. We stood manfully up (okay, okay, two (2) of our number—my comely, smart-alecky, unpretentiously sexy, and staggeringly intelligent platonic GF Joy and of course our bold, fun-loving, über-competent and -professional boss-lady Chris—were of the vaginal/fallopian/uterine persuasion) to the most putrid profanations, perfidies, and provocations the Tabu freaky-deaks could hurl our way, and still we prevailed. Vidi, retchi, vici.

Thinking back on those splendid days, “the magazines” was just about the best job I ever had: tons of fun; engaging; unfailingly interesting; personable, supportive, cheerful co-workers and boss. Sure, it could be trying at times; making deadline every Thursday could be stressful, and A&I’s owner was an avaricious, conniving thief, a lecherous old sleazebag, and a consummate prick on his infrequent trips from his Miami abode to visit the office. Nonetheless, the bottom-line fact is that there was never a dull moment at A&I. I miss it terribly.

* As I like to tell folks, my one and only stab at real-deal, no-shit journalism was/is the “Myrtle Beach Goodbye” article linked under the Leatherballs heading; for that one, I made phone calls and interviewed several players both major and minor behind the tragic cancellation of the H-D Dealers Association’s annual spring rally—all of whom either agreed to be quoted on a strictly anonymous basis or flatly declined to be quoted at all, for reasons I felt were entirely understandable once I’d interviewed them, especially Myrtle Beach’s mayor, city councilmen, and several restaurant/bar/retail shop owners; gathered all the facts, details, and undisclosed motives I could; formed my own original conclusions via a careful, impartial analysis of the information gleaned from two (2) weeks of diligent sleuthing; wrote, re-wrote, and edited my reportage; published the fruits of my labor in OB, and hey presto: JOURNALISM!


Two more excellent Trump picks

In terms of personnel, he’s gotten off to a much better start than he did in 2016.

Trump picks Democrat-turned-Republican Tulsi Gabbard as director of national intelligence
President-elect Donald Trump continued to fill out his national security team Wednesday, announcing that former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard will be his nominee for director of national intelligence.

“I know Tulsi will bring the fearless spirit that has defined her illustrious career to our Intelligence Community, championing our Constitutional Rights, and securing Peace through Strength,” said Trump of Gabbard, who had previously been rumored to be considered for defense secretary and CIA director.

That’s one, now for Numero Dos.

Trump nominates Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz for attorney general in surprise pick
“It is my Great Honor to announce that Congressman Matt Gaetz, of Florida, is hereby nominated to be The Attorney General of the United States,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social announcement.

“Matt will end Weaponized Government, protect our Borders, dismantle Criminal Organizations and restore Americans’ badly-shattered Faith and Confidence in the Justice Department. On the House Judiciary Committee, which performs oversight of DOJ, Matt played a key role in defeating the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, and exposing alarming and systemic Government Corruption and Weaponization. He is a Champion for the Constitution and the Rule of Law,” the Truth statement read.

Well, here’s hoping, at any rate. Senate Republicrats, on the other hand, seem determined to go right on dancing to Yertle McTurtle’s (Uniparty-Knifeinback) sour tune.

Sen. John Thune (R-SD) has been elected the next GOP leader in the Senate, ushering in a new generation of leadership after nearly two decades of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) running the conference.

A majority of GOP senators supported Thune, currently the Senate minority whip, in a secret ballot held weeks before Republicans take control of the Senate. He received 29 votes on the second ballot Wednesday, compared to 24 for Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX). Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) was eliminated in the first round of voting after receiving the fewest votes.

“I want to thank my colleagues who placed their faith in me to serve as leader, and those who were supporting another candidate,” Thune said in a press conference after his election. “I promise to be a leader who serves the entire Republican Conference.”

The leadership election marks a monumental changing of the guard. McConnell, who announced his retirement from leadership in February, is the longest-serving party leader in Senate history, having risen to the post in 2007.

Bold mine. And a bigger part of the problem you ain’t ever gonna see.


For those of you keeping score at home

Looks like Trump intends not to be undone this time around by hiring all the worst people—namely, Obammy stay-behinds, Yertel McTurtle endorsees and other Deep State RINO picks, and sundry other Swamp critters.

Trump Names Two More Picks for His Administration…
Trump’s new administration is quickly taking shape. On Tuesday evening, President Trump has announced two major nominations that underscore his commitment to an “America First” national security policy. Trump’s picks are poised to bring a fierce dedication to upholding American interests and strengthening national security.

The first nomination was John Ratcliffe for director of the CIA.

“From exposing fake Russian collusion to be a Clinton campaign operation, to catching the FBI’s abuse of Civil Liberties at the FISA Court, John Ratcliffe has always been a warrior for Truth and Honesty with the American Public,” Trump said in a statement.

“When 51 intelligence officials were lying about Hunter Biden’s laptop, there was one, John Ratcliffe, telling the truth to the American People,” Trump continued. This kind of integrity, in Trump’s view, is what has set Ratcliffe apart in his field.

Trump will also nominate Pete Hegseth for secretary of Defense. This was a surprising move, as Hegseth is largely known for his role as a Fox News contributor. But Hegseth, a decorated Army combat veteran, is no stranger to national defense. Having served in Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, and Afghanistan, he was awarded two Bronze Stars and a Combat Infantryman’s Badge for his battlefield service. Hegseth is also a Princeton and Harvard graduate, pairing an elite academic background with real-world experience.

“Nobody fights harder for the Troops, and Pete will be a courageous and patriotic champion of our ‘Peace through Strength’ policy,” Trump said.

These are the latest picks in a long line of selections that the radical left aren’t happy about. Among them are campaign co-manager Susie Wiles, who was chosen as Trump’s chief of staff, with GOP Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., being picked as U.N. ambassador. Former ICE Director Tom Homan will serve as border czar, and Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., will lead the EPA. Sen. Marco Rubio is expected to be secretary of State, and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem will head Homeland Security. Trump also named former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee as ambassador to Israel.

Encouraging, I’d say; all of those appointments actually sound pretty darn good to me, with the possible exception of Stefanik, maybe. Then again, even Nikki Haley managed to do a pretty good job in that same post during OMB’s first term, so how much damage can Stefanik really do there? Rubio, Noem, and Hucklebee fir particularly well in their respective slots, I think. The main thing now, IMHO, is that Trump lays down a solid foundation for President JD Vance’s two terms.

Helpful hupdate! No slam intended against Pete Hegseth, mind. But if for whatever unforeseen reason he doesn’t work out, Mr President Trump, sir, may I submit for your consideration another stellar SecDef candidate: your friend and mine, the esteemed (and usually estoned and esdrunked) Mr Big Country Expat. He knows a great deal about all matters military, can boast a great deal of experience walking point in hotspots across the entire world, knows a trigger sear from one of those shoulder thingies that folds down, once rigged up a homemade flamethrower that in fact actually did work as intended, and has been known to not suffer fools gladly or take even a small ration of shit from them.

Why yes, I DID steal that great line from my late friend Chris Pfouts, why do you ask? A-HENH!


You GO, girl!

Actress/director/filmmaker/sane person Justine Bateman lets ‘er rip.

Decompressing from walking on eggshells for the past four years. 

I have found the last four years to be an almost intolerable period. A very un-American period in that any questioning, any opinions, any likes or dislikes were held up to a very limited list of “permitted positions” in order to assess acceptability. 2/ 

I’ve never in my life known that to be an American environment. It’s an environment I have encountered in smaller groupings (a church, a private club,a clique), but never before as a national blanket. It has been suffocating. Common sense was discarded, intellectual discussion 3/ 

… was demonized. Only “permitted position” behavior and speech was “allowed.” Complete intolerance became almost a religion and one’s professional and social life was threatened almost constantly. Those that spoke otherwise were ruined as a warning to others.Their destruction 4/ 

… was displayed in the “town square” of social media for all to see. This was the #MeMeMeMeToo moment, where every effort was made to divert attention to oneself, instead of recognizing how one contributes to the whole.This was the era of trying to exercise control over those 5/ 

… who did not want to follow the crowd and has their own ideas about what they needed to do. This dampened our culture and innovation, bringing people to even think that generative #AI, a regurgitation of the past, was actually our cultural future. /6 

When you starve a society of those called to be independent thinkers and cultural and intellectual innovators, you rob that society of any forward movement.

That’s a ThreadReader unroll of a multi-installment X thread, the rest of which can be perused here. Good on ya, Justine, you couldn’t be righter about all of the above.


Peanut’s revenge

Speaking to us from beyond the grave.

Can there be any serious doubt about what’s going on here? I THINK NOT. Thank you, Peanut!

(Via Ace)


Sore losers, sour grapes

Lots of hilarious, uplifting pictures of tearful shitlibs drowning in their own sweet sorrow here, as well as this:

Harris’s delay in addressing her own supporters have left some furious. 

Barbara Heineback, a former White House staffer and the first black press office employee for the First Lady’s office, said she was disappointed with the Democrat.

‘I am so disappointed and really insulted that I’m a Howard alum and that she didn’t have the decency to walk out and say to her, to her university, make a comment to the United States,’ Heineback said. ‘Things were not looking well for her. It wasn’t completely over.’ 

‘I mean, it shows us how classless she actually is, a sore loser,’ the former White House staffer continued. ‘Even though it’s painful for her, for the Democrats, I think America might be relieved at recognizing and realizing they don’t have to put up with this any longer.’

Nailed it in one, Ms Heineback. As Midwest Chick notes, at least one of these assholes appears to be capable of waking up and learning something, if you force it down their fucking throats.


I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning. Smells like…victory.

Update! Insty:

SO KAMALA DIDN’T SPEAK LAST NIGHT, AND DIDN’T CALL TRUMP TO CONCEDE. A (female) friend messages: “Charming that the Democrats have twice put up a woman against Trump, who gets too drunk the night of elections to give a concession speech.”

They’re not sending their best people. Or heck, maybe they are . . .

Heh. Indeed.

Updated update! Just hit me that I’ve gotta get busy getting the Scrooge Picard theme up and running quick as I can. Why, you ask? Because for once, Christmas truly did come early this year, of course. 😉


And now for something completely different…

It begins this way:

On a day when everybody’s going to be blathering on about elections and voting and partisanship, I figured we could all do with something completely different.

Said a mouthful there, Peter. The video he embeds, a NatGeo doc called Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story, is also available on YewToob here, and is simply beyond heartwarming—just a wonderful story. Such a welcome relief from the tedious bullshit that is “American” “elections” nowadays, providing a lively contrast with last week’s P’nut the Squirrel abomination. Narrated by Billy’s bemused wife, Billy & Molly… is slam-full of lushly beautiful Shetland Islands scenery, and tells a story that’s bound to touch anyone with a properly-functioning soul deeply. Not to be missed. As one of Peter’s commenters snarks, thank God Billy and Molly aren’t in New York.


Webb’s ride

Low-mileage creampuff, only ever driven by Webb Pierce’s sainted mother from Pasadena to church on Sundays, never driven above 30 mph, engine oil change every 500 miles whether it needed one or not.

WebbPontiac 1.

WebbPontiac 2.

WebbPontiac 3.

According to commenter greg over at Phil and CedrQ’s hang, this righteous lead sled was designed and built by the justly famous Nudie Cohn, he of Nudie suit fame. If you click on over to the ‘Nuckles joint, you’ll also see a cpl-three memes which will be showing up in tonight’s Eyrie meme post, if my internet connection will ever stabilize long enough for me to upload and post the damned thing. It’s gotten so dicey around here Intarwebs-wise that in the last two days, I’ve burned through almost all of my high-speed data allotment using the phone for a hotspot.

Re my opening used-car salesman schpiel above, here’s the video backstory for Webb’s baby.

LOVE that song, it’s one of my all-time favorites. Go Granny go Granny go Granny GO!


Walk that walk

Having been taken somewhat aback by that strong, intelligent Drea de Matteo rant I posted the other day, I thought I’d do some Innarnuts sleuthing and edumacate myself a little about the woman. Turns out, her smackdown of limousine-liberal crawly thing Mark Cuban was definitely NOT a one-off.

‘Sopranos’ star Drea de Matteo says she never played Hollywood celebrity ‘game,’ made walking away easy
Drea de Matteo isn’t big on red carpets or hobnobbing with other celebrities.

The “Sopranos” star, 52, told Fox News Digital that walking away from the industry was “no big deal,” because she never really felt like she belonged in Hollywood in the first place. 

“You know, a lot of people ask me about getting canceled or getting kicked out of Hollywood or shunned. That never happened to me,” she explained. “I wasn’t in there to begin with. I’ve never been a Hollywood player. I’ve done a few acting parts of it on a few TV shows. I’ve done a good job. I even have, you know, some achievement awards and things. But like, I was never really in the industry.”

De Matteo, who played Adriana La Cerva on “The Sopranos,” explained that she has “never played the celebrity game.”

“I don’t own fancy purses and s— like that or walk red carpets. I don’t mingle with famous people. I don’t, it’s just not my world. So, for me to walk away from it, not a big deal.”

Right now, Matteo is focused on her new jewelry collection, which is part of her ULTRAFREE clothing line, joking that the tombstones in her new Tombstone line have name plates on them “in case you forget who you are, just take a look down there.”

Her Protection collection, she explained, has gun pendants.

“What’s funny about that right now is I always wore a revolver, a little tiny revolver with a pearl handle,” she said. “People would give them to me all the time, A, because my ex’s name was Shooter, and B, because I was on ‘The Sopranos,’ and I always wore a bullet hanging from my earring.”

Shooter, of course, would be Shooter Jennings—son of Outlaw Country legend Waylon—to whom Drea was married for a good few years and with whom she has one (1) daughter and one (1) son yclept, wonderfully, “Blackjack.” Now as Fate would have it, I myself have a wee bit of history with Shooter’s dad, to wit:

Just left of center, that’s moi with the facial hair standing behind none other than Ol’ Waylon hisself, who borrowed my black Tele with the fancy tortoise-shell pickguard for an extended jam session with the BPs at the buck-wild Days Of Thunder wrap party thrown by Tom Cruise back in…what, late 1989*, I guess it was? Jessi Colter is clapping along at extreme left, and of course that’s June Carter Cash and her notorious hubby off to the right. We were all so confusticated by the stage-full of country-music royalty we had up there with us we could barely even stand, much less play.

Why yes, it WAS one hell of a damned night, why do you ask?

Anyhoo, bless Drea de Matteo’s heart for speaking out the way she did, and for being the remarkable, level-headed fairer-sex ball o’ Hell she is. Verily, she stands out from the rest of the Tinseltown crowd like the Hope diamond in a red-clay mud bank.

*ERRATA: On further reflection, it musta been 1990, I suppose, since it was right after New Year’s, like January 3th. I remember we all assumed that the only movie types likely to attend would be crew, go-fers, caterers, local production staff, and such-like—surely the stars would have all flown back to H-wood for New Years Eve, right? WRONG! Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall, Duvall’s lovely Tango-dance instructor, and that big goof Randy Quaid shocked us all by showing up for the shindig. Duvall had slyly arranged to fly in the Cashes, Colter, and Jennings on the sneak as a surprise for Tom, see, without ever letting on; he had met those august personages during the filming of Tender Mercies and become good friends with them. I just about fell over in a dead faint when I saw that tall drink of water Johnny Effing Cash (!!!) come walking in as we were about to tear into our rendition of “Rock And Roll Ruby,” a staple of every BPs set in those days. The minute Cash realized what we were playing, he shot me a huge grin and ploughed thru the crowd to stage-front like Moses parting the Red Sea to take my termbling hand in that great big paw of his and compliment me in his deep, crooning drawl: “Ya sound reeaal gooood, son, just like we did forty years ago!” See, I didn’t know at the time that he had actually written the durn thing—hand to God, I had no idea when I introduced the song with an offhand, “This one goes out to the Man in Black!” Yep, that was one incredible night alright…


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Fake Phony Fraud(s), S'faccim: two excellent descriptors coined by the late great WABC host Bob Grant which are interchangeable, both meaning as they do pretty much the same thing

Mordor On The Potomac: Washington, DC

The Enemy: shitlibs, Progtards, Leftards, Swamp critters, et al ad nauseum

Burn, Loot, Murder: what the misleading acronym BLM really stands for

pAntiFa: an alternative spelling of "fascist scum"

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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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