Lavrentiy Garland, just doing his job

As always, lying under oath and just generally scuttling around covering for his Shadow State Supreme Kommissars in any fashion he can come up with.

Exhibit B:

I know, I know: We want to see action — some actual consequences that stand a chance of effecting positive change in the corrupt blob that our federal bureaucracy has become — particularly the weaponized Justice Department. Still, there’s a certain amount of enjoyment to be had watching Gaetz’s verbal slice-and-dice here. As much as Garland attempted to weasel out of answering the inquiry directly, Gaetz wasn’t having it.

First, Gaetz pushed back on Garland’s labeling as “dangerous conspiracy theories” assertions that there has been coordination between the DOJ and the offices of the state-level attorneys who’ve gone after former President Donald Trump either criminally or civilly. If they’re conspiracy theories, then there either won’t be any communications between the DOJ and those offices, or what communications there are will be fully above board, so there should be no qualms about producing them, right?

Gaetz didn’t leave it with calling Garland’s bluff on the purported coordination, however. He landed a well-placed jab while pivoting toward judicial demeanor and propriety.

GAETZ: Now, you were a judge — once nominated to the highest court in our country. When you were a judge, I’m just curious: Did you ever make political donations to partisan candidates?


(I’d simply like to take a moment and commend the attorney general on what may be the most succinct, direct answer I’ve ever seen him give. Points for that, at least.)

GARLAND: You’re asking me to comment on a case currently before —

GAETZ: Well, it seems you’re connecting the dots, Mr. Attorney General. I’m just asking you as to a general principle, but you are aware that Judge Merchan’s daughter was profiting off of this prosecution. You are aware that that creates the appearance of impropriety. You know the very reason there’s a federal rule against judges giving donations is because it is the very attack on the judicial process that we’re concerned about.

GARLAND: I’m sorry, I don’t agree with anything you just said, but I’m not going to comment on an action in another —

Then Gaetz moved on to the curious career path of Matthew Colangelo.

GAETZ: Okay, so you won’t comment on it, Mr. Attorney General, but you had no problem dispatching Matthew Colangelo. Who’s Matthew Colangelo?

GARLAND: That is false. I did not dispatch Matthew Colangelo. That’s false.

GAETZ: Matthew Colangelo…became the Assistant Attorney General at the very beginning of the Biden administration. Without having been Senate-confirmed, goes and gets this senior role at the DOJ. And then after, I believe it’s Gupta, replaces Colangelo, Colangelo makes this remarkable downstream career journey from the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., and then pops up in Alvin Bragg’s office to go get Trump. And you’re saying that’s just a career choice that was made. That has nothing to do with the lawfare coordinated by the —

GARLAND: I’m saying it’s false. I did not dispatch Mr. Colangelo anywhere.

GAETZ: Well, do you know how he ended up there?

GARLAND: I assume he spoke — he applied for a job there and got the job.

 GAETZ: Well, you might not have had anything to do with it, but we’ve got this contemporaneous evidence in Mr. Pomerantz’s book. So Pomerantz writes this book, which I’m sure you’re aware of, where he says, “We put together the ‘legal eagles’ to get Trump. We got all these folks together, and we assembled them for that purpose.” And so, when we on the Judiciary Committee think about attacks on the judicial process, our concern is that the facts and the law aren’t being followed, a target is acquired — here, Trump — and then you assemble the legal talent from DOJ, Mr. Pomerantz, and you bring everybody in to get him —

GARLAND: I really —

GAETZ: And meanwhile, the judge is making money on it! The judge is making money on — or the judge’s family is making money on it for stuff that you yourself wouldn’t do. You know, no one’s going to buy this, no one’s going to believe it, it’s going to create great disruption. And I’m saddened by it because, like you, I’ve given my life to the law. I care deeply about the law and I think that the lawfare we’ve seen against President Trump will do great damage well beyond our time in public service.

Which, of course, is the whole fucking point, ultimately. It isn’t about Trump, nor even about Trump supporters, when you get right down to the nut-cuttin’. In the end, what it’s really about is destroying America That Was lock, stock, and barrel—burning it to the ground, scattering the ashes, and covering the earth on which it stood with salt. And yes, Lavrentiy Garland and his lying henchmen are all-in on that, same as every other cloven-hoofed D卐M☭CRAT in the country is. Admittedly, it’s possible—just barely, but theoretically possible—that there are exceptions to that rule here and there, sure. But not enough of them to matter.


AOC outed!

An exclusive from winsome, pulchritudinous lass Diogenes Sarcastica.

MFNS – After months and months of researching sleazy corrupt democrats by our crack team of investigative reporters here at the award winning Middle Finger News Service, they have managed to stumble upon (?) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Socialist -NY) secret “Only Fans” account under the name “Showering With Sandy” featuring her daily morning showers before taking on the serious business of saving the nation and becoming a legend in her own time.

Now, there are questions as to why our reporters were on Only Fans Pages in the first place, but in the spirit of Journalism, we would be remiss if we didn’t bring you their findings…with a warning to all from Thomas Sowell.

Yes, there’s a pic of them big ol’ socialist titties, albeit with the real meat of the matter obscured by superimposed stars—and if it’s real, they are spectacular. I’ve always said that girl missed her true calling in life, which is as a topless dancer rather than just another shitlib Congresscritter. This would certainly confirm that assessment, in spades.


The Verdict, Part the Third

Another of those never-to-be-sufficiently-damned “Read more…” clickbait Tweets, so no embed, but the magic of C&P instead.

Kerri Kupec Urbahn

Since Alvin Bragg in his speech last night mentioned District Attorney Thomas Dewey from the 1930s, I think it’s only appropriate to mention US Attorney General Robert Jackson from the 1940s and his warning to federal prosecutors about their capacity to abuse the law. Key excerpts: 

“The prosecutor has more control over life, liberty, and reputation than any other person in America. His discretion is tremendous. He can have citizens investigated and, if he is that kind of person, he can have this done to the tune of public statements and veiled or unveiled intimations. Or the prosecutor may choose a more subtle course and simply have a citizen’s friends interviewed. The prosecutor can order arrests, present cases to the grand jury in secret session, and on the basis of his one-sided presentation of the facts, can cause the citizen to be indicted and held for trial. He may dismiss the case before trial, in which case the defense never has a chance to be heard. Or he may go on with a public trial. If he obtains a conviction, the prosecutor can still make recommendations as to sentence, as to whether the prisoner should get probation or a suspended sentence, and after he is put away, as to whether he is a fit subject for parole. While the prosecutor at his best is one of the most beneficent forces in our society, when he acts from malice or other base motives, he is one of the worst.”

“If the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows that he can choose his defendants. Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor: that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted. With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone. In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him. It is in this realm-in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass, or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies. It is here that law enforcement becomes personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

By George, I think she’s got it. Far from being inconsequential, the thuggish, premeditated savaging of a former President’s right—every American’s right, in fact—to due process in open court trial presided over by a learned, impartial judge, the outcome decided with a verdict rendered by twelve jurors honest and true, is of unparalleled moment. It is, as some dirty, rotten scoundrel or other •cough-coughBIDENcough-cough* boasted in a different context *cough-coughOBAMACAREcough-cough*, a “big fucking deal.” The biggest fucking deal in my entire lifetime, actually.

To supinely permit such an extraordinary profanation to pass without a swift, forceful, vehement response would be a monumental disgrace—an unpardonable sin which would redound on generations yet to come. To allow such a grievous insult to American integrity to fade from collective memory, then to be supplanted by the next manufactured Enemedia Outrage O’ The Day, would constitute, quite literally, a crime most heinous in and of itself.


Talk about menaces…

So late last night curiosity got the better of this cat, prodding me into digging around for more on the vintage besoboru retaliation vid embedded here the other day, and Lord-a-MIGHTY, but this Lenny Randle fella was some piece of work. First off, a look at what the rulebook has to say.

Retro Interference – Batter-Runner Randle Tackles Pitcher
In May 1974, Rangers second baseman Lenny Randle bunted down the first-base line and then veered into fair territory to tackle Indians pitcher Bob Johnson, who had thrown behind Randle one pitch earlier. HP Umpire Dave Phillips ruled the batter-runner out despite Johnson never having actually tagged him, sparking a benches-clearing brawl leading to our latest Ask the UEFL question: What’s the right call here?

Despite articles discussing the base path or runner’s lane, the answer is fairly simple: Randle was declared out for interfering with a fielder entitled to field a batted ball. Naturally, HP Umpire Phillips or 1B Umpire Bill Deegan could have similarly ejected Randle for unsportsmanlike conduct as a result of the flagrant and intentional collision.

Two rules cover this. Official Baseball Rule 5.09(b)(3) states that a runner (including the batter-runner) is out when said runner “intentionally interferes with a thrown ball; or hinders a fielder attempting to make a play on a batted ball,” while OBR 6.01(a)(10) confirms that it is interference when a runner “fails to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field a batted ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown ball.”

SIDEBAR: If two fielders attempt to field the same batted ball, only one of them is entitled to protection from interference (this is not the case here as only the pitcher is fielding the batted ball).

There exist other rules pertaining to interference with a fielder who has already caught a ball and for the purpose of these rules, the pitcher is considered to be in the act of fielding at the moment of interference, even though the ball is already in his possession.

For the record, this is not runner’s lane interference (OBR 5.09(a)(11)), which is a call of interference with the fielder taking the throw at first base; thus, RLI requires a throw to be made. No throw = no possibility of runner’s lane interference. Similarly, this is not an out-of-the-base-path call, since out of the base path is defined as running more than three feet away from the direct line between the runner and the base which the runner is attempting to achieve in order to avoid being tagged. Because Randle ran directly to the pitcher (the only player who could have tagged him), who had yet to make a tag attempt, he was not out of his base path.

Okay, now that we got the legal niceties of the actual at-bat all sorted out, what about Randle himself? Might he have been temperamentally inclined to overreacting over what was really a pretty ordinary, run of the mill brush-back pitch? Hmmm, could be, could be.

The pitcher fields it clean, tries to make the tag and that is exactly what Randle wanted. As the pitcher comes up with the ball, Randle lays a hit on him that John Randle would be proud of. I mean he laid him out. I love how Randle just takes off for first acting like he didn’t do anything wrong, luckily the first baseball decided to show off his form tackling as well. First baseman wraps him up and drives him into the ground. It’s an all out brawl from there wit some good punches landed.

Most of the times baseball fights are just pushing and shoving and yelling, not here. Everyone was trying to get a piece of someone else, quite an impressive fight if you ask me.

Fun Fact- I googled this guy Lenny Randle, turns out he also punched one of his managers in the face three times. Sensing a theme here….

A-yup. And then there’s this:

During spring training in 1977, first round draft choice Bump Wills earned the starting second base job over Randle. On March 28, the Rangers were in Orlando for an exhibition game with the Minnesota Twins. During batting practice an hour before the first pitch, Randle approached Rangers manager Frank Lucchesi. Randle claimed that Lucchesi called him a “punk”, which Lucchesi denies. Randle punched Lucchesi in the face three times before the altercation was stopped by bystanders.

Lucchesi was hospitalized for a week, needing plastic surgery to repair his fractured cheekbone which Randle had broken in three places.[6] He also received bruises to his kidney and back. The Rangers suspended Randle for 30 days without pay and fined him $10,000. On April 26, before the suspension was complete, Texas traded him to the New York Mets for cash and a player to be named later; Texas later received Rick Auerbach.

Randle was charged with assault, and pleaded no contest to battery charges in a Florida court, receiving a $1,050 fine. The Rangers fired Lucchesi on June 21. Lucchesi sued Randle for $200,000. They settled for $20,000.

Uhh, yeah, from all appearances this guy was hot as a two-dollar pistol, safe to say. This next Randle item I thought was pretty funny.

With the Kansas City Royals visiting the Kingdome on May 27, 1981, Royals center fielder Amos Otis hit a slow roller down the third base line in the sixth inning. Randle got on his hands and knees and blew the ball over the foul line; the umpires disallowed his action, and ruled it fair. Afterwards, Randle said that there was a “no-blow rule” implemented. He jokingly said, “They won the game, we won the protest.”

Heh. Well, give the guy points for creativity, anyhow.



Well, that does it, folks, we’ve no choice now but to give ‘em whatever they want. With this announcement, we Climate Deniers are well and truly done.

Um, okay, who wants to tell these two smug, unappealing termegants? Because to be perfectly honest about it, I wouldn’t throw so much as a three-stroke hump, pump, ’n’ dump into either the sloppy, sag-bellied she-manatee on the left or the withered, leather-snootched corpsicle at right on a fucking bet. Not if they were the last two human females on Earth, I was 16 and kneewalking drunk at last call on Saturday night, horny as a two-peckered billy goat, and desperate enough to fuck mud. Not even with Divemedic’s dick and Big Country pushing, I wouldn’t.

Lock up the nookie jar if you want, “ladies,” it ain’t gonna harelip me none, I’m afraid. Whatever it is you think you’re peddling, there is NO market for it over here. Compared to these two godawful crones, Mother Thumb and her four daughters look like the hottest date imaginable.

“Pussy boycott?” By all means, please, please do; have a heart, don’t make us beg you to. For the second time this week, the story of Br’er Rabbitt and the briar patch springs immediately to mind.

I did enjoy this response:

Heh. Yep, agreed.


SHOCKER: Dog bites man!!!

Seriously now, is there anybody out there who DIDN’T know this Breaking News BLOCKBUSTER!!© by now? Could there possibly be? Asking for a friend, that’s all.

NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials
It’s about time!

At long last, National Institutes of Health (NIH) principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak admitted to Congress Thursday that US taxpayers funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China in the months and years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Dr. Tabak,” asked Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.) of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, “did NIH fund gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through [Manhattan-based nonprofit] EcoHealth [Alliance]?”

“It depends on your definition of gain-of-function research,” Tabak answered. “If you’re speaking about the generic term, yes, we did.

The response comes after more than four years of evasions from federal public health officials — including Tabak himself and former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci — about the controversial research practice that modifies viruses to make them more infectious.

Said Dr Tabak to commit “suicide” by shooting himself in the back of the head 12 times in 5…4…3…2…

Follows, a veritable shitstorm of the de rigeur weasel-words, ass-covering, and evasiveness regarding what the actual, literal meaning of “gain of function” might and might not be, burped up by a Swamp critter cast of thousands, before we get to this, from Rutgers University genetics prof Dr. Bryce Nickels, also a co-founder of the pandemic oversight group (whatever that is) Biosafety Now:

“It’s pure insanity to continue to delegate responsibly for risk/benefit analysis of research that poses an existential threat to humanity to the scientist that will perform the work and their institutions,” Nickels claimed.

“We just had a devastating pandemic likely caused by creation of a [Pathogen with Enhanced Pandemic Potential] in a lab, and yet scientists want the public to trust them that they can police themselves?” he balked. “That’s just total and complete nonsense.”

Excellent point, Doc, but know what’s REALLY “complete nonsense,” in my humble estimation? That all y’all “experts” are still trying to peddle the FauxVid tyranny trial-run as a “devastating pandemic” to the contemptible panic-ninnies who fell for your bushwa the first time around, that’s what.

Ho-hum. Let’s tot it up, shall we?

  • A once-proud people terrorized, traumatized, and stampeded like mindless cattle
  • A booming national economy trashed
  • “Social distancing,” “mask mandates,” et al
  • A supply chain irrepairably damaged
  • Election-fraud mechanisms normalized, institutionalized, and permanentized
  • Bedrock American liberties and rights flung down and danced upon
  • Small businesses driven into bankruptcy while “essential” megacorporations are given a bye
  • Untold millions of lives, careers, families, relationships, critical health-treatment regimens, and educations disrupted and/or ruined
  • The Have-nots forced to cower in their homes under contra-Constitutional lockdowns while the Haves party hearty exactly as before

All this wanton destruction, impoverishment, and immiseration, brought about entirely by FederalGovCo skullduggery, psychopathy, and brazen lies. State and local governments also, lest we forget. Yet not one, not even ONE, of the perfidious plutocrats behind this con-job have so much as lost their cushy goobermint sinecures and/or bloated pensions over it. NOT. ONE.

TRUST these verminous orcs, or the Mordor On The Potomac megalith they run, again? Shyeeaaaaahhhh, that’ll be the day.

Tellyawhat, get back to me when the grisly homunculus Fauci, his henchman Peter Daszak, and the rancid tub of goo Deborah Birx—at the very, very minimum—have been duly sentenced to rockin’ orange in Supermax for the rest of their worthless existences, thenksveddymuch. Until that frabjous day arrives, it’s all just more of the same old talky-talk, in which I have a good deal less than no interest whatsoever. Investigations, hearings, blue-ribbon commissions, fiery speeches from DC ProPols, Congressional inquiries, lawsuits, etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseum—ummmm, yeah, NO. I’m with Ace:

He is a murderer and a perjurer. We cannot convict him for his millions of murders, but we can convict him of his dozens of perjuries.

This vicious malignant dwarf must spend the rest of his golden feather-bedded years in a federal prison. He spent his whole working life in the federal system; he should die there too.

A fuggin’ MEN, brother. Alas, I won’t be holding my breath waiting for it, and neither should you.


As the clock ticks

Criminal malfeasance, plain as day and beyond debate.

‘FBI Kept PUSHING’: Damning Thread Shows Just How Involved the FBI Really WAS in Plot to ‘Fednap’ Whitmer
As the country is a hot mess of horrible in more ways than one under the current leadership, it’s easy for things to sort of fall off your radar. Take for example, the FEDnapping hoax aka a so-called plot from a Michigan milita to kidnap Gretchen Whi(t)mer.

You guys remember that, yes? When a militia was somehow inspired by Trump or white supremacy or something to try and kidnap GRETCH?

Yeah, it sounds stupid when you see it like that but…it was real.

A real hoax, that is.

Follows, a crapton of Tweets laying out the nefarious FederalGovCo plot in detail, after which a seriously flabbergasted Sam J sarcastically quips:

We honestly don’t even know what to say at this point.


But you know, we’re not supposed to even talk about the possibility of FBI agents fueling what happened on January 6th.


InfuckingDEED, girl. Not supposed to? Not allowed to, more like, don’t even dare to at that, on pain of consequences most dire as punishment for our appalling impudence.

Hey, when your new puppy piddles on the rug, you gotta give him a swat with a rolled-up newspaper, scold him with a sharpish “NO!” in your best command-voice, rub his nose in his own mess, and chuck his unruly ass outside for a while, amIright? Unsettling as it can sometimes be for you, now and then you must be stern with the cute little rascal, or else he won’t ever be properly housetrained, amIright?

Every dog owner knows that instilling discipline is something dogs need, really; it’s good for them, in all sorts of ways. When you get right down to it, you owe the pup that, it’s your duty to him as Supreme Master of the house. Fulfill that duty and your home will be a happy one, a place of refuge and comfort, all who shelter within its walls safe, secure, and content. Be derelict in said duty, and your home…well, suffice it to say that it won’t be.

And that’s precisely how our exalted lords and masters regard us unmannerly, grimy, grunting Serf Class oafs: as untrained puppies badly in need of corrective instruction in knowing our place, obedience, and unquestioning fealty to our betters. Contra what I said the other night about noblesse oblige being dead and long gone, it actually isn’t; it lives on in Ruling Class hearts and minds, although they don’t consciously know that, and wouldn’t acknowledge its ongoing influence if they did.

It’s just that today, noblesse oblige applies in a slightly different way, in a differently-structured society whose lowly subjects have long since forsaken their philosophical orientation towards the Founding principles of ordered liberty, the rule of law by consent of the governed, individual self-determination, and strictly limited government, shifting the culture towards their exact opposites. A Leftist-driven cultural shift, mind, one that breathed new life into the tenaciously non-extinct corpus of the old noblesse oblige, from a national polity that had once strenuously objected to such a grotesque relic from the Dark Age days of Kings, Queens, and the far-flung colonial empires whose enslaved aboriginals they cruelly exploited and abused, when they weren’t outright exterminating the poor dears for sport.

Ace asks a silly question:

So when do these FBI agents go on trial for conspiracy to commit kidnapping?

Oh, we all know the answer to that one, I’m afraid. At the risk of sounding like the proverbial broken record, I’ll point out yet again that at this late stage of the game, there’s but one burning question left to answer. It’s a daunting question, a painful question, in all honesty a truly terrifying one. Nevertheless, the awful thing sits there staring every Real American straight in the face…waiting. Sooner or later, one way or another, for good or for ill, it WILL be answered; dodging, delaying, or deluding ourselves that the question is neither pressing nor all that important provides a de facto answer in and of itself, a most condemnatory one—the very answer our oppressors are relying on us to give, smugly assuming that, in our cowardice, dependence, and decadent self-absorption, we have no other viable choice.

May God have mercy on us if that calumnious assumption proves to be correct.


He Woke Us Up. He Educated Us,

…I don’t think that most of us, however much we may love (or hate) him, fully appreciate the extraordinary scale of the revolution he has wrought.

He woke us up. He educated us, in a way that a teacher with a more sober and restrained classroom manner would never have been able to do. He showed us who our leaders really are and showed us who we, if we dare to take heart and take action, might be.

From Henry, in the comments, this article linked:

The Remarkable Uniqueness of Donald Trump

Perhaps one of the better articles about the case for Trump that I have read.
Henry’s comment


The nature of the beast: INSANE, with a side order of big brass balls

Bayou Peter has a GREAT story demonstrating what crazy-ass adrenaline junkies all pilots truly are.

65 years ago today on April 24, 1959, legend has it that an aviation stunt so bizarre it defies belief actually took place in the Mackinaw Straits between the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan.

A U.S. Air Force RB-47E Stratojet reconnaissance aircraft piloted by Strategic Air Command pilot Capt. John Stanley Lappo was said to have flown underneath the Mackinaw Bridge where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron converge. As history records the event, no photos of the aircraft flying under the bridge exist, but the stunt, if it actually did happen, created enough buzz that a legend was born.

According to the website and the Wikipedia page for the Mackinaw Bridge, fitting a Boeing RB-47E Stratojet under the Mighty Mac was a tight squeeze with little margin for error. The highest place between the water surface in the Mackinaw Strait and the bottom of the Mackinaw Bridge is 155-feet at the center. The tail of an RB-47E stands 27-feet, 11 inches off the ground. If you do the math, that leaves about 127-feet of space between the water and the bottom of the bridge to play with. Considering the RB-47E stall speed in these conditions may have been as slow as 150-190 MPH, the plane would cover that distance in altitude in just over a second or two.

As the story goes, and is told in several media outlets, Capt. Lappo was, “Reported by his navigator” to some higher authority after the bridge fly-under. The legend claims that Lappo was, “charged with violating a regulation prohibiting flying an aircraft below 500-feet”. No great aviation tale is complete without details, and the story is that Capt. Lappo was permanently removed from flight status by the Commanding General of the Eight Air Force, Lieutenant General Walter Campbell.

Wow, I mean just…WOW. I’m with Peter on this:

I can see a fighter or fighter-bomber flying under that bridge, just as has been done to other famous bridges around the world (for example, see the Tower Bridge Incident in London, England in 1968). However, the much larger, less nimble and maneuverable B-47 bomber would be very difficult indeed to fly through such a confined space. If it was done, one can only tip one’s hat to the pilot in admiration.

A-yup, that’s about the size of it. Having known quite a few pilots in my day, as well as having a better-than-average amount of stick-time in various aircraft my own self, I can confirm that the above is just exactly the kind of thrill-seeker behavior one expects from pilots, especially military ones. What ordinary folks tremble at as death-seeking daredevilry, they see as an irresistible temptation—a challenge, not an impossibility.

The Gyrines famously call themselves “heartbreakers and life-takers,” but with the Brylcreem Boys one must tack on “lawbreakers” as well, in the highest, most aspirational sense of the word; not mere petty, trivial laws those guys break, but the laws of gravity, physics, and sensible behavior in the air, among many others.

Peter wonders, “did it actually happen?” I’d be willing to bet just about anything that it did; these are fucking pilots we’re talking about here, of COURSE it did!

Update! This post just wouldn’t be complete without a photo of the sleek, lovely B47 Stratojet, from back in the halcyon days when Boeing was still making serviceable, capable aircraft.

Six turbojet engines, six man crew—a high-altitude, subsonic (barely) strategic bomber mostly used as recon aircraft, in service from 1951 until 1969. Yet another exemplification of the phrase “they just don’t make ‘em like this anymore.”


D卐M☭CRAT shows her true colors

Well, I guess this would explain a few things, no?

Why wait for legislative action to achieve wealth redistribution when you can just go ahead and take it?

Sen. Nicole Mitchell, a Minnesota state senator, boasted of helping to “create and teach a Diversity and Inclusion program” and “is committed to working toward a more just and equitable Minnesota.”

Like her DFL colleagues, that means taking stuff from people.

But even her DFL colleagues usually have a different process. Still, you have to admire initiative in a socialist.

A Minnesota lawmaker was arrested for alleged burglary Monday, less than a week after she advocated for safer communities at the state’s Capitol building.

Detroit Lakes officers booked State Sen. Nicole Mitchell, DFL-Woodbury, for first-degree burglary, according to local jail records. Police found the senator inside a Detroit Lakes home around 4:45 a.m. after the homeowner reported a burglary, according to FOX9.

State Sen. Mitchell joined Moms Demand Action Tuesday, an organization supporting restrictions on gun ownership, to promote solutions for gun violence.

Understandably, if you’re going to break into people’s houses, you would prefer that they not be armed.

Yeah, I suppose you would at that. Like all shitlibs and many career housebreakers, she doesn’t seem to accept that getting her ass ventilated is an occupational hazard in that particular job, instead believing that she and her fellow criminals ought to be exempt from such grim consequences. Hardly atypical amongst her ilk, hilariously enough.


No, this is definitely NOT Roman Gabriel’s NFL

Nor Johnny Unitas’s, nor Ollie Matson’s, nor Bart Starr’s, nor Jim Brown’s, nor Mike Ditka’s. Nor mine, nor yours. The people running the show now don’t want it to be, see. And as far as I‘m concerned, may they have joy of their choice, they can fucking well have it.

NFL Funded Left-Wing Group Bailing Out Anti-Israel Bridge Blockers
Community Justice Exchange received grants from NFL’s ‘Inspire Change’ program as recently as 2022

The left-wing nonprofit that bailed out anti-Israel protesters who blocked bridges and highways across the country last week was a multi-year partner of the NFL’s “Inspire Change program” whose work is still promoted on the NFL’s website.

Community Justice Exchange set up a “bail and legal defense fund” for those arrested during last week’s A15 protests. The protests targeted major airports, highways, and bridges in dozens of U.S. cities including San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Their explicit goal was to disrupt economic “choke points” to maximize financial disruption, as explained on their website.

The online fundraiser, hosted by ActBlue and organized in conjunction with A15 Action, told donors that the funds will “support community members who are criminalized in the U.S. for their solidarity with Palestine.”

As an official “Inspire Change” partner, the Community Justice Exchange received grants and publicity in its work “to end money bail and pre-trial detention at the local level and immigration detention at the national level.” The NFL’s partnership with the Community Justice Exchange was last extended in June 2022, according to an announcement from the league. The league touted the left-wing group’s “work with organizers, advocates, and legal providers across the country that are using community bail funds as part of efforts to radically change local bail systems and reduce incarceration.” The grants went toward “coordinating and supporting the 100+ local protest to bail funds and a centralized rapid response fund to support those protesting for racial justice.”

The partnership appears to have since lapsed—the nonprofit wasn’t on the list of grantees announced in May 2023. The NFL’s “Inspire Change” website lists Community Justice Exchange under “Previous Grant Recipients” and still includes a link to the group’s website.

Proud of their little Left-wing fascist goon squads, aren’t they? Like I said, they can have it, all they want and then some. Myself, after being the most rabid Cowboys fan imaginable from my childhood well into my “adult” (a-HENH!) years, I haven’t watched any NFL game—regular season, playoffs, Stupid Bowl, whatever—in several decades now, haven’t missed it even slightly, and almost certainly will never watch another.

Enjoy your “partnership” with the selfsame Leftard pussyfarts who have been trying to get football banned altogether for being “too violent,” “too dangerous” for, oh, ’round about twenty-thirty years or so, while it lasts. You can all go straight to Hell together for all me, and good fucking riddance to the whole sorry lot of you.

Via Sefton—welcome back, JJ!

Update! How we know for sure and certain that there’s really no such thing as zombies, the living dead, angry ghosts who walk among us seeking vengeance against the hated living, &c: Because the shades of Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, John D Rockefeller, Tom Landry, and many others—all of whom were hardcore capitalist Reich-wingers, if not straight-up Fascists, in life—haven’t risen from the grave en masse to tear out Wokester throats in righteous rage over their wanton despoliation of all they once held dear on this tormented Earth. That’s a by-God “tell” if ever I saw one.

Well, excepting the ((((JooJooJooJOOOOOO!!!))))-hate, of course. That would been totally jake with at least a couple of the aforementioned.


Ask A Silly Question Part the Eleventy Million Bajillionth

This time, it’s our esteemed colleague Buck Throckmorton asking:

THE MORNING RANT: Why Do Intelligent People Continue to Rely on Government Data That is Known to Be False?
—Buck Throckmorton

A: INTELLIGENT people…don’t. Which, of course, Buck knows already, thanks; inflation and unemployment numbers, FaxVid deaths, Climate Change (formerly Global Warming, formerly Global Cooling, formerly The Weather)™, “baseless claims” of election rigging, “mostly peaceful” BLM riots, “insurrection” sans torches, pitchforks, or firearms—it’s all a web of deceit, disingenuousness, and/or baldfaced lies.

The only reliable assumption regarding the pattern of falsified reporting from government agencies is that everything they report is false and intentionally misleading.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

S’truth. Which in a way is a good thing, ‘cause these days hardly anything else is.


SHOCKER: Big-talking tough guy not so tough after all

Mouthy illegal alien whines like the little punk-ass bitch he is, in what has to be the feel-good interview of the year.

Migrant influencer’ who encouraged squatting whines to NY Post that he’s a victim of ‘persecution’ in jailhouse interview
Cry me a Rio Grande river.

The jailed Venezuelan “migrant influencer” who viciously mocked America to his 500,000 TikTok followers and urged border crossers to “invade abandoned houses” now misses the glorious liberties he enjoyed in the US – whining to The Post this week that “I miss my freedom!”

Leonel Moreno moaned that he is a victim of unjust “persecution” Wednesday during a 30-minute-long video televisit from inside Geauga County Jail in Chardon, Ohio.

“I came here to the United States because of persecution in my country … But they’re doing the same thing to me in the United States – persecuting me,” Moreno, 27, wailed.

“It’s all misinformation in the media about me. They’re defaming me. They’re misrepresenting me in the news … I am a good father, a good husband, a good son, a good person, humble, respectful to people who respect me,” continued Moreno, who spoke only Spanish and hid his face from the video camera’s view for the duration of the interview.

“I miss my entire life – I miss my freedom!” he cried.

With Moreno out of the frame, the camera showed inmates in blue-striped jumpsuits sitting at five silver metal tables through a glass window. At one point during the video visit, five scowling inmates looked in his direction, with some indecipherably shouting at him.

“What is happening?” Moreno could be heard muttering to himself. 

“I am afraid they’re going to kill me. They’re coming for my life – anyone!” he said.

Moreno said he’s been in touch with his wife, Veronica Torres, since he’s been locked up, and insisted The Post contact her so she could “charge” an undisclosed sum for a “good interview” with him. The Post does not pay for interviews.

Immigrant and Customs Enforcement fugitive operations officers cuffed Moreno in Columbus, Ohio on March 29 – nearly two years after he and Torres illegally crossed the southern border into Eagle Pass, Texas on April 23, 2022.

He was allowed to stay in the country on a Biden administration-approved parole scheme — but then failed to appear for required check-ins with immigration officers, according to ICE.

But Moreno insisted he was thrown in the clink because of his inflammatory social media videos – and ironically vowed to use the First Amendment to fight any charges.

“If Leonel Moreno commits a crime or something then they would be right, but it’s because of my work, so this is unfair…Social media is my job.

“If I want to say something now, I can’t say it…We’ve become an oppressive country instead of a free country where we can express whatever is in our hearts…The United States was created to be that, not to oppress,” he said.

Get that word “we” out of your mouth, wetback. This is NOT your country, you do NOT belong here, and the 1st Amendment does NOT apply to you.

Deport his ass immediately. Then, if/when he slithers back over the border again, he should be shot dead while “resisting arrest.” That oughta settle his hash pretty nicely, I think.


Lefty douchebaggery too Lefty-douchebaggy to know it’s Lefty douchebaggery

Cliff’s Notes version: I don’t like cruises much, so if you do you must not be as smart as I am. The pluperfect example of what a friend of Glenn’s aptly dubs “Lefty douchebaggery.” No excerpt, because I’m so far past caring about what these assholes think and say I didn’t even bother reading it.


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Notable Quotes

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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