Are UFOs real, or not?
Wilder responds with a good counterquestion: at the end of the day, does it really matter all that much?
I’ll admit, I’ve been fascinated by UFOs (the old name before they got fancy and started calling them UAPs) since I was a kid. I’ve been following the unfolding story since the “Tic-Tac®” videos came out in 2017 because any version of an answer for what was observed was interesting. Either the United States had amazing tech beyond anything, .gov is faking it, or it was something that fell into that big bucket of “aliens and demons and interdimensional beings – oh, my!”
Scott (Adams) presents the idea that this subject is being brought up at the very moment that lots (and I mean a record number) of other things are brewing in the news:
- We live in a nation at the brink of civil conflict,
- White House Resident Joe Biden is facing a presidential scandal, with amazing evidence, that is the biggest since Watergate,
- We might be seeing a soft coup against Biden right now as the Left wants to jettison him for someone else,
- (Not anyone else, since no one wants Kamala),
- Adding a janitor at Mar-A-Largo© to the list of people who are indicted along with Trump because he helped move boxes (really),
- Hunter seems to have lost more cocaine,
- Prices for luxuries like food have jumped, and are set to jump again as the Ukraine Conflict enters day 5,000, and
- Payments for interest on the national debt are starting to be higher than Johnny Depp.
Is there something to distract us from? Yup.
Why? Because that list above isn’t even close to being complete.
So, is all this fake, the biggest and fakest thing ever?
I don’t know. It would make sense that it was. The Soviets Russians seem to have their “it’s all a lie” face on and China’s doing, well, whatever it is that China does when no one’s watching. Maybe hate-eating a box of Twinkies®?
And as we see all of the shiny, sparkly news going on, keep in mind the important things – your faith, your family, and your friends. There’s a lot of news that we get that we simply cannot do anything with, that for many of us is nothing more than a signal of what’s going on in the greater world.
We need to come together, find like-minded folks who share your values, and be ready for the changes that are coming in the world, because if they’re using aliens to distract us, well, they must be very scared indeed.
Myself, I’d say it’s not so much that they’re scared as it is they’re just running out of ideas for useful, effective distractions. I mean, the old “Look, over there, SQUIRREL!!” ruse stopped working and became nothing more than a punchline back in about 2009, y’know. If the UFO thing really is just the latest ploy, well, they’ve pretty much reached the end of the rope. Time to start tying a knot in that sucker, I’d say.