Well whaddya know, maybe Woke really IS dead after all.
Apple just released the ad of the year. I would have never expected such a pro-family ad to come from this company.
Watch. Try not to cry… pic.twitter.com/2Yh7yCoodj
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza)
When the Superdooperdoublesecretultraüberlibs at Apple release an ad as White family-positive as this—not a jot or tittle of mockery, sarcasm, or sneering; no thinly-veiled insinuations of LiterallyHitlerGenocideNaziSupremacissism in sight—something’s going on out there.
Steve Jobs must be spinning in his grave. Which, just this once, is by no means a bad thing.
Thanks for that, hadn’t seen it. And with that we can declare that the left has lost.
For a few years anyway. One must fight evil forever because it never stops completely.
Nice add.