I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning. Smells like…victory.
Update! Insty:
SO KAMALA DIDN’T SPEAK LAST NIGHT, AND DIDN’T CALL TRUMP TO CONCEDE. A (female) friend messages: “Charming that the Democrats have twice put up a woman against Trump, who gets too drunk the night of elections to give a concession speech.”
They’re not sending their best people. Or heck, maybe they are . . .
Heh. Indeed.
Updated update! Just hit me that I’ve gotta get busy getting the Scrooge Picard theme up and running quick as I can. Why, you ask? Because for once, Christmas truly did come early this year, of course. 😉
Love the picture.
The left are full blown lunatics. Absolutely, mentally ill, basket cases, all on display to those of any normality to see.
What a total train wreck of a person she is. I wonder if Biden has that dopey grin on today.
Well Kamala promised joy–and she delivered.
Yes, Biteme does have a dopey grin…on full display on Wednesday.
Her “concession” was a fitting end.
A bunch of platitudes and empty word salad. They must FIGHT! Fight for what? Not really anything more than a vague “dignity of all people”
Like THIS is dignified?
Is blowing Willie dignified?
Willie’s willy thinks so 🙂
BTW, at certain angles doesn’t Sam Brinton look like Matt Damon in drag?
Have we ever seen the two of them in the same room together?