A not exactly personal note—y’know, seeing as how it’s actually, erm, public—regarding today’s Morning Report post, wherein our ol’ blog-bud JJ says:
While the Democrats expose exactly who and what they are, Donald Trump had a rather interesting meeting with someone I would have thought would want absolutely nothing to do with him, given all of the above as well as the looming national election.
The Democrat mayor of a community with many Arab-Americans in Wayne County, Michigan, who helped lead the uncommitted movement in the Democrat primary, told Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday that his meeting with former President Donald Trump last week “was very productive” and well received by the community, which traditionally votes Democrat. Hamtramck Mayor Amer Ghalib (D) spoke with Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle in a nearly 20-minute segment on the program on the heels of his meeting with Trump in Flint, Michigan. . . Ghalib said his meeting with Trump materialized in part because many in Hamtramck and these neighboring communities are supportive of him and “the shifting dynamics” he is leading. . . “The meeting was very good,” Ghalib, who hails from Yemen, added. “I talked to President Trump about, you know, some statistics here in Wayne County and how it used to be a stronghold for the Democrats, and we always used to vote Democrat. This is not the case anymore here.” Ghalib recounted later in the interview that Trump said “he is going to end the chaos in the Middle East,” adding Trump “doesn’t want wars.”
Hamastramck or Haramtramck? Is this just another Taqqiya Sunrise, or is there something else going on? If this character is trying to appease the blue collar base, which is increasingly disenchanted with the Biden/Harris junta over its insane disaster over pushing EVs that is laying waste to their jobs among many other issues destroying the economy, on top of the Teamster rank and file seemingly leaning heavily towards Trump. Heck of a job trying to right the sinking Democrat ship. Mayor Ghalib.
Now as fate would have it, I myself had a cordial email exchange with Mayor Ghalib in June of last year wherein I congratulated him and the Hamtramck City Council on the passage of a town ordinance forbidding the flying of any other than official city, state, or US national flags from government buildings in Hamtramck…yes, DURING PRIDE MONTH!!! In my original missive I wrote:
I honor and congratulate you, Mayor Ghalib, for your work with the Hamtramck city council to restore a modicum of sanity and decorum to your city with the recent determination that flags celebrating Pride Month have no place on city property. I am not a Muslim myself, and live quite a distance from your city, although I have visited Hamtramck and the Detroit area several times in years past, when I was on the road playing with a rockabilly/blues/surf band. That was back when I was lot younger than I am now; I’ve gotten much too old for that sort of thing now, alas.
That said, I am very glad to see you and your fellow elected officials standing up for what’s right on this issue, and applaud you all for your courage and plain good sense. The new ordinance isn’t in any way unreasonable or unjust; in fact, all the statements I’ve seen so far from not only Hamtramck officials but ordinary Muslim-American citizens in your area have been nothing but commonsensical, broad-minded, and eminently fair. Stick to your guns, you’re fighting the good fight here, and whether you know it or not there are millions of us out here who realize that, and are firmly on your side in this battle.
All in all, you good people seem to me to be way more American than all too many native-born folks I could name.
Heartfelt kudos to you all, and please keep up the good work. I was born in North Carolina myself, and currently live just over the state line in SC. I’m happy to have you and your colleagues here with us in the USA, and that you understand so well what our country is supposed to be all about. I support what you’re doing one hundred percent, and wish you good fortune, success, and happiness. Thanks again.
Naturally, the LGBTQEIEIO+++ Mafia was throwing kicking, screaming hissy fits over this unconscionable “betrayal” at the time. Ghalib was good enough to write back straightaway thanking me warmly for my support; I posted here on said cordial exchange, as you would expect. While I daresay there’s plenty of other topics we probably don’t see eye to eye on, far as I’m concerned Mayor Ghalib is a-okay, one of the good guys.
While I’m not a huge fan of mooslims, most I’ve met have been decent enough. They do have more in common with my Catholic faith than not.
Like Mark Steyn once said (about muslims taking over) “I’ll grow my beard out and get along OK but those (‘people of letters’) have a big, big problem.
Way back in my warblogger days, I reached out to a Muslim or two. They sometimes scoffed at my ignorance, but they were never unkind.
If I had to choose a foreign religion to settle among us, it would be Eastern Christianity.
I have no idea how I could have missed such a noteworthy* term as Surf Band. I had to look it up to be sure it did have something to do with water and surfboards. I like it. Of course, the Beach Boys instantly came to mind…
Nothing much better than a little 409 and a surfboard…
Oh MAN, do yourself a favor and look up the Aqualads. Old, dear friends of mine, and one of the best pure surf bands around. Try this: https://youtu.be/Om5Gz9r2oyw?si=R2Gy1AXcH-xtKp3K
Thanks for the link. I *think* I have heard that before. I’ve probably heard some of the music called Surf Music, just missed that it was an actual category. OR, age has made me forget…