From non-persons Dick Cheney et fille, pumping up their Real True Conservative bona fides with an endorsement of the Kummiemala Harris/Tim “Tamponz 4 Boyz!” Walz Hell-ticket.
I thought Cheney was an homme sérieux. But, in the end, he wasn’t. The Bush years have to be accounted a terrible failure, in which the leadership of the then dominant superpower was unable to grasp the simplest of truths – not least about the need for strategic clarity. Under Cheney, America launched wars with no war aims, in which it deluded itself that “smart bombs” counted for more than will. Meanwhile, on the home front, the rate of Muslim immigration to America doubled…because it was more important to show the world how nice we are than to consider the cultural consequences of demographic transformation. So the west spent twenty years fighting over the most barren and worthless sod on the planet, while surrendering Malmö and Marseille, Rotterdam and Nottingham, and Lewiston-Auburn, Maine. This is what happens when you have a political class almost entirely disconnected from the rhythms of real life in real countries.
So Trump has performed a great service in driving the likes of Cheney to vote Kamala. The feeble charade of TweedleDem vs TweedleRep is designed to obscure the central fact of end-stage western “democracy” – that, on anything that really matters, nothing can be permitted to change. Thus, having Dick Cheney and Ilhan Omar formally on the same team is very helpful. Trump has driven the “respectable” political class to make the Uniparty literal, and its consolidation has freed up space for an actual second party. (On his recent podcast, my former National Review colleague John Derbyshire has more on this.)
For most of this century, while the “right” shrivelled conservatism to unwon wars, globalist economics and cultural surrender, the voters kept telling the political class they would like a wider choice on Election Day. Hence, eventually, even in the frozen American system, the coming of Trumpism. Whatever happens after November, there are no takers among the GOP base for a return to Bush-Cheney “conservatism”.
As for the no-greater-threat-to-our-republic bollocks, it’s just a few weeks since a would-be assassin put a bullet through the ear of the alleged greatest threat. That day provided a telling contrast – between Trump’s defiance in immediately rising to his feet and raising his fist…and Bush on 9/11 being hustled off while in the middle of reading My Pet Goat to a roomful of grade-schoolers and then agreeing to Secret Service demands that he spend the rest of the day on Air Force One being shuttled from one “safe” location to another and thereby rendering himself entirely invisible to the American people.
Be that as it may, it quickly became clear – not least through multiple lies and obfuscations in Congressional testimony – that the Secret Service and other elements in the federal government created the conditions that permitted that bullet to hit a former president in the head (and kill an American citizen). And that’s putting it at its mildest: even after the shooting was underway, it was a local copper – not the feds – who was the first to fire back and hit the alleged perp.
Consider the implications of that, especially if you’re the family of Corey Comperatore. That’s a far “greater threat to our republic” than the man those corrupted alphabet agencies failed to protect. Cheney is contemptible.
Indeed he is, and the sourest realization of all is that he is by no means alone in that amongst his Ruling Class confreres.
For those of us paying attention, Cheney is just another in the long list of the bush cabal that is worth less than warm spit. Anti-American to their core, sold out for next to nothing.
Rumsfeld remains the only American in the entire bush administration, and he got fired by the POS because of it.