Let’s see: the JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations; the Bolshevik Revolution; WW2 and the (((Holocaust))) Hoax; the wars in Korea and Vietnam; the 9/11 and 10/7 attacks; FauxVid, pAntiFa, BLM; the current Gaza Genocide—is there NOTHING the Mossad, Israel, and omnipotent Global Jewry hasn’t done, NO atrocious crime against humanity they didn’t perpetrate and then fob the blame off onto others for, the shifty sumbitches?
And now this horseshit. WAKE UP, AMERICA!!!
The Palestinian Flag: As Inauthentic as the Palestinian People
The Palestine flag itself is an indication of the fact that the Palestinians are a newly-minted ethnicity — invented, in fact, by the KGB and Yasir Arafat in the 1960s to be a weapon against Israel. Before it was the flag of Palestine, the flag was the banner of the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz, which was established in 1916 and absorbed into Saudi Arabia in 1925. In 1924, it also became the flag of the Sharifian Caliphate, which occupied much the same territory as the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz in what is now Western Saudi Arabia and lasted until 1931.The Hejaz is in Arabia — not “Palestine.” The designer of the flag was not a Palestinian, as there were no Palestinians as such in those days, but an English Colonel named Mark Sykes.
What is known today as the flag of Palestine was never actually the flag of Palestine at all. The name “Palestine” historically refers to a region that was so named by the Romans after they expelled the Jews in 134AD. The Romans took this name from that of the Philistines, the Israelites’ Biblical enemies, who had long since died out. But Palestine for the Romans (and everyone else) was just the name of a region, not of a people, and it had no flag.
Nor do we see this people or its flag throughout history. There was never an independent Palestinian state, and Arabs in the area never flew this flag. A 1939 world atlas shows a flag of Palestine, that is, British Mandate Palestine. The British held the area not as a British colony, but for the express purpose of creating there a Jewish national home, in the Jews’ ancient homeland. Inconveniently for the historical revisionists who rule the public discourse today, the 1939 flag of Mandatory Palestine shows a banner featuring a star of David.
The Palestine Liberation Organization adopted the current Palestinian flag as its own only in 1964, the same year that it changed its name to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, in recognition of the newly created nationality it was supposedly dedicated to “liberating.” There was no Palestinian nationality before the 1960s, when it was invented in order to reposition what was then universally known as the Arab/Israeli conflict. Up to the invention of “Palestinians,” the Israelis were the tiny, besieged people amidst a huge number of hostile Arabs; after that invention, the “Palestinians” themselves became the tiny, besieged people against the big, bad Israelis.
Lies, all just JOOO LIES!™ If you don’t believe me, ask any historically-illiterate, hooknosed-Jew-hating idiot near you, he’ll happily tell you alllll about it—extensively, at great length, again and again, until you get sick and tired of hearing him drone on and on and on.
There ARE no “Palestinian” Arabs.
There are Egyptian Arabs in Gaza, and Jordanian Arabs in the West Bank.
Neither home country wants them back because they have ever been the root of all trouble-making in the region for hundreds of years, shunted there to get them out of the home kingdoms’ affairs.
Israel has been remiss in not simply repatriating them back through the border fences in single file, bulldozing both territories to the ground, and starting from scratch.
Notably, the West Bank contingent has been scrupulously law-abiding after seeing what’s happened to Gaza. The only people who seem to want a bigger bite of a sh*t sandwich are the Lebanese Arabs of Hezbollah, and their Persian paymasters in Iran.
We should subsidize that until they’ve both had their fill.
I think Iran is going to push this until they get their own gift of canned sunshine.
Those terms are acceptable.
Most ‘Palestinians’ were migrant Bedouins during the Ottoman Empire.
That may very well be, but it’s the ones there after 1923 that are the current problem.
Which brings us back to Egyptian and Jordanian ex-pats.
They turned down Britain’s two-state partition, and it’s long past time for Israel do be nice about it. They should simply say, “Look, you’ve tried to fight for a better deal, and you’re 0-17. Fuck you, we’re taking it all, forever. So you can go back home, or die in place. We’re done talking about it. And the next time you cross the border, your host country owns the reckoning, which may or may not come in the form of canned sunshine, at our sole discretion. Game over, man. If you can’t hear us yet, wait until the sun shines at 2AM over Amman or Cairo, then figure it out. After 76 years, our further patience with your shenanigans has reached an endpoint. GTFO, and don’t let the door hit you in your ass on your way out.”
Plus eleventy million bazillion. The one that amuses me most of all is when the Rightist flakes whine about Israeli “genocide” in Gaza. Setting aside the patent word-one absurdity of the concept of “genociding” a race that does not exist and never has, I would neither twitch an eyebrow nor lose a moment’s sleep if Netanyahu went through the fucking place like shit through a fucking goose, and exterminated every last Paleosimian in it.
Any JOO-hater idiot, Right or Left, waiting for me to burst into salty tears of angst and remorse when they whinge about supposed “genocide” in Gaza is gonna be miiiiiighty disappointed by my reaction, I’m afraid.
Bingo again.
The cherry on top of this is in Hamas’ Charter: “This Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), clarifies its picture, reveals its identity, outlines its stand, explains its aims, speaks about its hopes, and calls for its support, adoption and joining its ranks. Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised. … Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).” https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp
Israel has every right to do to Gaza – and the West Bank – what the Romans did to Carthage. And you can substitute for the words “Israel” and “Jews” the people and the country of every other place invaded by and infested with, this particular sect of Islam – i.e. the Wahhabis.
BTW, here’s a good article on the tactics used by the “Free Palestine” types – “Instead of trying to produce the best arguments, neotoddlers try to produce the most outrageous video clips, which typically involves vandalism, desecration, or some other kind of public meltdown. Thus, they outrage others by embracing their own outrage and lashing out at the world. This surrender to their own impulses makes them first-order thinkers, meaning they consider immediate consequences but not consequences of consequences.” https://www.gurwinder.blog/p/the-outrageous-rise-of-neotoddlerism