♦ To stop him in 2016, the FBI and DOJ ran a comprehensive surveillance operation against his campaign. The same people manufactured a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2017, the DOJ and Congress ran a comprehensive Special Counsel operation against his presidency. The justification of the SC operation was to prove a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. The real reason for the SC operation was to cover up the FBI and DOJ completely fabricating the case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2019, congress and the intelligence apparatus (Mary McCord and Michael Atkinson) manufactured an impeachment hoax using Ukraine, a fabricated DoD plant on the National Security Council (Vindman), the CIA (Ciaramella) and the Intelligence Community Inspector General (Attkinson). Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2020, the U.S. Intelligence Community, working through the U.S. CDC, seeded a global pandemic and quickly manufactured an election result using mail-in ballots to manufacture 81 million votes for a completely controlled candidate with dementia. Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2022, Joe Biden (through AG Garland) appointed a special prosecutor (smith) to investigate, indict and convict him. Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2023, the FBI and DOJ raided his home. Indicted him under claims of “national security,” then began to use Lawfare in the court system against him. Have you forgotten?
♦ To stop him in 2024, the U.S. Secret Service permitted a 20-year-old with a backpack, range finder, drone and long rifle, to walk into a Trump rally, set up position on a rooftop next to the USSS operating team, and fire eight shots at less than 150 yards at President Trump’s head, wounding his ear. Have you forgotten?
So, my question remains:
If you are not reading Sundance you are missing some of the most profound and intelligent material available about the sickness and corruption in the American government.
This is not about Donald Trump, in spite of how the neverTrumpers try to frame it. It is about freedom and Liberty, it is about Americans choosing an American path. Trump is just the first to stand and fight on our behalf. There will be others and so “they” are trying to stop this one in order to stop us.
Stop talking about the coming Civil War. We are already in the 2nd Civil War and the other side has drawn weapons and are shooting. There are multiple ways one can fight back against tyranny short of using the last resort, so start using those as best you can.