Communist, coward, child-mutilation advocate, self-serving liar, Blue Falcon—what more does anybody really need to know about the loathsome Tim Walz? D卐M☭CRATs just don’t come any more D卐M☭CRAT than this.
Fellow veteran speaks out on Walz’s misleading statements about military record
“As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit,” said Tom Behrends, a retired command sergeant major who replaced Gov. Tim Walz on a deployment to Iraq.On a 150-year-old farm in Brewster, Tom Behrends hopes his tell-it-like-it-is style will finally get the attention he believes it deserves in Minnesota’s race for governor.
“The public needs to know how pathetic his leadership was as a National Guardsman,” Behrends said about Gov. Tim Walz.
“He abandoned us. What the hell kind of leader does that? As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit,” Behrends said.
This all starts years ago, when Behrends says Walz’s misleading statements about his military service first led him to come forward in the fall of 2018. The story was largely ignored and Minnesota’s largest newspaper, the Star Tribune, checked it out but decided not to publish, according to Behrends.
“When the reporter called, I thought, ‘What the hell, is this North Korea?’” Behrends recalled. Alpha News reached out to the Star Tribune but didn’t receive a response.
Back in early 2005, a warning order went out to southern Minnesota’s First Battalion-125th Field Artillery to mobilize for a mission to Iraq, Behrends said. Walz served as the unit’s highest non-commissioned officer after he was conditionally promoted to command sergeant major on April 1, 2005, records show. On May 16, Walz retired from the guard, avoided the deployment, and ran for Congress.
Walz has implied in previous statements that he didn’t retire because of the deployment, but National Guard records show his service obligation wasn’t complete until September 2007.
Behrends was next in line for the position and was asked to take his place.
“I was like well, for Pete’s sake, if this guy quits, if I say I’m not going to do it, I mean, what the hell kind of leadership is that?” Behrends recalled. “If a company would say we’re going to deploy to Iraq and the foreman says, ‘I’m not going,’ what does that say to the 500 that work in that factory?”
Command Sergeant Major Behrends went on to serve in Iraq on a nearly two-year deployment, all while Walz began using that very title as a congressman.
Behrends said he contacted Walz with his concerns before raising the issue publicly, sending letters to Washington in 2016. The letters all went unanswered, Behrends said.
Because of course they did; the pus-nutted scumsack Walz being who and what he is, he would’ve been much too chickenshit to own up to his true cut-and-run-D卐M☭CRAT nature. The sick-making story goes on in like vein from there, if you have the stomach for more of it. Then there’s the rest of Walz’s vile family:
What the hell
Minnesota First Lady says she left the windows open during the 2020 BLM riots to smell the burning tires and soak in the moment
Her daughter was also caught leaking National Guard plans to rioters so they could avoid arrest
This family is sick
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino)
Indeed they are. Yet JD Vance is supposed to be the “weird” one.
We truly cannot share a country with “people” like this.
Twisted sicko’s attract each other and produce sick and twisted offspring.
I’m going to guess that once all the BS dies down we’ll find that Americans loathe this corrupt commie family as much as they do the biden/harris bunch.
I fuckin hate these azzholes
Do The Springtime For Hitler And Germany Walz…
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