Welcome to this week’s installment of our Wednesday (a-HENH!) meme feature, folks. Links to the “found via” sources will be attached to the specific MiQ’s (Memes in Question) whenever I can remember them, which likely won’t be very often. Only the first two memes will appear above the fold to save on bandwidth usage, since I assume not everybody who shows up at this here websty will want to see all of them. This intro will appear at the top of each week’s Memezapoppin’! post. Enjoy, funny pitcher-lovers.
* Damned if I didn’t just space completely out on getting this up last night like I said I was gonna. My apologies, gang. I threw in an extry bonus meme, just by way of making it up to ya’s…
Here is the irony of the hammer and sickle. It is supposed to represent industriousness and agriculture. Yet when it was in practice their industry lagged, their products were of poor quality, their environments wrecked, and their people starved by the tens of millions.
“It is supposed to represent…”
Communism always perverts symbols and language. The hammer and sickle actually stands for hammering the people and cutting their throats.