TL calls ‘em as we all sees ‘em.
I, along with most of the readers of this blog, might have always known this about the communists in government, might have seen the corruption in the Department of Justice as far back as Ruby Ridge, even further, back to what they called the Prairie Rebellion of the 1970s or the events surrounding the American Indian Movement (AIM). When a government is corrupt, it can take decades to bring that level of understanding to the otherwise unaffected general public. But once you have that watershed moment, that change in understanding, it becomes the new world that will take decades upon decades to reverse.
The Democrats/communists don’t realize how much they’ve given up. They are no longer the party of the people, they’re the party of the freaks, of the BLM and Antifa goons, the party of FBI raids on grandmothers. They’re the party of political, police-state tactics.
The hush money trial turned Trump into a Mandela-like figure and only going to jail will further that image, while, at the same time, they’ve turned Biden into a Stalin-like character, jailing his political opponents. But they’ve done much worse for the image of the United States, that has now lost the moral authority to criticize China, Russia or North Korea. They’ve joined the tribe of the oppressive regimes and made the only way to reverse the trend voting for Trump. Trump won’t imprison his political opponents, because he’s not a communist and doesn’t have to force some ideology down the throats of the majority. He is the majority. What he will have to do, though, is dismantle the DOJ and the FBI, because they’re the facilitators of this fall from grace, they’re the feces on the face of the Statue of Liberty.
Alex Soros, George’s son, said that spreading the “convicted felon” label anywhere and everywhere was the key to winning the election and I hope they do it. Every time I hear them use that moniker, I think to myself: only because of dirty cops, corrupt judges and bought off District Attorneys. That’s who the Democrats are, corrupt, nasty, little communists. The duty of every anti-communists is to point it out, don’t let this watershed moment pass without an uproar.
Some of us out here are doing all we can to see to that, TL. In fact, speaking for myself, being old and crippled, that’s about the only contribution left for me to make, alas. But I damned sure intend to keep on making it, for as long as I possibly can.
Update! Glenn reels off a quip in his signature style.
INSURRECTION: Anti-Israel protesters burn UC Berkeley police vehicle with ‘incendiary device’ in ‘retaliation’ for arrests. Have you noticed that MAGA people don’t “retaliate” for arrests?
There was a time when that would have been considered a virtue, and rightly so—a marker of reasoned restraint, maturity, and politesse. Now, though, I can’t help but wonder if it hasn’t become something of a vice, a strategic weakness in actual fact, one which stands to be our ultimate undoing.
Funny you should bring this up today.
You really gotta wonder,
this is about as crazy a time as ever and has a few more challenges that have been tossed into the fray.
#1 Stay away from crowds
#2 have lots of popcorn, frosty beverages and a cozy lawn chair with witch to watch the festivities, preferably from behind cover