Pursuant to today’s Eyrie outing, TL has a few thoughts.
It occurs to me that there is a lot easier way to deal with illegal immigration than we have tried so far. Trump implemented something like this with his “Remain in Mexico” policy. Granted, the reason the US has been unsuccessful in stopping illegal immigration comes not from a lack of ability or understanding of how to build a wall, but from the lack of desire. The regime in power wants to dilute the strident patriotism of the average American. After several generations of working away at the elementary school level to erode love of country with propaganda, the communists have thrown in the towel and went for straight importation of foreign nationals to accelerate the timeline to 2024.
For those few who still seek to end illegal immigration, one way of achieving that is to bill the nation of origin for the accommodation of their illegals in the United States. One proposal is to charge a hosting fee. For every 10,000 citizens of another nation that has slithered their way into the US, $5 billion per year would be billed to the home country.
I understand the temptation to jump on this proposal immediately for all of the obvious flaws, but taking those into account one has to understand the dynamics of the proposal.
Of course, they would refuse to pay it. That goes without saying, but that’s part of it. What happens when they don’t pay? The bill keeps doubling every year. As the famous quip goes: “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.”
The liable nations would claim that it’s the job of the United States to prevent people from getting into their nation illegally and that’s true, but the organized caravans in those other nations were intended to, and did, overwhelm the US efforts to patrol their border. These are not ones and twos, perhaps a family here and there.
The NGOs operating the bases and organizing the caravans do so with the blessing of those nations, in conjunction with cartels. They, too, should shoulder some of the burden and pay part of that $5 billion. It’s up to the host nation to extract it from them.
Personally, I’d start fining the NGOs $1 million per week until they ceased.
I like it. I like it a lot.
But what accounting is done? How would someone know where the people came from in order to bill the appropriate nation? Simple, whatever passport they have, that’s who gets billed. What if they have no passport, it got lost, or damaged? We’ll take their word for it. If they say they are Mexican, for example, we’ll accept that. That’s the border they crossed, wasn’t it? That would be the natural assumption and we wouldn’t want to be racist. Just because they look Somalian, that doesn’t mean we should leap to the conclusion that they aren’t Mexican.
When it comes to asylum-seekers it’s even easier. The nation of origin is documented, it has to be to do the paperwork. Also, the nation of origin made conditions such that these people felt the need to leave. Now, if we were Obfuscatistan, we might not be able to impose such a hosting fee on these nations, but we’re not, we’re the United States. We have diplomatic pressure, economic pressure, trade pressure, foreign aid to be withheld to pay the debts. We have all sorts of ways to enforce it.
What we do not have, is the will. The whole idea of freedom of speech is to force the government to have the will. Ultimately, that’s what the United States Constitution is all about. Through several different means, especially the Bill of Rights, we were given the ability to force government to do the people’s will. All of the machinations of government over the past several decades has been designed to eliminate that from the system. That’s no reason to give up. You have to fight to keep your voice. You shouldn’t have to, but you do.
True, dat. Read the rest of it; there’s a plethora of excellent ideas to mull over here, and I couldn’t agree more with every word—which is almost always the case with TL, at least for me.
It occurs to me that what surely underpins the ennui and lack of will he’s talking about is something we might dub Everyman’s Despair: the deep, abiding sense of hopelessness; the strong suspicion that no matter what Joe Lunchpail might do or say, he will never climb out from under the crushing weight of his own oppression. FederalGovCo is just too big; agencies like the FBI, the CIA, the DEA/ATF, the IRS, et al are just too tenaciously entrenched and empowered to dare oppose, lest the Swamp do to him what they’re even now doing to those poor J6 “insurrectionists.”
Is Joe wrong in that enervating assumption? I only wish I could say he was; at present, alas, I cannot. He’s roundly mocked and derided for being complacent, apathetic, or even cowardly, but if he seeks refuge in his weekend grill-out, watching the Big Game on TeeWee over a case of cheap suds, and tries as hard as he can to ignore politics altogether—to just keep his head down, his ass covered, and his mouth shut—is it really fair to blame him for it?
When your government has openly declared itself your enemy you’re in a really bad fix, no mistake about it.
The first is no federal assistance funding for illegals. Any medical issues lands them in quarantine until deportation. All illegals get deported and no latch key babies accepted. All deported get biometric id’s and microchipped. Any second offence of crossing the border illegally is a capital offence that will be executed within 60 days.
That’s awfully mild.
Here’s how you handle illegal aliens: You call public attention to the fact that they comprise an undeclared, non-uniformed, unlawful invading army. This means that they have no protection under various international treaties. They have no civil or human rights. They can be executed wherever they’re found, just like the Vietnamese terrorist shown being executed in the CF right sidebar.
Too right you are; that’s the milquetoast approach.
Cut to the chase: declare those NGOs terrorist criminal organizations, arrest and prosecute their entire staff and boards of directors, and seize their assets, corporately and individually, under RICO.
Uncle picks up 50,000 houses for the cost of the paperwork, and sells them at auction to fund The Wall.
Then just began rounding up illegals. Offer the ones you catch two options: 1) ten years at hard labor building The Wall followed by deportation and a permanent US entry ban; or 2) one year at hard labor, and a $50,000 fine followed by deportation and a permanent entry ban for life.
Second offense is life at hard labor building The Wall.
When they die, the body can be repatriated to their country of origin. For $50,000 cash.
If you start the round-ups on any given Monday, by Wednesday the interstates leading south will be backed up bumper to bumper as far north as Iowa and Oregon with self-deportations.
For those who stay, slap on a 75% excise tax on all monetary wire transfers out of the U.S.
Building The Wall would be fully funded in hours, and we’d be short 40M illegals by the following Monday.
Microchips can be removed. If I was going to allow them to live it would be a large tattoo on the forehead. Those can be removed with expense, but they will leave an identifying scar I think.
I agree with SteveF, but I add a bit more incentive. They have a bounty, $5K per should do nicely.
It’s not “lack of will”, it’s “learned helplessness” – “Helplessness is a state in which nothing a person opts to do affects what is happening. It is the quitting or the give up response that follows the conviction that whatever a person does doesn’t matter.[1] Learned helplessness (LH) was initially used to label the failure of certain laboratory animals to escape or avoid shock, despite giving an opportunity, subsequent to earlier exposure to unavoidable shock.[2,3] Now, the term has been applied to the failure of human beings to pursue, utilize, or acquire adaptive instrumental responses. It is observed in a depressed person who seems to have given up hope that effective voluntary control over important environmental events is possible.[4] People suffering from LH accept that bad things will take place and they will have little control over them.[5] Those who are exposed to complex problems for an extended period learn that responses and events are unconnected. Learning attained in this situation weakens imminent learning and leads to inactivity. Consequently, they will be unsuccessful to resolve any concern even if there is a possible solution for the concern.[6]” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5141652/
It’s often seen in domestic abuse and other abusive relationships – see https://growbeyondwords.com/2013/05/why-abuse-can-create-learned-helplessness/ – but here the abuser is government(s) or authority figures. There are a number of ways to win a conflict, but the way most advantageous to an attacker is for the enemy to lose the will to resist by various psychological strategies, such as contradictory orders given (and enforced), shutting out or shutting down communication (censorship, cancel culture), and so forth. Overcoming this learned helplessness requires that the victim realize that he or she is in a conflict, and has either to fight back or suffer death, either physical or that of the ego, the self. And people do not do this on their own, they need help and support to do so.