Things you maybe didn’t know about Israel and the Paleosimians, but should.
During the past week, I found that even most well informed Americans know very little about the causes of the war between Jews and Arabs in Israel. Here is a summary of 13 basic facts I think every American should know:
I. Until 1964, the word “Palestinian” rarely described Arabs who once lived in Israel. That was when KGB Agents of Communist Russia created and funded a terrorist group called the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Its leader, Yasser Arafat, was born and raised in Egypt. The PLO was as artificial as other effective and deadly groups communists used during the Cold War to take over Algeria, South Africa, Kenya, Vietnam, and Cuba. During this time, the KGB even gave money, weapons, and training to the IRA in Ireland.
II. “Palestine” was never an Arab nation. Until the Roman Empire crushed a Jewish revolt there in the year 132, the land was known as Israel, Judah, or Judea. The Romans renamed the province Palestine to punish the Jews. The Arabs and the Turks kept that name when they conquered and occupied the province. However, they ruled it from distant Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, or Istanbul.
III. Israel or Palestine was ruined and mostly empty after the Jewish revolt. The Arabs and Turks did little to rebuild its cities or irrigation canals. The goats and camels of Arab nomads or Bedouins stripped the land of trees, vegetation, and topsoil. Once rich farmland became malaria-infested swamp or dry wilderness. Less than 10% of the previous population remained. Many were Jews.
IV. Starting in the mid-1800s, Jews from Europe and elsewhere in the Middle East began moving back. They bought land from Arab and Turkish absentee owners who had no interest in living there. For the next 90 years, Jews rebuilt cities, roads, and irrigation canals. They drained swamps, watered deserts, and planted trees and crops. As Jews made the land prosperous again, thousands of Arabs from Egypt, Syria, and other nearby countries moved there.
V. After World War One, the British and French carved new nations out of the defeated Ottoman Empire. In 1920, they created Lebanon for persecuted Christians. In 1921, they divided the Turkish province of Palestine. Eastern or “Transjordan” Palestine became an Arab kingdom. Palestine west of the Jordan River was set aside for settlement by Jews. More Jews bought empty land and moved there. Their prosperity encouraged more Arabs to move there. By 1948, there were roughly one million Arabs, 600,000 Jews, and 160,000 Christians and Druze living in that part of Palestine.
In sum, then, the Israelis took chicken shit and made chicken salad, while the so-called “Palestinians” (which don’t actually exist as either a racial/ethnic group or nationality, being mostly Jordanians and Egyptians who decided after the 1948 partition that they’d rather stay on and wage war against the hated ((((JOOJOOJOOJOOOOOOOZ!!!)))) to “reclaim” their “stolen” land when Jordan and Egypt refused to take the primordial swine into their own countries) basically follow the Israelis around like a swarm of locusts, making the chicken salad back into chicken shit. One of many examples:
Palestinians looted dozens of greenhouses on Tuesday, walking off with irrigation hoses, water pumps and plastic sheeting in a blow to fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.
American Jewish donors had bought more than 3,000 greenhouses from Israeli settlers in Gaza for $14 million last month and transferred them to the Palestinian Authority. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, who brokered the deal, put up $500,000 of his own cash.
Palestinian police stood by helplessly Tuesday as looters carted off materials from greenhouses in several settlements, and commanders complained they did not have enough manpower to protect the prized assets. In some instances, there was no security and in others, police even joined the looters, witnesses said.
This story is from 2005, and reveals exactly what value the “Palestinians” bring to any transaction, negotation, or physical territory involving them: none whatsoever. Their claim to any part of the nation known as Judea two or three thousand years before “Palestine” was created out of Roman spite, is spurious and completely unsupported by actual, y’know, historical fact. Their agenda is genocidal, their cause despicable. Their bleeding-heart Western supporters are wilfully-blind fools, whose reflexive support is a ramshackle edifice built entirely on a foundation of distortions, emotional manipulation, Jew-hate, and bald-faced lies.
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And amidst all that, the Gaza Strip sits on the Mediterranean coast and atop a natural aquifer, a rare water source in the middle east. It could be a paradise. It’s not because the leeches that live there are middle age barbarians.
The Bedouins/Palestinians in Israel are looked down upon by every other Arabic nation. With the drawing of boundaries around countries after WW1 the Bedouins stayed within the country they were in. In every Arabic country the Bedouins are looked down upon by the other Arabs in the country. The Bedouins of Kuwait, Lebanon, and Syria look down on the Bedouins in Israel. Egyptian Arabs are a bit different and there are few Bedouins there but they have the same opinion of Israel’s Bedouins.
“when KGB Agents of Communist Russia”
Identify evil shit in this world and it can almost always be traced back to the russians.