Aesop says something which raises a practical question.
Average Joe’s toleration of “public good” screw tightening has eroded down to the wear bars on that particular tire. Ain’t nobody having another helping of that, nor likely to anytime this century.
It is to laugh.
Somebody tries that anyways? Fed agent’s pelts – whole body mounts, mind you, not just the horns – would be nailed to every wall from Maine to Monterey, and snitches’ and collaborators’ heads would decorate every fencepost in sight, from sea to shining sea.
The WHOLE pelt, you say—would that include the tail and cloven hooves too, prithee tell? Asking for a friend, don’tchaknow.
Carlos Hathcock had 93 confirmed kills in a jungle war, mostly in a single tour of duty of under 13 months. Chuck Mawhinney’s official tally is recorded at 103, and another 216 probables in the same conflict. Simo Häyhä chalked up 542 Reds in only under a hundred days in the snow, maxxing out at 25 in one day. With a bolt-action rifle and iron sights!
Put in simple terms, if there’s as little as one Simo in 30,000 in the entire U.S., the entire problem is gone – forever – in the amount of time it takes to put one Marine through boot camp. (And the waiting line to sign up for that has gone pretty quiet of late.)
There’s no respawn button, they can’t shake-and-bake new orcs fast enough to overcome that problem, and even the hordes pouring across the border are going to be headed the other way the minute that happens.
Pepe LePew couldn’t clear out a town as fast as two-way gunfire hereabouts is going to solve the illegal alien problem. Least of all if some of it squirts in their direction.
And trying to disarm the populace triggers the exact scenario the feds are earnestly hoping to avoid.
I must say, t’is a consummation devoutly to be wished indeed. One strongly suspects we’ll have the opportunity to find out for sure soon enough; Lord knows caution, good judgment, humility, and simple common sense are conspicuous only by their total absence amongst our would-be masters nowadays.
Ron White famously said “You can’t fix stupid,” but that’s not entirely correct; there’s always been one sure-fire way, which has been observed in field trials to be one hundred percent effective. How convenient, then, that it also just happens to be the exact same therapy explicitly commended to their posterity by the Founding Fathers as a guaranteed palliative for tyranny.
Better to not underestimate your opponent. The cartels, jihadi, China, our own alphabet overlords & their shock troops/simps aka BLM & Anitfa. The Greenies(useful idiots that they are). It’s quite a list & it’s only partial at best. Beginning to feel a bit like Elrond without the pointy ears or 5k years of knowledge; “Our list of allies grows thin.” How long will it take before neighbors start going Quisling on each other for a month, or even a weeks electricity, water & food?? Long past time to tribe up & train like we are hated, because I don’t hear folks complaining about feeling a whole lotta love atm.
Aesop has it about right IMO. I have said and continue to say, it is the weapons we have that stops them from going full commie.
They are afraid of us. They don’t know how many of the military will be on their side Vs our side.
My preference would be to execute them for their treason, then put their heads on pikes around the Beltway.
Pour encourager les autres!