Friday’s Substack-a-palooza is up. Titled Pardonnez Trump, this one laughs away the ludicrous notion that Bribem, or any other D卐M☭CRAT for that matter, might ever seriously consider “pardoning” Trump (kinda tough to pardon someone who isn’t guilty of one damned thing) in the interest of saving the nation. Excerpt:
What you ought to fear much more is that “the part of the country that still loves Trump…” will instead not do a damned thing more than sit on its fat ass and complain on the Innarnuts about it. As dreadful a prospect as civil war and violent, bloody revolution no doubt are, the dissolute and degraded complacency that would render Real Americans passively inert whilst the Neo-Marxist mob subjugates them and destroys the very concept of Law And Order itself will bring about a nightmare far more iniquitous and enduring than even civil war ever could.
It is to laugh. As if there has, for years if not decades now, been the slightest sign that they’re even capable of acting wisely, or that they understand what “acting wisely” might consist of, or have any regard for that at all.
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