Our old friend Jeff Goldstein names names.
There’s nothing to be gained by arguing with anarcho-communists
Here’s visual proof. And some harsh words to go along with it.
It’s time we begin thinking of Antifa and those who align with the putative “anti-fascist” movement — themselves the epitome of contemporary fascist brown shirts cosplaying as radical Marxists — as foreign creatures, actual Others whose minds we will not change and whose behavior we should not allow. These people are quite explicitly anti-American in every important sense: they have no regard for the rights of those they oppose; and yet they’d claim every conceivable right for themselves, including their “right” to harm those whose goals don’t comport with theirs. And their true goal — their prime objective — is to cleanse the earth of those who won’t bow to their desires and fill the ranks of their mob.
In the comments to the video from Amagansett Press (link provided in Jeff’s post—M), supporters of the videographer, Jason, laud him for his willingness to stand up to this particular mob, and to argue his case intelligently and thoroughly, with a degree of cultivated calm.
Me, I have a different take — one I may not have had 22 years ago when I started the original protein wisdom website: arguing with committed leftists is useless. They are fixated by ideology, impervious to logic, and dedicated to achieving power any way possible. Grievance politics is just one way of trying to do that, as the victimization gambit has proven profitable to that end.
And so watching this video — watching a sincere citizen committed to the absolute protections of the First Amendment be treated with such disrespect, hostility, belittlement, and utter hatred, no matter how much he pleads his case — at first saddened me, then sickened me, and finally angered me.
But the twist is this: I found myself not angry at the anarcho-communist punks who lie as easily as they breathe. Because I know who and what they are, and I’ve long since learned that those of us who relish our founding ideals cannot peacefully co-exist with them, making some sort of future separation inevitable at this point. Rather, I found myself getting more and more angry at the 1A auditor who so clearly and desperately wants to find common ground with these malicious faux-revolutionaries that he grants them a respect they haven’t earned and gives them plaudits they don’t deserve, however mildly.
It’s admirable that he stood his ground. But as the interaction moved along, it became completely obvious that nothing he argued was going to sway this mob of larping Maoists, who viewed him with utter disdain, and with no intention of considering his positions, however much he pleaded that they intersected with their putative causes. And that’s because violent, committed leftists don’t have any real causes: instead, the causes they adopt at any moment are mere pretexts toward power, control, nihilism, and the complete destruction of the whole of traditional western culture and values.
Annnnd DINGDINGDINGDINGDING we have a winnah, folks!
Read all of it. Provides me with the perfect excuse for re-running one my all-time punk rock faves.
They are taught, and believe, there is no Truth.
So I agree, there is no arguing with them.
They intend to end America. Take the those two last paragraphs at face value and make the obvious conclusion.
It is their intent, the antifa types, to enslave us. It should be our intent to stop them in any way required.
Nothing really changes in human nature. There are those that wish to steal from you in any way they can, and they have no right to remain breathing. Always been that way. Eventually we will wake up, I hope.
Word Of The Year:
Meditation of the Decade:
Kinetic Response
Sociopaths. They become communist protestors and politicians.
It’s an ideology that appeals to them. Will To Power as it was once put. Getting control of an All Powerful Government that is tasked with running a Centrally Planned Top Down Society is an aphrodisiac to the Sociopath.
I just hope there is a day of reckoning soon.