The Empire Of Lies is building a trust-free society for its hapless subjects. Let’s see how that works out for ‘em in the end.
Survey after survey shows that trust in American society and institutions is at an all-time low. To paraphrase the poet songwriter Bob Dylan, “who can ya trust, besides yourself?”
Since trust ensures the stability of society and its myriad of institutions, when it evaporates, what’s left? Chaos, polarization, perhaps violence. When you review all the markers of the loss of trust you get a headache and considerable heartburn.
Politicians are trusted least, at just above zero percent. Business leaders a bit more and lawyers a tad less. Teachers and professors used to rate high but no longer. Pastors, rabbis, and priests have fallen to new depths. With marriages in disrepair, relationships superficial at best, and even families at war (thanks, Spare “Haz“), what are we going to do?
Would you trust the FBI, given the bureau’s known duplicity and fabrications?
Would you trust the IRS, with or without guns, after Lois Lerner and all the tax scams and political audits?
Would you trust Sloppy Joe with any classified documents, foreign cash earmarked for the “Big Guy,” and all that predatory behavior?
How about social media after the Twitter files exposed how they worked with the deep state to throttle back conservatives and actively spread disinformation?
Would you trust any of the medical-health players, the CDC or FDA, let alone Big Pharma, to tell us the truth about anything after COVID and the harmful experimental vaccines and unnecessary lockdowns? How about the godlike master bureaucrat Fauci?
What about mainstream media? We all know of their inherent structural bias and failure to engage in any form of accurate and fair journalism. That’s why they wear the moniker “fake” so well.
The woke and eco-terrorists who go on and on about the end of the planet every year surely shouldn’t be trusted. We are still here, after all, and so is the polar ice cap. Al Gore and John Kerry are arch-hypocrites. Do you trust them one bit?
You should be able to trust the local school system to educate your children, no? Now they won’t even award merit certificates to those who earned them for fear of disappointing those who didn’t. Teachers’ unions are clearly in it for themselves, not the children. No trust working there.
Nor anyplace else, near as I can determine. Which sad, sorry fact is gonna cost all of us very dearly before it’s all said and done. It’s impossible to Fundamentally Transform™ a high-trust society into a no-trust one without destroying it utterly.
Destroying it utterly is The Plan™.
America has always been the Ideal standing between them and their Megalomaniacal Dreams.