Top stories at The Liberty Daily as of this writing:
14-Year-Old Spain Soccer Star Dies Suddenly
Irish Musician, 27, Dies Suddenly in His Sleep
18-Year-Old Girl Dies Suddenly After Collapsing at School
Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Renaissance Man of Opera, Film and Theatre, Dies Suddenly
Georgia Police Officer Dies Suddenly of “Medical Episode”
23-Year-Old College Swimmer Dies Suddenly – No Cause of Death Given
Ummm…wow. Lots of Death By Suddenly™ going around out there, seems like. Why, one might even be excused for thinking of it as a pandemic.
I’ve seen here and there lately that Trump is still carrying on braggadociously about his Operation Warp Speed “triumph,” urging all and sundry to be sure and get their “vaccine” against the Dreaded Death Plague of Death before they, y’know, die. He needs to back off of that nonsense with a quickness, because the other thing I’m seeing of late is more and more wags and cynics referring to it as the “Trump Vaccine.” And I don’t think that’s going to work out nearly as well for him as he seems to imagine.
Update! No matter how paranoid you may be, you ain’t paranoid enough.
Perhaps the biggest existential question of our times is where exactly did covid-19 come from?
According to Sasha Latypova, a Russian-American, former pharmaceutical industry research and development executive, and Katherine Watt, a para-legal researcher, and philosopher, it’s an inside job. Covid-19 is an act of bio-warfare perpetrated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) on the U.S. and worldwide populations in two stages.
The first step was a virus that frightened the living daylights out of people already primed for the next disaster. The second was the rollout of toxic “vaccines” designed to cause further harm and death. “They were designed to be toxic, with intent to cause harm,” Latypova told L4Atv. “It looks like this was a virus created by the U.S. government.”
While the narrative peddled by mainstream media concerning the origins of the pandemic has evolved, starting as a zoonotic virus (One that moves from animals to humans) from a wet market in China to the acknowledgment of the possibility of accidental release of a gain-of-function virus from the Wuhan lab, that may or may not have been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Latypova and Watt have shared documented research that points to the United States DoD calling the shots.
The rollout of the pandemic and subsequent vaccination campaign has been many years in the making, say the pair. One example of the many that the pair gives is that the DoD issued multiple contracts in Ukraine for covid research and covid countermeasures, some dating back to 2012, others more recently, immediately before the declaration of the pandemic.
As recently as three years ago, this would be easily dismissed as mere conspiracy-theory ranting, the exclusive province of strange-o’s with bats in their belfry, or at best with some personal axe to grind. Now, though? Not so much.
I’ve been making note of the “unknown cause” deaths for well over a year, and in particular the number of young athletes kicking the bucket. In almost every case they took the government shot and death was the result.
Almost as if that was the plan all along.
Yea, that’s the real question. Is it the plan? Or is it just pure careless peddling of a dangerous and untested “medicine”, one that they had to know had some really bad side effects? They knew this from previous testing that was a failure.
The only people dying are the unvaccinated.
(That would be everyone. There is no vaccine.)
But the Jabbed are dropping more than the Unjabbed, by a country mile.
Raconteur Report: The Unvaccinated Have Done All The Dying
Two items related to the Ukrainian biolabs. The first one has a Hunter Biden angle.