America That Was was overthrown and taken without resistance.
I’ll be honest, I’m not patriotic to the United States of America. I’m patriotic to the concept of individual rights and freedoms. When the United States of America was a vessel to carry those rights and freedoms to every American, I was patriotic to it. When it became hostile to those rights and freedoms, I stopped being patriotic to it. Where the United States of America has embraced an ideology in contravention of those principles, reaching more and more into the surveillance state and seeking every means of control, i.e., food distribution, energy rationing, electrical grid manipulation, capturing and enslaving children in indoctrination centers, the mind control and even genocide that has lately been exposed, I reject it completely and in every way.
The clever and important distinction is when they captured our politics and politicians they left in place the traditional means of gaining support through elections, but completely corrupting them to the point where no success for individual rights and freedoms could be won through the vote. Despite the fact that the Brunson case was refused by the Supreme Court does not make it’s point invalid, in only means we have cowards and traitors in the Supreme Court and the congress of the United States. No surprise, because the United States Constitution has been overthrown. This is not a theory, it’s a fact. While some judges and some courts might still entertain the concepts of the Constitution in their rulings, it is most often performative and a way to continue the ruse that there has been no coup. But there has.
You are living in a foreign nation. This fact is driven home by the unabated invasion of the world’s population through the southern border. The absence of borders is a capitulation to the world of a non-nation. America is a an open playground for pedophiles and drug dealers. Fentynal is killing almost as many young people as the vaxx. Yet, there is no backlash, no investigation, no criminal charges, just a lot of people dying at the hands of an overactive or underactive police state.
This is the point, they prosecute the people who expose the truth and refuse to prosecute the people who are committing the crimes. A nation can be no more compromised than that.
I’m not saying we should start a war against these people, I’m saying that they have started a war against us and we’re not putting up any resistance. We’re worse than France, because at least they had a resistance to the Nazis, we don’t.
Worse than those cheese-eating surrender monkeys? Dammit, TL, that smarts.
Ouch. The damn truth hurts. He’s right.