A pluperfect example of GOPe “thinking.”
Mitt Romney Tries to Explain the Omnibus Vote, and It’ll Leave You Punching Walls
Far better to punch Romney, if you ask me. Certainly more productive, and easier on the hands too.
On Thursday, 18 Republican senators joined hands with Democrats to pass yet another massive Omnibus spending bill. This time, it cost US taxpayers $1.7 trillion, setting spending baselines that will now be used for the next two years via continuing resolutions. All of this happened mere weeks before the GOP was set to take over the House of Representatives, meaning that the power of the purse that was just won has been conceded without anything resembling a fight.
Luckily, we have Sen. Mitt Romney around to explain that this wasn’t actually a betrayal of what was promised during the last election. In fact, you are just too stupid to realize that this is actually a good thing.
Romney begins by saying that he’s “convinced that this will cost less money than if we kick the can down the road until next year.”
So let’s just kick the can down the road this year instead. Hey, makes perfect sense, I guess, for certain values of the word “sense.”
He then cites the fact that the House GOP hasn’t selected a speaker yet to bolster his argument, saying that he’s “not sure they’re going to be able to take on the budget for this as well as the next year.”
In other words, you absolute rubes who voted for Republicans during the last mid-terms can’t be trusted to have your votes actually mean anything. Instead, you must be protected from yourself by having GOP Senators nuke the power of the purse before Republicans even take control. And you should be thankful that Romney and the rest did that for you.
The Utah senator then goes on to point out that even if House Republicans put together a budget, Democrats wouldn’t vote for it. Well, yes Mitt, we know. We are all well aware that Democrats actually keep their promises and hold the line. Why can’t the GOP do the same thing? Why can’t they lead and dictate instead of constantly reacting and bending the knee?
Oh, they can, right enough. Trouble is, they don’t want to. They know their prescribed role in this putrid little charade, and are content to stick with it.
As if all that wasn’t bad enough, Romney then does what establishment Republicans always do, which is to suggest that military spending justifies all manner of domestic insanity. That’d be the same military currently instituting a preferred pronouns policy and that hasn’t won a war since the early ’90s. To end the video, he then lists out all the pork he’s bringing home to Utah.
To sum it up, the Republican Party deserves to lose, and parties that deserve to lose rarely win. There is no point in winning elections if the results are the same. The GOP had a chance to stand up here and at least demand the inclusion of funds to secure the border, and they couldn’t even get that done. And in the midst of being fed that turd sandwich, we are told it’s actually smoked brisket.
Heh. Brings to mind a bona fide classic from years ago, which featured now-irrelevant Milquetoast Conservative and bland Vichy GOPe shill Hugh Hewitt smacking his lips in gustatory delight and declaring, “My, this shit sandwich sure is tasty!” Can’t recall now who posted it originally—the Onion, maybe, back when they were still worth reading, which sorta tells you how long ago this was—nor which issue Hewitt had folded like a cheap accordion on, even. Trust me, though, it was a good ‘un.
Fuck Mitt Romney.