Tucker expounds on the practicalities of what Major “King” Kong once unforgettably referred to as “nuclear combat toe to toe with the Rooskies.”
The question of who blew up Russia’s energy pipelines to Europe, which is not just a question in the news, it’s a historical question, we’ve addressed it a couple of times already, is not really much of a question anymore. So, on television, they’re assuring you that obviously the Russians did it. Vladimir Putin sabotaged his own pipelines.
With his nation at war, Putin intentionally destroyed Russia’s most vital national asset. Now why, you ask yourself, would Putin do that? Well, because…actually no one’s explained why Putin would do something like that. Bad people do bad things. That seems to be the idea.
Former CIA Director John Brennan showed up on CNN the other day to add his version of the story and it was clear right away that this was no ordinary cable news segment. Brennan was instead conducting a scientific experiment designed to determine just how stupid CNN viewers are. Now, these are people who believe Joe Biden when he told them COVID was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. These are the ones who think men can become women just by saying, so clearly, they are highly credulous, but the question remains, just how credulous are they? What won’t they believe? Well, in the name of science, John Brennan decided to find out. Watch.
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Do you think Russia is behind the sabotage of the pipelines?
BRENNAN: Well, I think all the signs point to some type of sabotage. These pipelines are only in about 200 feet or so of water and Russia does have an undersea capability, too, that would easily lay explosive devices by those pipelines. I think this is clearly an act of sabotage of some sort and Russia is certainly the most likely suspect.
Do you think the Russians did it? asked the anchor, do you think the man with four bullet holes in his head committed suicide?
Oh, yes, says John Brennan. The Russians are certainly the most likely suspect. Well, of course they are. Did you ever doubt it? Once Putin got done electing Donald Trump president and then finished creating Hunter Biden’s fake laptop and dropping it off at a mac repair shop in Delaware, Putin set about sabotaging his own natural gas pipelines, which were his main source of foreign currency and leverage over Europe.
That’s how tricky Vladimir Putin is. Obviously, his next move will be nuking Moscow, all part of his diabolical plan to achieve world domination by destroying himself.
That’s effectively what John Brennan told CNN’s viewers. Did they believe him? Sure, they did. John Brennan used to run the CIA. He knows which lies work. He’s an expert.
So the question is, where does that leave us? And that’s the problem. This act leaves us, the United States, with no option but total war with Russia. There is no off-ramp now. There is no way out. We are all in, no matter what that means, no matter where it goes.
Are you shocked by this? Was there a vote on this? Did someone ask your opinion? No, but it’s been happening for months in slow motion. It’s been hidden from public view by the near-total blackout imposed by America media outlets so you probably didn’t know any of the details. For example, in March, the Turkish government tried to broker a peace in Ukraine and they came very, very close. Wasn’t reported widely.
..So, that’s the demand. Putin must be removed from office. Putin, of course, has no intention of leaving. You would have to take him out. Now, you don’t have to like Vladimir Putin. You don’t have to like anything about Vladimir Putin. You can hate Vladimir Putin and most Americans do, but you can still understand how totally deranged talk like this is.
Actually, if Putin went ahead and nuked Mordor On The Potomac into oblivion I’d feel obliged to send the man a nice thank-you note. But hey, I’m sure that’s just me. Onwards.
It’s the definition of reckless. Consider their own descriptions. For years, Democrats and the defense establishment they control have told us that Vladimir Putin is crazy and evil and he may be. Let’s assume it’s true. They’ve said it. Is that the man you want to publicly threaten with extermination? This is the man who controls more than 6,000 nuclear warheads. So, if you push him hard enough, why wouldn’t he use those nuclear weapons? Well, by their own description of him, he would.
This is true lunacy. An entire country ignoring led by its leaders, leaders who specialize in ignoring the things that matter, imminent catastrophe. That’s not an overstatement. This is not the inflation rate ticking up two points or a loss of 15% of your 401k and this is a nuclear war.
Busses in New Jersey now have signs warning about radiation poisoning “September is National Preparedness Month. Do you know what you do in a radiation emergency?” No, you don’t. It doesn’t matter.
This is all make believe. It’s all play-acting. If you live in a big metro area, there’s not anything you’re going to do during a nuclear exchange because you’re going to be dead along with most other Americans. The overwhelming majority of Americans will be dead and those who survive will starve to death because all agriculture will be destroyed, along with billions of people around the planet.
So, it’s time to update your assumptions about the technology here. These are not the bombs that flattened Nagasaki. They are incalculably more powerful. You hit New York, you take out Miami.
So, a nuclear war means not that we get to take out the Black Sea fleet. It means the end of the world and people who work around this stuff understand it and they’re really afraid, but no one else seems to have any idea. Why is that?
Taking the Big Picture view of things, I’d suggest that it’s ultimately because We The People have shirked our sacred duty of doing what needs to be done to get our current “leadership” back under proper control.
Tucker’s never been that bright.
And he isn’t improving with age.
And he still can’t acknowledge the 2020 election was stolen…
Not and keep his job.
ISTR that he said something shortly after the 2020 election indicating that he knew damned well that it was stolen but that was one time and he never said it publicly again. Though I may be thinking of some other newsman or public figure whose paycheck depended on him not saying it out loud.
He’s worth eleventy billion dollars. He doesn’t need the job over telling the truth.
I get that some poor waitress might have to compromise, but not a rich person pretending to speak truthfully.
To my knowledge he not only didn’t say it was stolen, he publicly on his show berated those that said it was. Notice who he will not interview.
Well at least he doesn’t think Ukraine is winning.
Looks like he’s wrong on that as well.
10 points on you
The iman john brenner is the antitruth, you can bet anything he says is a lie.