Fran reminds that poor, persecuted gay couple I lambasted last night of certain basic, ineluctable facts of life on this here planet.
The two homosexuals in the tale related above both seem fairly bright. So why didn’t it occur to them that they’d have a wee bit of a problem producing children? Why didn’t it occur to them that as men, they are not expected to gestate, and that no employer would make provisions for it? Because they’re “married?” Because they want to be “just like other married couples?”
Men cannot get pregnant. That’s inherent in the design. Some of us are men and some are women, and the reproductive functions are divided between us in a way we can do nothing about. Screaming that it’s not fair! can change nothing about it.
But the second part of this little sermonette is equally important: Trying to shift the responsibility for fulfilling your desires onto other people’s shoulders and wallets is an act of childishness and selfishness. Saying that “I can’t get what I want for myself, so you have to get it for me” proclaims both personal immaturity and personal irresponsibility. It’s the tantrum of a bratty toddler.
Each of us has a soul. Some never “grow into” theirs. Above is Exhibit One.
The argument rages over whether homosexuality is an individual’s choice or is encoded in his genes. As regards reproduction, it hardly matters. If you insist on having sex solely with persons of your own sex, you won’t be having any kids. To demand that it be otherwise – to demand that other people make it possible for you, by whatever means – is an indication that you are unfit for the society of others. No one is obliged to accommodate you.
As my grandma used to say: wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which gets full the quickest.
According to Western civilization i.e Judeo Christian history and scripture it is not choice or genetic it is SIN. And an abomination before God.
But you do have the right to not be Judeo or Christian in America.
From that point of view, it’s not a sin to them and nothing we can do about it, if it stays in the bedroom and within the decency laws of the Nation.