We stand at the crossroads, ostensibly “led” by a corrupt, senile pedophile who is stumbling through history without the vaguest clue of who he is, what he’s doing, or where he’s going.
The meat of the speech was no better than Biden’s health. He kept repeating the term “MAGA,” painting those who voted for Donald Trump as evil fascists that pose a direct threat to the very well-being of the nation. That’s ludicrous, and as I’ve shared before, it’s also incredibly dangerous. When you begin attack tens of millions of Americans as scum, suggesting they are going to destroy “our democracy,” that justifies just about anything in response, doesn’t it? Someone is going to get hurt based on his incitement.
For sure and certain, which is perfectly meet and just. After tonight, it is absolutely imperative for Real Americans—or, put in the way I plan to use from here on out because fuck Joe Biden, that’s why, MAGA Americans—to see to it that it’ll be shitlibs doing most of the hurting, not Our Side.
Some may see this as a sad or lamentable situation, but I must admit that I no longer can. Let our course of action henceforth be the one commended to us by our Founding Fathers as the only just and proper way to deal with tyrants like Biden and his vile Democrat Party. Contra Pedo Jaux and his forked-tongue blather, when anger is righteous, it should be embraced not with reluctance or regret, but pridefully, even joyously. The solemn American duty to offer stiff resistance to all tyranny for the sake of ourselves and our posterity is no burden; it’s an honor.
All that aside, though, Biden’s brazen call for violence, bloodshed, and hatred was not entirely without its moments.
Biden gets absolutely HUMILIATED by savage heckler yelling “F**CK JOE BIDEN” pic.twitter.com/VbW6M68YKE
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 2, 2022
Heh. That’s the spirit. Resist we much, fuckface.
Update! STILL not getting it.
Tonight’s speech was a dark moment in American history. It shows a man desperate and gasping at straws as he sees his presidency—and the country he claims to love—crumbling around him.
“Desperate”? No, no, a thousand times no. What I saw was a cocksure, aggressive usurper blatantly doing battlespace prep, urging his Satanic followers on to war against their erstwhile countrymen. Unless and until we recognize what’s taking place right before our very eyes, we can never truly be ready for what’s coming.
He’s drawing a line. He’s not even attempting to be president of the United States, just president of the Democratic party.
For the people pulling his strings, there is only the Democrat party and if you ain’t on board with that, you aren’t American. Not the new “America” they are creating.
One party rule, otherwise know as communism. Of course we are already there as the opposition party is not in opposition. They just provide the fiction.
Yep might be time to say ain’t nothing wrong with US
He was anything but cocksure, the bluster and volume speaks to someone who was desperate to spit out the speech somewhere else wrote. Late in the speech he was rushing through his lines because the Adderall was wearing off.
Literally Hitler, but without awareness or mental acuity.
Not “Hitler.” Instead, Stalin. You must remember their Messiahs, who made Hitler look like a piker!
What are you talking about? Hitler and Uncle Joe were both POS, killed millions.
It has a much more Riefenstahl produced vibe to it. If it were the Commies he would have Parades with lots of missiles trucked by.
The only reason Herr Fuehrer didn’t kill more was because he was stopped quicker than Stalin. Stalin had a full 30 years under his belt and Mao had close to 30. Hitler has only 12.
Pol Pot might have had the highest average kills per year in Power.
The back drop looked like the antichrist should have been speaking. But he might have been on Joe’s headgear.