SO. Been futzing around a bit with the WP posting interface, which I can’t even begin to describe to you how much I despise, when what to my wondering eyes didst appear in the toolbar above the composition textbox a mysterious icon which, when hovered over, describes its function thusly, and I quote: “Select a part of text and ask readers for feedback (inline commenting).”
WELL. [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”ei7ya9rie7″ question=”Any comments on this part?” opened=”0″]Intriguing, no?[/wpdiscuz-feedback] I think it is, and very much so. That being the case, if you should see [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”2lsznmrjyi” question=”Comments? Complaints? Thoughts?” opened=”1″]some bizarre icon in a post[/wpdiscuz-feedback] that you never came across here before, that’s almost certainly what it is. Let me know what y’all think of it.
Update! Well, it seems to work quite nicely. Had to disable several conflicting and/or redundant plugins related to the comments function, which I probably should have done a long time ago anyway.
Interesting. Don’t recall ever seeing that before. Might be a good way to express my displeasure with something right on the spot 🙂
Also, “Recent Comments” seem to have disappeared. I need some way to know the elusive and mysterious SteveF has made his rare appearance…
Yeah, that’s one of the ones I disabled. Gonna enable it again in a few minutes though, so fret not, B.
Okay, restarted RC again, doesn’t seem to be any problem so far. YAAAAY!!
Yep, just checked in and saw it was restored.
Sometimes we are lucky 🙂
Not so much elusive and mysterious as swamped and harried.
Nice to see you anyway.
When my oldest turned 13, I knew we were now in hell for the next 18 years or so with multiple teenagers coming through 🙂