And just like that, a new catchphrase is born.
Leftists Are Angry About The Florida Anti-Grooming Law Because They Want Your Children
First, I think this needs to be said – Public school teachers are not important. I’m sure there are many good ones out there and this is not an attack on them. What I am saying is, the glorification and worship of teachers is out of place in our society and completely overblown. At some point along the line leftists in particular decided that teachers are the emissaries of moral order and equity and their jobs should be treated as sacrosanct. This is nonsense.Teachers are mere employees of the district they work in, that is all. Parents pay the taxes that pay their salaries. The parents are the employers, the parents are the boss and what they say goes. Teachers need to understand this; the parents own you, so get used to the idea. You are not special.
Furthermore, the views expressed in the interview with the gay Florida teacher above showcase some unhinged misconceptions and assumptions. The new law does not say that a teacher is not allowed to mention they are gay, but frankly, NO teacher should be discussing their private lives with their students anyway. At no point in my childhood did I ever hear a teacher talk about their home lives or who they were sleeping with; this is a new trend within the past decade. Not long ago teachers specifically avoided such idiocy in order to prevent rumors from circulating through the school halls about them.
And yes, we did have at least one gay teacher, and he never discussed it in the classroom, ever. His job was not under threat for doing so, he was just a professional.
This kind of professionalism is not acceptable to leftists because they view the classroom as more than just a place of academia, they view it as a place for engineering conformity, as well as a personal therapy bubble for themselves. I can’t count how many videos I have seen in the past few years of teachers “coming out” to their students in a desperate play for attention and applause. The narcissism inherent in this behavior is stunning. Teachers have turned their classrooms into environmental extensions of their own mental deformities and insecurities and now lay these problems in the hands of students.
Shit, practically the whole of society has been subjected to the same transformation; especially in our major cities, America’s public spaces have been reduced to little more than open-air theaters—mere stages where egomaniacal, self-obssessed shitlibs can work out their mental health issues in front of a repulsed and disbelieving audience, coerced all unwilling into de facto participation in a demented passion play. Bizarre shitlib freakazoids unabashedly strut and fret their hour upon the stage, then are heard no more—idiots most insufferable, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Brandon’s closing passages proffer a crucial point, one I’ll wholeheartedly endorse via the judicious and tasteful use of boldface.
It is here that I think we need to address a bigger issue which SJWs often screech about, and that’s the idea of “Gatekeeping.” I’m going to say it right here and now: GATEKEEPING IS GOOD. It always has been and it always will be. The idea that we must be accepting of everyone all the time is foolish and insane. Some people are not compatible with truth or with reason, and they need to be kept away from vulnerable institutions such as schools and away from innocent children that make up the lifeblood of our future.
The conservative argument has always been that not all change is good, and not all change is progress. Some changes are regressive rather than progressive. Some changes are simply designed to do harm, and some people are simply evil. Discrimination in some respects is absolutely necessary in order for our core values and principles to survive. There are times when discrimination is necessary for our very nation and culture to survive.
Leftists always turn to the old standby argument when they are faced with the prospect that the culture at large does not want them around; they cry that “We live in a democracy” and inclusion is somehow a prerequisite. In other words, if you go against them you are going against your own values of freedom. This is nonsense.We are not a democracy, of course, we are a democratic republic and there is a big difference, but that is a discussion for another article. According to the non-aggression principle, freedom does not apply to the people that are trying to destroy it. Leftists do not get to target freedom for destruction and then cry victim and proclaim their love of freedom when people get in their way. Gatekeeping is good because certain pillars of our society need to be kept inoculated against the destructive methods of the political left. These people do not belong here. They do not deserve freedom, and they do not deserve to live among people that actually love freedom.
Annnnnd bingo. Bingobingobingobingoeffing BING. GOH. I swear, Brandon and I both could just quit this whole blogging thing forever now. After that, there’s really nothing more left to be said.
The debate on anti-grooming is really a debate on the necessity of gatekeeping. Leftists support it when they think they are in control and they attack it when they think it’s going to be used against them. I can’t imagine any area of our culture more vital to protect than our children; and this is where gatekeeping must be employed with full force and without mercy. Florida is doing it right, let’s hope the rest of the country follows their example.
Let us hope for it, yes. But alas, let us not count on it, nor hold our breath anticipating it, nor lapse into despair when it doesn’t happen. Because it ain’t gonna. At the very least, NYC, SF, LA, and Chicago will carry on holding the Leftard/Manwoman/Commie line against all attack; there is absolutely no chance at all that those and all too many other mighty citadels of PC enstupidation (think Madison Wi; Austin Tx; Seattle; Portland, to name but a few) are going to suddenly abandon their mulish embrace of make-believe and sheer barking moonbattery in favor of a return to boring old reality in the foreseeable future.
UNEXPECTED!™ update! Gotta confess, I find this somewhat surprising.
🚨 When Americans actually see the language of Florida's new law preventing the teaching gender ideology and sexual orientation to kids in grades K-3, there is overwhelming bi-partisan support for the law.
— Ian Prior (@iandprior) March 30, 2022
Is there more, you ask? Why yes; yes, there is.
A follow-up question broached the topic of gender identity. When asked whether or not gender should be removed from birth certificates, only 8 percent of respondents said yes while a whopping 79 percent said no.
In addition, the survey asked the group whether or not they agreed with the statement “transgender athletes should only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender.” 60 percent of respondents agreed. Republicans were 85 percent positive on that question, whereas Democrats were split at a near-tie of 39 percent agree and 36 percent disagree.
Hrm. It seems as if sanity, like the flowers in springtime, might be busting out all over.
The homosexuals got to come out of there proper hiding places, and got bold like the Brown Shirts. The pendulum is starting to swing and they sure as hell are not going to like it
“It seems as if sanity, like the flowers in springtime, might be busting out all over.”
Well, not quite: “…whereas Democrats were split at a near-tie of 39 percent agree and 36 percent disagree.“