The current experimental injection being forced upon the world is a recipe for disaster, as the mounting evidence shows. The jab already has killed many thousands and has maimed millions across the globe. Yet, the profiteers still push it, knowing its potential for population control, something Bill Gates actually revealed a few years ago. For elites, it’s also a source of great personal wealth.
Resistance to the forced jab continues to grow, as does the oppression to mandate the shot. In countries where private citizens have been disarmed, we are witnessing the spread of tyranny like a raging wildfire. In America also, the heat in the kettle is rising, but people are now feeling the pressure and choosing to resist. Many are about to lose their jobs, and they are accepting it. These wise and courageous ones recognize that giving just an inch to the enemy further empowers them and further erodes our freedom. We may not yet face the threat at gunpoint to take the “vaccine,” but securing food, accessing bank funds, traveling, and access to other daily needs is slowly becoming more challenging. The warped Communist Biden government is proceeding with caution, hoping to wear us down by every means possible, short of threats of violence. But you can be sure that violence will be employed if they can somehow disarm us.
This fact leads me to explore the minds of our nation’s founding fathers. The greatest insurance against mass tyranny is—and always will be—the armed private citizen. While America has failed to assemble and maintain a well-regulated Militia, the private armed American is a powerful stopgap to the onslaught of a derelict government turning to violence.
And now, we are finally beginning to recognize the dire need for Patriots and Conservatives to organize. Nothing short of a full-fledged assault against the Communist domestic dictators will do, be they mock leaders like Biden, or Marxist governors like Gavin Newsom. We are now seeing freedom lovers worldwide rise up against unethical police officers and military forces that serve the dark side and torment us. This fellowship of freedom fighters has now begun to take a stand and say, “No more!” We are fed up with the lies, deception, propaganda, indoctrination, and fear-mongering. We will no longer accept being told to cover our faces or accept the toxic jab, close our businesses, or isolate ourselves from one another. The brotherhood of mankind has been created in the image of God. Thus, God, Himself tells us—and that instills in every man and woman a deep-seated yearning for freedom to create, to prosper, and to live according to the laws of humanity.
You can be sure that the whole world has seen the torchlight of Lady Liberty, and they crave it more than do we Americans who take our liberty for granted. But as the tyranny escalates and as freedom wanes, the dormant patriots are awakening in our once free republic as well. Yes, a war has already been declared against the United States Constitution. Now we see clearly that our freedom is near to being tossed over a cliff. Under such tyranny years ago, the American Revolution was fought and won. If we so choose once again, nothing can stop the Second American Revolution that is now brewing already. But the war could be carried far and wide, and who knows… perhaps a World Revolutionary War is on the horizon. A freedom fight is always a just war, and the brotherhood of man seeking freedom is a mighty powerful army. Now is the time to act. And when the storm passes, we shall behold a most glorious rainbow!
We can but hope. Until then, we can either get militant or get kilt. Almost certainly both, actually, for a yet-to-be-dtermined number of us. The Enemy, for his part, is immovably committed to forcing the issue.
Joe Biden made an absolutely insane claim about getting back to normal after COVID-19. He’s now saying that we have to get 97-98% of Americans vaccinated before normalcy can return in this country.
Historically, herd immunity was reached once approximately 70% of a community was immune to a virus. That would include those vaccinated and those with natural immunity. The problem is that the authoritarian dictator that runs this country doesn’t believe in science.
Um, no. The problem is that he in fact IS an authoritarian dictator. Do understand that, as I’ve said before, “Biden” is obviously neither in charge nor remotely cognizant of any of this, that the very name “Biden” is merely shorthand for whoever it is that really calls the shots in Amerika v2.0: a genuine Legion Of Evil whose names we’ll never know, whose faces we’ll never see.
The second link above might be a tad heavy on the Xtian proselytizing for some of you, so if that ain’t your thang, feel free to skip it. I ain’t much bothered by it myself, although I would admittedly prefer it if his whole analysis didn’t revolve around it and he would just stick to the worldly aspects of the issue, so I can easily see how the author’s focus on Biblical prophecy might grate. Though I do consider myself a Christian, I’m also sure a lot of the stricter believers would condemn me as a Bad one.
I’d prefer that analyses revolve around my divinity. And around my primary divine traits of indifference and laziness. This might possibly lead people to solving their problems themselves rather than wait for a god or a man on a white horse or anyone else to save them.
Hey, I’m okay with all that, my Lord. Praise be! 😉
I’ve been paying for The Child to go to Christian private school even though I’m an atheist.* Her school is very strong academically, which is why I continue to pay the tuition, despite it pinching the budget rather painfully and despite the infliction of biblical references at every opportunity. (I’m not convinced that Algebra is made more rigorous, practical, or meaningful by contorting bible verses to show that the ancient Hebrews used it, but maybe I’m just narrow-minded.)
Anyway, last year’s 8th Grade Ancient Literature class covered a lot of gods and demigods. The students were supposed to list off a handful of demigods for some assignment and I suggested that my daughter put her own name on the list. She thought it was a funny idea but chickened out of actually doing it. -sigh- No guts.
* Not quite an atheist, as I believe in myself, but close enough.
“-sigh- No guts.”
LOL, perhaps smarts…