I DID mention in that last post that Gropey is a buffoon, a fraud, a hack, and a complete and total moron, right? Because, y’know, he is.
Dementia Joe Biden is on his grand tour of Europe, so this edition of the wit ‘n’ wisdom of the 46th president will not be called Weekend at Biden’s.
Instead, it’s Joe Biden’s European Vacation.
When President Biden arrived in the United Kingdom, he spoke at a military base, which is one of his great pleasures. All dialogue guaranteed verbatim:
“There’s nothing that Jill and I and Joe enjoy more than spending time with our troops and their families wherever we go in the world.”
Last year he once introduced himself as Jill Biden. Now Biden apparently thinks of himself as two different people — “Joe and I.”
He saluted the British military, especially the “R.F.A.” He reiterated that America wants to avoid “confrict” with Russia. (At least this time he didn’t call the Russian president “Clutin.”)
Of course Biden saluted his hosts: “I’d like to point out that the greet from the British government has been exemplary.”
Since his mental decline, he has always been clueless with numbers — this week he bragged about providing a “half a billion” free vaccines, then cut the number to “half a million,” before finally reverting back to the original “half billion doses that we’ll be sending around the world to be produced in the United States.”
Sleepy Joe exhorted Americans to get their shots at the assorted “vaxin’ sites,” including your local “Y.M.C.” He changed the name of the disease yet again. What he sometimes calls “COVID 9” this week became “Globid COVID 19.”
In Britain, he introduced a titan of Big Pharma:
“Now I’d like to turn it over to my friend, the CEO and chairman of Pfizer, Avril Al Albert Bourla,” more commonly known as simply Albert Bourla.
The man is a real wizard with figures, no doubt about it.
“The first 14 months, first time first time in 14 months we saw the largest decline in the number of long-term unemployed more in more than a decade in the last 10 years.”
By the way, Biden said he was quoting government statistics.
“This report is based on a weekly uh uh in a week in early May that’s how we they determine the uh the job growth or loss we have growth.”
As time goes on, Biden is more and more flummoxed by the letter “L.” Again this week he referred to the “American Rescue Pan.” Now, though, in addition to dropping “L,” he randomly adds the letter to words. He called for more so-called investments in climate change “to prevent the worst implacts” of climate change.
As anyone at all familiar with this blibbering nitwit would expect, there’s more. Lots, lots, lots, LOTS more.
Like it isn’t bad enough living under an occupational government, they have a demented old pervert running around representing us. The only motivation they have must be the utter humiliation it causes Americans.
The Craw? Is that overla underpass or under the overla pass?
What’s that in the road? A head?
Pssst Joe, that’s “what’s that in the road ahead?”
That’s what I said. What’s that in the road? A head?
That sticks in my craw for some reason.
Not the craw, the claw!
You racist!
I know…
Well hell, I too want to prevent the worst implacts of climate change.
What? (o0)
Crimate Crange been veby veby good to me.
-Al Gorebull.