Bill deploys the heavy artillery to blast back at the Boomer-scourgers. He leads off with an excerpt from noted Boomer antipathitarian (yes, I just made that word up) Vox Day, which…aww, hell, I’m just gonna C&P pretty much the entire thing. I wouldn’t want anybody here to miss any of this. Links not transcribed, click over to Bill’s joint for those.
Vox Popoli: What made the Boomers boom?
The Boomers didn’t feel they needed the traditions of their forebears that gave them their status, and they rejected those traditions in favor of pursuing short-term pleasures. They became lotus-eaters, soft, fat, and totally unfit for competition and conflict with the rest of a battle-hardened world that was rebuilding from the ashes.
Far more Boomers were maimed or killed in Vietnam, the defining marker of our generation, than the total of all of Vox’s GenXers, Millennials, or Zoomers in all the wars since.
Vox says that he is a firm believer in “formative years,” ie., “as the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Well, our formative years were spent learning how to hide under school desks, preparing to kiss our asses goodbye in nuclear fire. Something like that might foster an “eat, drink, and be merry, (or sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll) for tomorrow we die” kind of mindset. We learned to fear death very early. Maybe that’s why we put such a high value on our own lives, once we noticed that nobody else seemed to do so. This was only reinforced by our government running a rigged death lottery called the draft, so that older teen boys could learn that their lives, and deaths, were subject to the whims of others.
And now, it’s our turn to become hard men capable of embracing and winning the inevitable conflicts to come.
Good luck with transforming Millennials and Zoomers into “hard men,” given their propensity for turning into puddles of steaming urine at the sight of an unmasked face, or some harsh words on one of the tiny machines into which they have poured their entire lives.
One Boomer, caught up in emotional projection of his own philosophy, shrieked that the younger generations anticipate the Day of the Pillow in order to acquire their material possessions.
You pussies could never accomplish a Day of the Pillow on us unless we were lying helpless and sick in our beds. Because, peace and love generation aside, we sure managed to do a lot of killing in our time.
Since I’m in for a penny with the over-excerpting here, might as well go all the way and to heck with it, because the closer is the best part.
UPDATE: Ace is on it.
Quick Hits: Just Getting My Act Together Edition
David Hogg
A cicada landed on me yesterday and I threw my phone 10 feet – it landed screen down- on a staircaseI can not wait for this to be over
David Hogg
My phone survived with a few scratches- as did the cicadaAre you ****ing kidding me?
Yep. These are the brave and fearsome Zoomers who are going to murder us in our beds.
Unless, of course, they are so frightened by a cicada that they drop their precious devices.
And their pillows.
Now, this whole dustup deals in some fairly gross generalizations, as all such broad-brush debates do, and generalizations have a funny way of coming back around to bite you on the ass. It is therefore essential to be cautious with them, and to avoid taking such discussions too seriously. All that stipulated, I stand by the position I took here: while the Boomers (of which I am one myself, barely) were the first generation of Americans to actually loathe the country of their birth, the follow-on generations actually look to be even worse.
Camera Hogg has to be a plant, a crisis actor working a script from the folks at the Babylon Bee. He just HAS to be.
Right? Right?
It’s no secret I was a commie when I was young and stupid, but I honestly thought it was because I loved my country and wanted to make it better. Later I shook off the stupidity, but I have never wavered in the love I have for my country.
“And then everyone clapped.”
I don’t believe that David Hogg is able to throw a phone 10 feet. Have you seen that pathetic upper body strength? I don’t think he could benchpress a pack of ramen.
I don’t know when it was that I first began to suspect that Vox was nuts, but it was years ago. I remember when I *thought* he had some intelligent commenters. He tolerates zero dissent in his comments. His right of course, but when someone wants nothing more than an echo chamber, whatever the subject, it tells me they are insecure in their own position. In any event, most of the commenters now left are just as loony on any given subject as Vox. It’s entertaining though, in fact it reads a lot like any other lefty anti-reality comment thread.
Sez the joker who not that long ago would provide links of approval to things that VD had posted. But “it was years ago” that you “first began to suspect that Vox was nuts.” Ha, ha, ha, that’s a good one.
Hey fuck you henryKaren. I said so years ago and it’s known by several people with memories that are functional. I still read there because even though he’s nuts he comes up with occasional nuggets worthy of reading and contemplating.
You are still nothing more than a pathetic low life intent upon proving you’re an idiot every time you type.
It seems I can’t even praise your comedic touch without you spewing spittle all over your keyboard.
Fuck you, henryKaren. You make up lies just like you always have. For example, I never provided any “link of approval” to Vox, just links to things interesting. In fact, in some cases I made mention of the fact I did not agree with it, but linked for those that might find the data interesting.
You on the other hand are just a vile lowlife that doesn’t like it when someone speaks truthfully.
Put your mask on and moan about how you might get the chinaVirus.
You need professional help.
I “need professional help” sez the guy who goes into a rage when I point out his hypocracy.
Fuck you henryKaren. As I said, you’re a liar and have pointed out no hypocrisy on my part. You just make it up. You’re sick.