Oh no, Daddy, not THIS one again.
In 2020, it appears the official story tellers may have another problem on their hands with the Biden campaign. The story they are selling this time is the public is tired of the tyrant Trump and ready to lift-up world-weary old white man, and his super-smart diverse sidekick, and carry them to the White House. You see, world-weary old white man had a nice run, but now it is time for him to go. His last act will be to vanquish mean old white man and then hand the baton over to diverse sidekick.
It’s a familiar story, one that is the center of so many bad movies it is amazing that they keep trying to sell it. In this case, world-weary old white man is a vegetable that has been in hiding for most of the year, because he has shark eyes and says wacky things suggesting he is not all there. Super-smart diverse sidekick is pretty dumb and reminds everyone of getting their license renewed. It’s a bad story that no one wants to think about and the characters don’t work for the audience.
Compounding it is the world-weary old white man has a son that likes to smoke crack and film himself banging hookers. Fair or foul, people judge people by their children and Hunter Biden is a vulgar degenerate. He lies, cheats, steals and does not seem to have anything resembling a conscience. Worse yet, he seems to be an uncommonly stupid person, getting jammed up over stupid things like leaving his laptop with a repair shop, so the contents can be sold to the tabloids.
If the contents were just an unusual amount of cat pictures, people could possibly generate some sympathy for his parents. They gave it their best shot, but the boy was never right in the head. Instead, it’s videos of him smoking crack with hookers and having them perform unnatural acts upon him. Then there are the e-mails from foreign potentates suggesting he was the facilitator in a bribery scheme involving his father, who was vice president at the time, emphasis on the vice.
The Biden-for-Prez story is old and stale by now. But Slimey Joe keeps on trotting the musty old thing out anyway, hoping for the happy ending at last.
And the HidenBiden ticket will get 40+ percent of the vote. Look around, 40% of your crowd is bug fuckin nutz.
I look around and unfortunately it’s more than 40% here.
People voting early to avoid “crowds” and WuFlu standing in line for 2 hours to vote early.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Is the Z-Man a great writer or what?
Voted today myself, waited in a spaced out line for about 30 minutes. Big crowd, as they had about three times the machines and poll workers going that they usually have. They were moving people through at a good pace, but even so the line was out the door and looped around the parking lot. Mostly older folks in line — I saw maybe half a dozen people under 40. Might have been the time of day, but I am guessing that the much-hyped youth vote will fail to show up yet again.
Wife and I voted absentee ballot last week before driving to the coast. Plan to be here on election day even though I have to go back for a few work days next week.
Absentee ballots have been delivered and accepted 🙂
I really don’t trust them.
How do you know they didn’t open and toss yours?
Don’t, any more than I know if they counted my vote the way it was cast when I vote in person.
I think this is the first time I’ve voted by absentee and I now it is the first time for my wife.
Voting in person on Election Day has no chain of custody issues compared to voting now and expecting those ballots to be secured for weeks before being opened and counted.
They open the machines on Election Day and there are poll watchers there for both sides.
How can two weeks of poll watching be accomplished?
“…and there are poll watchers there for both sides.”
Unfortunately, “both sides” is not the same as a Trump side.
True, nothing is perfect.
There is just no way to keep the chain of custody safe for so many weeks. that’s 24/7 under lock and key somewhere and the polling place may be mixed use. One of ours is a Church. Not sure if the Church is open tomorrow. That means moving the lockbox of ballots each day back and forth. Another opportunity for Malarkey.