The latest installment of Wilder’s CW Weather Report is up, and as usual with John’s stuff it’s a toughie to excerpt without doing real violence to the whole thing; the way he weaves seemingly disparate or unrelated concepts together into a cohesive whole makes collecting bits and bites of it…well, tricky, shall we say. But I just gotta make the attempt with this one anyway.
I firmly believe the United States has had stolen elections in the past. But the nice thing about the Electoral College is? It makes it really, really hard to steal an election. Impossible? No. Hard? Yes.
Every single person in every graveyard in Chicago, California, and Queens can vote for a Democrat, and it doesn’t matter. The Electoral College adds legitimacy to an election by breaking corruption at the state lines. That’s one reason the Left hates it. It makes elections hard to steal. In my state, my vote doesn’t really matter – my state will go for Trump even if every person in every grave, ever, votes Democrat.
Mail-in voting changes all of that.
It’s hard to cheat in a Red State. You have to steal zillions of counties. It’s easy to cheat in a Blue State – you just have to cheat in the big cities. If everyone in Chicago voted Trump, Illinois would still go 60% for whatever Democrat was opposing him. But with mail-in voting?
Examples I have seen show the party on the outside of the envelope. How hard would it be to casually “lose” a few thousand votes from envelopes that had a big, fat, R on the outside? Or a few thousand from precincts that consistently vote Right? Not hard at all. This is on top of demonstrated voter fraud in Left cities where poll workers were caught on camera dumping ballot after ballot into the box on election day.
If mail-in voting passes? We’ve had our last election day. From now on? It’s selection day – selection of the candidate that the Left wants.
There’s more, he’s dead right, and you must read it all.
John sure does a good job.
Thank you!!!
I pray Trump has a plan to address cheating.
In my neighborhood the emails are flying hot and heavy about how they are going mail-in because of their Fear Of WuFlu which of course they call Deadly Covid-19 to be PC about it.
NC hangs in the balance the more they can cheat. Otherwise I think it’s a cakewalk for Trump and Forest and Tillis and the downticket races.
Yep, cheating is the only hope the marxist party has.