Ace sums up the current contretemps before providing us with the Feel Good Video of the Week.
Police won’t protect us. It’s time to admit our only defense is self-defense, and the only help we can expect is self-help.
And to mutually vow to each other that we will never, ever convict someone for resorting to self-help, if we’re on someone’s jury.
Either the state will enforce the law and protect us, or we’ll protect ourselves, and protect those who protect themselves. Period.
The officials sworn to protect the civil peace have instead decided to protect the bandits and looters and arsonists. Instead of prosecuting them for their crimes, they nullify the law and let them out the next morning.
We can nullify the law too, guys.
You’re not the only ones who can set aside the law and free people for what might, in other times, be considered crimes of violence.
If you won’t prosecute looters, arsonists, and insurrectionists, we will not convict those who use violence to stop looters, arsonists, and insurrectionists, or use violence (as here) just to fucking get home without being illegally held-up by bandits blocking the road like old-time highwaymen and road-thieves.
The state has decided we will be ruled by the mob.
But we never agreed to that. The Constitution says that we will rule ourselves, through our elected officials. Not to the violent insurrectionists and anarchists the police and government have turned the streets over to.
Read it all, then watch the vid. You’ll feel a whole lot better.
The sad fact is, if Real Americans had taken to dealing out some righteous street justice to PantiFa and all the other ingredients of the noisome, toxic Leftist bouillabaise right from jump, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now.
Fuck YEAH!!! I saw that video the other day and it was beautiful! Thanks, Mike, for showcasing Ace’s post.
Especially the effect it had on the other panty-waist cocksuckers next to the dude on the receiving end of that punch. They really lost their shit – pointing out the fact that the vast majority of these bastards are dangerous only in large packs.
Put a couple of sniper teams at, say, 150-200 meters to take out some leaders and wound some others and this shit would stop post haste.
And if you don’t think if that happened once or twice other like-minded deer hunter types wouldn’t follow that example you gotta ‘nother think comin’. ?☠️☠️?
Somehow I managed to miss that one. I sure would like to buy that fellow a drink or dinner.