If we’re ever to have any hope of repairing this badly broken nation, we all know where that Herculean labor must begin.
A recent man on the street interview by Campus Reform saw many college-aged kids asked about what they think of America, its history, and what the 4th of July means. Nearly all of them showed an astounding level of ignorance, and not even just ignorance, but disinformation.
Most didn’t know the 4th of July celebrates the day we declared independence, and all but one couldn’t even come close to guessing the year. Guesses as to which war helped us gain our independence ranged from the Civil War to World War 2.
What they didn’t know isn’t even as shocking as what they thought they knew.
Nearly all of them believed that America is a racist country founded on racism. This is completely false as Lincoln himself pointed out during a speech generations ago.
“America was built off slavery,” said one of the kids.
One of the kids said that America is built off a bad legacy and that the presidency of Donald Trump is proof that our country is a racist one.
There was, however, awareness by the students that something was missing once confronted with their own ignorance. One confessed to never having been taught any of this in school.
“I just know that teachers do not want to teach it,” said one of the kids.
Campus Reform later proved this in the same video as an interview was conducted with a couple of teachers, one of whom admitted to not teaching American history, focusing instead of social issues and painting America as a racist country. Sadly enough, the teacher didn’t even seem to know what year we won our independence.
Can it really be any wonder that things have deteriorated to such a fantastical degree? Somewhere, in one of the very hottest corners of the excruciating fires of Hell, Antonio Gramsci smiles over his brilliant victory.
This, too, must be part of the overall plan for recovery.
You can take all that as "crazy talk," or you can wake up and see where this all came from and what history tells you has to be done with it, before it consumes us and we are no more.
— Martin McPhillips (@corpseinarmor) July 3, 2020
They have called the question. That's the answer.
— Martin McPhillips (@corpseinarmor) July 3, 2020
(Via Larwyn and WRSA)
I saw this first hand with my eldest son in high school. I was so preoccupied with a dirty divorce-raping I was getting thru the courts and my ex that I wasn’t paying enough attention, but in retrospect he must’ve been indoctrinated by that fucking Commie H. Zinn and his minions.
We used to argue about Chomsky who I knew all too well having taken Cognitive Linguistics in Grad school (which, BTW, of which he was the brilliant pioneer) but I also knew of his mindless and unhinged politics. My son loved him and no amount of factual debate would get him to even consider he was wrong.
So I failed him. I also failed in my primary duty as a man. Till the day I die this will haunt me.
I will fight these fuckers with all this 68 year-old body and mind will take.