One asks one’s self, will this psychopathic “woman” NEVER leave the poor man alone? And the answer comes back: of course xzhe/zxher/zxhim/zxhit won’t.
Jack Phillips, the baker who was sued for refusing to make a cake for a same-sex wedding because of his religious conscience, was back in court on Thursday, this time for turning down a request for a “gender transition” cake.
The first lawsuit against Phillips, who owns Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, worked its way up to the United States Supreme Court, which in 2018, reached a 7-2 decision that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission acted with hostility toward religion when it ordered Phillips to make cakes for same-sex weddings as well as conduct so-called sensitivity training for his employees.
The Christian Post reported on how Phillips will once again be represented in court by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF):
The same state agency pursued another case against Phillips because he declined to make a cake celebrating transgenderism. Phillips filed a lawsuit against the state alleging harassment and it subsequently dropped the matter.
After that, a local trans activist and attorney named Autumn Scardina called Phillips’ Denver-area bakery to order a custom made gender-transition cake. Scardina waited past the appeal deadline so he could file a new lawsuit in a different court.
Scardina is seeking more than $100,000 in damages, fines, and attorney’s fees, according to the Post.
Mr Scardina is a lawyer himself, in partnership with his shameless, ambulance-chasing brother and some other blood sucking leech, although all mention of “Autumn” has been scrupulously from the firm’s website at present. As such, I very much doubt that the deranged lowlife has any real interest in collecting “damages” from Phillips. His true interest is now solely in destroying this Christian baker utterly—ruining him beyond all recovery or redemption. Tragically, infuriatingly, the demented freak’s campaign of hatred and destruction is succeeding:
Mr. Phillips said Thursday that he gladly serves all customers, but that “I just can’t celebrate every event or express every message through my cake art.”
The lawsuit, which seeks about $100,000 in damages, fines and attorney’s fees, “could cost me everything,” he said.
“I already lost 40% of my business and more than half of my employees during the first case,” Mr. Phillips said. “I still haven’t regained that income, nor been able to resume creating custom cake art for weddings. During this current coronavirus, I’ve been hit just as badly as many other small business owners.”
“This attorney’s relentless pursuit of Jack was an obvious attempt to punish him for his views, banish him from the marketplace, and financially ruin him and his shop,” said ADF legal counsel Jake Warner, who argued the case in court. “For these reasons and others, we are asking the court to dismiss this case.”
The above story provides a rundown of the relentless vendetta Mr Scardina has waged against Phillips, including this:
By now, you’ve probably heard a lot about Jack. He serves everyone that walks into his shop. But he can’t create custom cakes that express messages or celebrate events in conflict with his deeply held religious beliefs. This includes cakes advocating drug use, Halloween cakes, and cakes disparaging people, including those who identify as LGBT.
On June 26, 2017, a local attorney named Autumn Scardina called Masterpiece Cakeshop and requested a custom cake: designed blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate and reflect Scardina’s transition from male to female. The shop declined the request because the message of the cake contradicts Jack’s religious belief that God creates us either male or female.
But the day that call came wasn’t just another summer day. It was the same day the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would hear Jack’s first case—Jack and Masterpiece Cakeshop were all over the news.
And a few months later, Scardina made another request of Masterpiece Cakeshop. This request was for a custom cake featuring Satan smoking marijuana.
Ummm, sorry, guys, but that ain’t the way I heard it at the time. Not quite.
In the months that followed, the bakery received requests for cakes featuring marijuana use, sexually explicit messages, and Satanic symbols. One solicitation submitted by email asked the cake shop to create a three-tiered white cake depicting Satan licking a functional 9 inch dildo. Phillips believes Scardina made all these requests.
Of course he did. Who the hell else in the Denver area would be seething with anti-Christian bigotry enough, would be so personally obsessed with Phillips and his beliefs, and is plain old batshit insane enough to do all this?
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER FOR PURELY LEGAL PURPOSES: Now, y’all must understand that I am NOT suggesting that anyone should undertake any such thing, nor would I ever. But I probably couldn’t keep from laughing myself silly if one fine day I read that some enterprising soul had taken it upon himself to visit some old-school rough justice on this sick freak by walking him way out in the woods someplace, nailing him to a tree with railroad spikes through his palms and feet, and then using a rusty old Uncle Henry to complete his “transition” to full-bore “womanhood.”