Wouldn’t be caught dead living there, myself.
Greens just can’t help themselves. As the rest of us do what we can to tackle or withstand the Covid-19 crisis, they treat it as a sign, a warning from nature, a telling-off to hubristic, destructive mankind. The speed with which they have folded this pandemic into their misanthropic narrative about humanity being a pox on the planet has been shocking, but not surprising.
Right from the top of the UN, they have been promoting their backward belief that this virus is a reprimand from nature. Inger Andersen, executive director of the UN Environment Programme, says ‘nature is sending us a message’ with this pandemic and other recent disasters, including bushfires in Australia and locust invasions in Kenya. Of course nature is doing no such thing, because nature is not a sentient being, however much the new religion of environmentalism might fantasise that it is.
Britain’s chief bourgeois misanthrope, George Monbiot, was hot on the heels of the UN’s eco-medievalists. He says Covid-19 has shattered humanity’s self-serving myth that it has achieved ‘insulation from natural hazards’. There is a grotesque glee in the way Monbiot describes what Covid-19 has unleashed – ‘the membrane has ruptured’, he says, and ‘we find ourselves naked and outraged, as the biology we appeared to have banished storms through our lives’.
“Insulation from natural hazards”? We somehow “banished” biology? Ummm, excuse me and all, Mr Moonbat, sir, but…well, I can’t honestly say I know ANYBODY—not a single living soul—who believes ANY of that utter codswallop you just disgorged. I certainly don’t myself.
This is also why so many greens online have been sharing images of dolphins swimming near Venice or an absence of airplane trails over California. Because to them, these are signs of a benefit from Covid-19: the humbling of humankind, the reining in of our industrial and technological activity, and the reassertion of nature’s awesome power. If you see a disease as a political statement, as an opportunity to pursue your pre-existing misanthropic agendas, there is something very wrong with you.
Even though all of this is morally perverse, it is not surprising. For a long time, greens have viewed human beings as a pox, a virus in our own right, doing untold damage to the planet. Green god David Attenborough has said humans are ‘a plague on the planet’. Even when greens don’t use such explicitly hateful language, they constantly promote a view of human production and development as toxic and destructive.
And they latch on to everything from bushfires to floods, from plagues of locusts to melting ice-caps, as signs from nature, lessons from a furious Gaia. When religious crackpots blame floods on gay marriage, claiming God is punishing us for losing the moral plot, we rightly mock them. Yet greens offer merely a secular version of such backward, apocalyptic claptrap.
Oh, there’s nothing secular about it. It’s more a contemporary twist on traditional religious faith—a perverse, bitter, ugly one, based not on love and redemption but on bilious contempt—more precisely attuned to the sensibilities of shriveled souls who scorn Christianity, mostly out of juvenile spite.
The truth is that if the Covid-19 crisis has shown us anything, it is how awful it would be to live in the kind of world greens dream about. Right now, courtesy of a horrible new virus, our societies look not dissimilar to the kind of societies Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, green parties and others have long been agitating for. Fewer flights, industry halted, huge infrastructure projects put on hold. Less driving, less travelling, less human interaction. Over the past few weeks, as a result of our response to Covid-19, the ‘human footprint’ will undoubtedly have shrunk. And what an awful world it has become: smaller, quieter, more atomised.
Also stilted, impoverished, and fearful: a world in which trust has been supplanted by suspicion, comfort and ease by hardship and angst, hope by despair. Green weenies frequently blibber on about the necessity of a mass die-off in order to indulge their pet delusion of restoring “balance” and “harmony” between man and his natural environment. Too bad for us saner sorts that they seem determined to take our helpful response to heart and act on it: By all means. After you.
Actually, they’re called “Pagans” and “Satan-worshippers”.
And they’ve likely bedeviled human civilization since before history forgot.
Nothing new, really.
You still have pagans sacrificing infants, a ritual of defilement in exchange for “blessings” in the present (women who want to “prosper” in the present, by relieving themselves of a “burden” of the future). Then, they were called Canaanites, which is a “controversial” fact for the same reason it is taboo to speak of the Bolsheviks and the ruling nomenklatura in the Soviet Union.
You still have witches practicing the occult with women who have the propensity to use poison (once called “potions”) and using evil gossip to engender strife within society (once called “spells”). At one time, Civilizations knew that to allow Evil women to run amuck (to say nothing of leading said Civilization) would be their undoing. These days, we seem to encourage it, as well as willfully forgetting what our ancestors had learned ages ago. Punishing Evil Women with public burning at the stake was no more brutal than punishing Evil Men with similar burning or disembowelment, drawing and quartering, etc (Although women – as today – were far more prone to deal in poisons and back-room slander).
Ritualizing worship of nature deities was considered evil for many reasons, not least of which was because it promoted superstition by elevating animals, plants and rocks above the stature of Man. Christianity put nature in its place – to be wielded and harnessed if Man could discover God’s physical design (“Physics”). It is quite interesting that inferior cultures from Modern Paganism to Asian Confucius slander Christianity as the example for superstition,when the truth is that the Modern Science and technology these lower cultures ape and benefit from is born from a Christian culture who worship God – not worshippers of Moloch, or Allah, or Buddha, or Gaia, etc. It was not by mistake that Christian Europeans beginning in the Middle Ages built the modern age, while Taoist Han and Ottoman Turks were still learning from transliterations (sometimes thrice removed) of Ancient Greek knowledge, from Pythagoras to Dioscorides, still superior to any comparable knowledge in the East.
Conversely, it was also no mistake that these inferior sub-cultures of Earth-worship and Pagan-gods did not give birth to today’s Science and Technology.
Neither is it surprising that they are the chief impediment to human progress, from banning productive entrepreneurship by a Free Citizenry (in the name of Owl-worship and such) to “Global-Cooling-Warming-Change” dogma which seeks to squelch any human activity.
Is it any wonder that these Pagans lived in darkness then, and wish to return to it now?
Some are genuinely delusional, while others are supremely Evil – the former being lost souls in the service of Evil, the latter trying to leverage said souls for “World Peace”, “Sustainability”, “A Green Economy”, “Utopia”, etc.
In the end, it’s all the same megalomania envisaging”World Domination”, but more decrepit and callow, and thus who’s acolytes lack the ardor and courage of an Alexander or Khan
I still find it very curious that those who espouse the idea that humans are a pox are still using oxygen and in some cases still procreating. This world would be far better off if they would live their precepts.