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A modest proposal

It’s time—past time, actually, WAY past—to eliminate Communism from the face of the earth, once and for all.

We must not underestimate the economic threat because the Chinese Communist Party is using the pandemic to achieve its goal of supplanting the United States as the world’s leading economic, diplomatic, and military power.

Sounds unbelievable?

Nope, not a-tall.

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way, shape or form anything like an expert on medical issues. It’s why I’ve avoided much mention of the Chinese Yellow Peril Fu Manchu Wuhan Sino-Flu and its attendant panic to date, contenting myself with leaving such commentary to folks like our esteemed boozum-chum Aesop—experienced professionals in the field actually possessed of some expertise therein, in other words.

That said, though, my feeling all along about this burgeoning catastrophe can be summed up quickly and easily: the misery attributable to said Chinese Yellow Peril Fu Manchu Wuhan Sino-Flu, however severe (or not) the havoc it wreaks may (or may not) turn out to be, will almost certainly pale in comparison to the damage said attendant panic will cause.

Yeh, yeh, yeh, stop flopping around on the floor like a fish for a sec and just bear with me while I try to explain the reasoning behind this outlandish position of mine, willya?

To me, it’s something of a no-brainer. COVID-19 itself is specific, see, whatever harm it does being limited roughly to the death toll and the suffering of those afflicted with it, along with those close to them. However many folks may sicken and even die from this thing, our culture, whatever few shared ideals we still retain, perhaps even certain assumptions about our mode of living aren’t directly threatened by the disease. The disease itself could conceivably shake the foundations of American society, yes. But odds are that, as with many previous pandemics, American society can survive it.

The panic, on the other hand, is non-specific, or general; its impact is necessarily going to be spread across our entire nation, its institutions, our very way of life. It will permeate every strata of American society, much as I’m sure our self-styled “elite” would like to delude itself otherwise.

The US economy, for one thing, isn’t remotely likely to recover fully from the current artificially-imposed partial shutdown—certainly not quickly, maybe not ever. Contrary to the bland, hopeful assertions of those foolish enough to harbor a childish faith in their control over such things, national economies are complex and fragile things. They cannot simply be turned off and then back on like lights, with the mere flick of a switch.

Those bars and restaurants now closed “for two-three weeks” only, to reopen after this “crisis” has passed? Nuh-uh. Ain’t happening. More of them than some may wish to think won’t be reopening at all—ever. Bars and restaurants all run on wafer-thin margins; there is simply no way they can sustain the hit of a weeks-long shutdown and survive intact. Excepting the few whose owners have very deep pockets indeed—and who don’t mind seeing those deep pockets transformed into mighty thin ones with a quickness—many, perhaps most, of the rest will go the way the dodo did.

All those waitresses, bartenders, cooks, managers? Even the illegal-alien dishwashers and busboys? To the bread lines with ye, and tarry ye not. The impact of the now-imminent restaurant-biz bloodbath will then wend its savage way through the restaurant-supply houses, the food-and-beverage-supply vendors, the alcohol distributors, the cleaning staff for the tonier joints that hire outside companies to do it, etc.

No big deal really, though, right? I mean, how much of an impact can the restaurant industry really have on the greater US economy anyway? I mean, we’re talking here about an industry that only accounts for…ummm….let’s see, now…carry the naught…

$899 billion-with-a-B in projected 2020 sales, employing 15.6 million people. Gee, guess those numbers are gonna be dropping some soon, eh?

And here’s the hell of the whole thing: all this was done to us on purpose.

By fucking Communists. Who, even now, propose to keep right on doing it to us.

A new report from Horizon Advisory consultants details Beijing’s post-virus strategy—already operational—to leverage the pandemic to seize global market share in key industries, further global dependence on Chinese manufacturing, and reverse efforts in the United States and elsewhere to decouple from the People’s Republic.

“Beijing intends to use the global dislocation and downturn to attract foreign investment, to seize strategic market share and resources—especially those that force dependence, and to proliferate global information systems; to as Chinese sources put it, ‘leap-frog’ industrially, ‘overtake around the corner’ strategically, capture the ‘commanding heights’ globally. Beijing intends to reverse recent U.S. efforts to counteract China’s subversive international presence; at the same time to chip away at U.S.-Europe relations. In other words, Beijing will use COVID-19 to accelerate its long-standing, strategic offensive,” the Horizon report states.

We’re witnessing Beijing’s attempt to scrub its culpability for the pandemic from the world’s memory. Chinese Communist propagandists declare, “China is owed a thank you for buying the world time” and the New York Times dutifully repeats it.

After covering up the novel infection and unleashing it on the world, Beijing’s rulers bought up the world’s supply of protective gear and respirators.

Then they sell these critical goods to Italy while portraying themselves as the heroic humanitarian savior of the world, not unlike a pyromaniac who takes credit for calling the fire department.

Now, as China’s factories come back online at the same time the West’s economies shut down, Beijing sees further opportunity to extend its soft power and tighten its grip on global supply chains.

Don’t take my word for it. Authoritative policymakers and leading players in China’s government-industrial system have told us.

And damned if they haven’t at that. Do NOT miss a word of the rest of this article; it’s going to infuriate you no end, I promise. Which is exactly what it damned well ought to do.

Contra my title up there, I do admittedly understand just how unrealistic a proposal it actually is. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong, or somehow in error. As fantastical as it may seem to some, the simple fact is that Red China has wantonly and willfully inflicted a disaster UPON THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD that is of truly staggering proportions, a monstrous crime against humanity for which they MUST face vengeance and retribution.

Worse yet, this atrocity was inspired by the insidious imperialism of Red China, a nefarious lust for power that festers at the root of the black Communist heart to rule the world entire. As the cited article confirms, even after the ChiComs’ evil acts have been laid bare for all with eyes to see, they continue to scheme in hopes of advancing the Great Cause of global Marxism despite exposure of their brazen criminality.

Worst of all, this is by no stretch the first such murderous atrocity for the ChiComs specifically, nor for Communism more broadly.

It is more clear than ever before that the vile scourge of Communism is a threat the world can no longer afford to tolerate, indulge, or ignore. With this abominable act, Communists have now proven themselves to be deadly enemies not just of all who would live free of their yoke, but of every living human on the face of this Earth. There is no “peaceful coexistence” to be had with such as them. One way or another, sooner or later, here as everywhere, it must be destroyed—leaving neither root nor branch, to purloin a fine phrase.

Update! Via Vanderleun: take heart, people.


It’s funny ’cause it’s true.

Groundswell of support update! It ain’t quite as, shall we say, stringent an approach as the one I favor. But I’ll take it anyway, and will view it as a a good start.

The idea that the People’s Republic of China can become a responsible stakeholder in the international community—that it can “be like us”—is being laid to rest behind the masked faces of petrified Westerners scurrying through airports to get home.

Amidst the 24/7 breathless media coverage and calls for politicians to “do something,” one fundamental question still needs to be addressed forthrightly and in the open: Who did this to us and what to do to prevent it from happening again?

The question about assigning agency and blame is pretty straightforward to answer: The communist Chinese state, which for more than three decades has been draining capital and knowledge from the West, benefiting from our greed and myopia, has just let loose a virus that in the coming months is about to effectively paralyze Europe and the United States and bring severe pain, both human and economic on the world. The “eruption at a wet market” explanation for the virus has to be questioned until we know the full story, if for no other reason than the fact that Beijing suppressed data for two months when the coronavirus first appeared, and even to this day refuses to come clean as to exactly what happened. Indeed, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now spinning propaganda stories that both seek to somehow pin the blame on the United States, and that try to frame their bungling, denial-ridden, heavy-handed reaction as some kind of model for the world.

As a result of all this, the West is now shutting down, at least for a while. The ultimate cost to the world, in terms of new government debt, failed businesses, and human lives and suffering, is difficult to quantify at this point. But there are indications that the fallout from the Wuhan Virus could be transformative.

We must acknowledge our own complicity in what is now unfolding. The belief that globalization, through the radical centralization of market networks, was the unavoidable path forward has been exposed as a grave, near-delusional miscalculation. The offshoring by corporations of supply chains to China has not only eviscerated communities that were previously reliant on manufacturing jobs, but has also brought with it an unprecedented level of vulnerability and fragility to our economies. The populist revolts that have wracked Western democracies for the past several years are in part rooted in the pain that these dislocations have caused. Worse yet, for the past three decades, this offshoring process has favored an adversary that is determined to replace us as the hub of global economic and military power and place itself at the new normative center of the world.

Should the fallout from the Wuhan Virus prove to be as damaging as it looks like it might be, the first casualty should be China’s quest to become the premier manufacturing center for the world.

It should be the first of many, too.

(Via Ace)

2 thoughts on “A modest proposal

  1. The question yet answered is why is President Trump allowing others to lead him by the nose?  I don’t mean only Dr. Anthony Fauci.  I keep wondering if Trump, who always seems a couple steps ahead of his adversaries, has some plot up his sleeve.  That sounds sketchy.  We’ll see.  In the meanwhile, the economy is in a flat spin.

  2. I was just a kid of eleven years old when President Nixon visited the People’s Republic of China in 1972, and was a teenager of seventeen in 1978 when the Carter Administration normalized relations with Beijing (we called it “Peking” then, folks). But even at that tender age, being something of a historian, I remember thinking that it wouldn’t turn out well.

    After all, hadn’t we just been fighting those guys in Korea 1950-1953? A war – pardon me, “police action” – for which no formal peace treaty has ever been agreed upon? That war ended with a ceasefire and restoration of the ante bellum (pre-war) boundary between North and South Korea at the 38th Parallel. A border which has since then become one of the most-heavily fortified in the world.

    Not only that, but the Red Chinese had backed the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War, the ruins of which of which were still smoking when President Carter and the Communists signed their agreement.

    The Chinese people as a whole may have little or no interest in fighting with the United States, but the fanatics in the communist party in Beijing are another matter entirely. The People’s Liberation Army-Navy, or PLAN, which is what the Chi-Coms call their armed forces, have been war-gaming since the 1990s with the United States as the presumptive opponent.

    Of particular interest is the book, “War Beyond Bounds,” by Colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui of the Chinese army. It details their model of unrestricted or full-spectrum warfare utilizing not only kinetic military means, but all and any means at China’s disposal – whether cultural, economic, legal, political, or scientific. According to their model – business is de facto warfare – and economic and monetary policy are to be considered strategic tools for the advancement of Chinese interests and the diminution and/or defeat of those of her rivals.

    Normally, I might be tempted to engage in a bit of good-humored “I told you so!” gloating, but frankly, I can’t get behind the idea. I’m too busy laying awake nights worrying that the balloon will well-and-truly go up.

    The Chinese have supplied the kindling; now the conflagration awaits only a spark. The “war to end all wars,” the Great War 1914-1918, was started by an assassination in a small European country in the Balkans. Loosing a pandemic upon the rest of the world is a crime of another magnitude entirely.

    The Chinese have a traditional proverb, which states: “May you live in interesting times..” Well, let’s all hope that times don’t get too interesting!

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