Just do it, Mr Prez’nit, sir.
So now it is reported that, after destroying his life & the life of his wonderful family (and many others also), the FBI, working in conjunction with the Justice Department, has “lost” the records of General Michael Flynn. How convenient. I am strongly considering a Full Pardon!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 15, 2020
This can’t come soon enough. Who wouldn’t be outraged at public servants, with tremendous power over citizens’ freedom, being free to lose records as they please and still expect court systems to uphold their charges and recommendations? Incompetence fine for me, charges stick like glue to you?
It’s an absolute outrage that the FBI in this electronic age can “lose” a record at all. These people ought not to be able to file anything at all until all their notes are archived, documented, and backed up. That’s just basic. They’re required to follow the law, same as all the people they charge, and if they can’t keep a record, it’s time to punish them and throw each and every one of their claims in the trash. Keeping a record is basic; it dates back to the bureaucrats of the Egyptian papyrus era.
And here’s the real thing: nobody loses records like this anyway. What we are seeing is a cover-up. Got some records that make you look bad? Quick, lose them. How convenient to hide dishonesty.
I repeat: when all the “mistakes” conveniently cut in only one direction, to the detriment of only one side in a dispute, then they aren’t “mistakes” at all.
Backstory update! You’ll doubtless be shocked—SHOCKED!—at who’s behind the persecution of Flynn, and why.
The long suffering General Michael Flynn served briefly as President Trump’s National Security Advisor (NSA). In order to understand Flynn’s long legal journey over the last three years, one must be aware of the animosity President Obama and his top intelligence officials felt toward him.
Flynn had served as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) during the Obama Administration from July 2012 to August 2014. Throughout his tenure, Flynn found himself strongly and frequently “at odds with the administration’s policies on ISIS and the Iran nuclear deal, among other things, which put him at odds with the Obama-friendly deep state.” Following his ouster, Flynn’s public remarks deepened the rift. For instance, in November 2015 during an appearance on Fox News, ” Flynn called for an investigation into the ISIS intel-skewing scandal, recommending that it “start right at the top.”
SHOCKING! as all that is, you’ll be even more SHOCKED! to see that Paragon Of Moral Virtue James Comey rears his ugly, ugly head, as do others of his fellow Klown Kar Koup conspirators. In sum:
Okay, boys, so tell us again why the government continued to prosecute Flynn. Solomon explains that U.S. District Judge Emmett Sullivan, who has presided over the case has “so far has concluded that the exoneration of Flynn on the Russia collusion charge wasn’t relevant to his conviction since he pled guilty to a different crime, making a false statement to the FBI.”
Not relevant? He lied to the FBI about a crime he didn’t commit?
Flynn was caught in a perjury trap. The FBI had been looking for a way to charge him with a crime. Although they would have preferred Russian collusion, they settled for lying to the FBI.
So, ten days into Trump’s presidency, the FBI knows that General Flynn did not collude with the Russians. Yet via leaks to the media, the most notable being The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, Americans were led to believe the opposite. Ignatius published excerpts from Flynn’s conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the transition and presented a “false storyline of Flynn as a Russian stooge was broadcasted across the nation.”
As Vaughan says, the WaPo leak was an actual, by-God felony—“the only serious crime to have emerged in the Russia investigation“, according to Deb Heine way back in 2018. The disgusting denouement:
Solomon spoke to Powell and was told the DOJ provided her with “three sentences from the DOJ memo.” Powell “has been unable to get the full document.”
Uncle Peter, my smelling salts!!
“It’s just horrible,” Powell said. “They gave us a little three line summary of it and the letter and told us it existed but have refused to give us the actual document, which I know means there’s a lot of other information in it that would be helpful to us.”
I’d say that one’s about as safe as assumptions ever come, yeah.
This isn’t the totality of what General Flynn has endured over the last three years, but it provides a good understanding of what Obama’s lieutenants set in motion at the end of his administration. The Mueller team continued the farce, finally forcing Flynn into pleading guilty to one charge of lying to the FBI.
If anyone deserves a pardon, it is this man, who served this country for 33 years. But, at this point, it would almost be better to force the holdovers from the Mueller team to answer for the missing documents and all of their lies.
Now now, methinks you might oughta embrace the healing power of “and” there, Miss Liz’beth; t’ain’t no reason it can’t be both, you know. In truth, it MUST be both, if even the most infinitesimal degree of faith and trust in American justice and the institutions charged with upholding it is ever to be restored. At the very, very least, though, Trump MUST pardon Flynn, sans condition or caveat, and let the never-to-be-sufficiently-damned Left howl itself bloody-throated over it. They’re going to anyway, which by itself is confirmation that it’s the right thing to do.
Make a claim
Lose supporting documents
Wait for cuffs..
They Said they lost the crap they used to destroy his life, because had they produced that crap, it would have demonstrated prosecutorial misconduct, and they could go to jail..
Better to look like the LYING kid, whose dog ate his homework.
Not the least bit shocked. In the two-bit town I live in documents were ‘lost’ sometime between about 9PM, the end of a public meeting, and the 8AM opening of the office charged to file said documents. Most shocking was the head of the board of the meeting was never called to task for the ‘missing’ paperwork.
Looks to me like these FBI guys are pikers if they can’t do better than a bunch of small town crooks.
Once more, my “favorite sayings trove” provides a useful aphorism:
The “deep state” sensed the threat from Donald Trump from before his inauguration. Its masters knew their chance of survival depended on preemptively delegitimizing him and those who were willing to work for a Trump Administration…and they targeted anyone and everyone who looked bendable. The only “crimes” to emerge were manufactured process crimes of the sort that ought not to exist in a country that honors justice. But the Left and the deep-staters had to work with whatever they could contrive.
Remember in November!
Treat the criminals in the FBI and DoJ the way false rape accusers should be treated: subject them to the maximum penalty that Flynn would have been subject to. I think this means life behind bars and hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines. For every single one of them.