Wait, you mean to tell me that Red Bernie is a *gasp!* COMMUNIST? And that Amerika might actually be in danger of lapsing into *GASP!!!* SOCIALISM?!?
Democrats are almost out of time to change the trajectory of the race, although it remains to be seen if Sanders fantasizing about Cuban literacy rates slows him down. Some Democrats are begging the New York Nondisclosure Agreement to carpet bomb the airwaves and social media with attacks on Sanders knowing that if Sanders sails into the convention with a significant lead, they will be left holding a menu with a couple of equally horrible choices, the political equivalent of Brussels sprouts or liver and onion.
Their hope to pull off a convention bait and switch works only if somebody can keep the delegate count close. But who can pull it off? Mike Bloomberg? Not without a charisma transplant and the removal of layers of baggage. So far, he and Shrill Indian have combined to net one more delegate than is currently in the hands of the candidate from Minnesota who nobody has noticed is in the race. Joe Biden? He was last seen fantasizing about running for the Senate, even as his South Carolina firewall is fraying. Pious Pete, the Bible “scholar”? Sanders could not have hand-selected a better field of awful candidates to propel him.
An increasing number of Democrat talking heads are resigning themselves to the Sanders storm rolling in and trying to prepare the ground to receive its rain. Liberal revisionists have tried out two lines while the race is still somewhat in play: the Paul Krugman he’s not really a crazy Marxist…he just plays one on TV special and the one about vote for Bernie because he won’t be able to do the crazy stuff he has promised. These are political losers, but they are just the warm-up act for the socialism revisionism to come. Today’s Democrat Sanders critics will soon pivot to singing homilies to socialism.
Um—”WILL SOON pivot” etc?
Just now noticing all this, are ya? But Red Bernie ain’t the biggest problem we have here, not by a long yard.
So how did we get to the point where the nation founded by champions of liberty is on the cusp of nominating a man who is a fellow ideological traveler with history’s greatest foes of liberty? The Democrats have been on a steady march toward this Marxist moment for generations.
Ronald Reagan, in one of the greatest American orations, delivered back in 1964, saw that we were heading toward the moment, noting that “back in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al Smith, the great American, came before the American people and charged that the leadership of his Party was taking the Party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Cleveland down the road under the banners of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.”
We are now 84 years past that 1936 Al Smith epiphany, and we are nearing the finish line, which is not surprising, since socialism is the natural destination for big-government Democrats as each successive generation ups the ante on the generation that came before.
Most Americans don’t yet appreciate just how much Marxism and its grievance-mongering offshoots have become the university mainstream in America, but this is of profound importance. America’s colleges, with a few notable exceptions, have been churning out Marxists for decades, which is why an old Marxist who looks like a madman is this year’s surprise hot political commodity.
The short-term problem for Democrats is that there are still too many older voters they need with an understanding of history who are horrified at the prospect of socialism.
But the long-term problem for Republicans is that the balance is tilting farther toward Marxism with each passing year as academia continues to crank out Marxist voters and influencers who are changing the ideological balance of society. Even if Sanders gets demolished in the 2020 election, Democrats will not tack to the center, since socialism is now the beating heart of their party. Sanders’s candidacy is the outcome of this tectonic shift, not the cause of it.
Although I’d argue that it isn’t “are changing the ideological etc,” it’s “HAVE changed,” that last bit is nothing but solid, 24k gold truth. Which then brings us right ’round to another ugly but inescapable fact, one I keep repeating: The war for America was lost long, long ago. The battle to reclaim it, should there ever be one, must be initiated in the Leftist indocrination factories we’re pleased to misnomer “public schools” to have any hope of attaining anything but the most transitory success. So far, I see no sign whatsoever that enough of us even realize that, much less that any such battle is being waged.
If the US was anything remotely like the nation it properly should be, the very idea of an avowed Marxist—particularly a buffoonish, all-thumbs crackpot as just plain stupid as Bernie The Klown—making a serious run for President would be so preposterous as to make the welkin ring with gales of laughter from sea to shining sea. Instead, somehow…well, here we all are.
America, let this once seemingly impossible concept sink in, and sink in deep: It can happen.
Sanders can win. Not just the party nod. The election.
The Wall Street Journal fretted recently: “Democrats are waking to the prospect of a nominee who wants to eliminate private health insurance, raise taxes on the middle class, ban fracking and put government in charge of energy production, make college a taxpayer entitlement, offer free health care to illegal immigrants, raise spending by $50 trillion, and tag every down-ballot Democrat with the socialist label.”
Journal editorial writers apparently believe simply repeating those erstwhile bogeymen will ensure McGovern 1972-style catastrophe for Sanders and his party in the fall.
Inquiring readers want to know: what country are they are living in?
And that “socialism” word: will younger voters really desert Sanders in droves over a couple comments praising Cuban communists? The Berlin Wall fell before a substantial bloc even drew breath. Communist China is our biggest trading partner. Millennials and beyond have a vague notion that socialism has been bad for Venezuela, but not why.
“Moderate” Democrats tried the Journal’s roundhouses on Sanders Wednesday, and didn’t lay a glove on him. Sanders countered with research purporting to show his Medicare for All budget-buster would save money. Cited praise for the Castros from the sainted Barack Obama. Ridiculed efforts to align him with the NRA.
And he pointed to strong head-to-head polling numbers against Donald Trump and burgeoning grassroots support.
Not to come off too Eyore-ish on y’all or anything, but don’t for a moment kid yourselves that it can’t happen, people. For one thing: know how our side likes to point to the humongous, wildly enthusiastic crowds every Trump rally draws as evidence of his grass-roots invincibility? Well, don’t look now, but guess who else is beginning to enjoy a similar level of support?
The above article’s title quite correctly states: “This is not McGovern’s America.” Once again: THAT, not Red Bernie or any other specific individual, is where our real problem lies.
Update! Did somebody mention the government schools just now?
It has been long known that American “education” institutions are spectacular failures at teaching the rising generation about their birthright to self-governance. The famous 1983 report “A Nation at Risk” declared it a national crisis that “In many schools, the time spent learning how to cook and drive counts as much toward a high school diploma as the time spent studying mathematics, English, chemistry, U.S. history, or biology.” Things only got worse.
Today, 4 in 10 Americans who are younger than 39 disagree that the United States “has a history we should be proud of,” according to a 2019 poll by FLAG/YouGov. The poll also found that half of all Americans agree the United States is a sexist and racist country, including two-thirds of millennials. Millennials showed the lowest level of agreement with the statement, “I’m proud to be an American.” Thirty-eight percent of “younger Americans do not agree that ‘America has a history that we should be proud of,’” according to the poll.
2019’s annual poll from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation found that 37 percent of millennials think the United States is “among the most unequal societies in the world.” Despite their curricula’s obsession with so-called multiculturalism and diversity, they clearly have zero sense of what life is like in most of the world, and how that contrasts with the United States’ singular freedoms and opportunities.
The VOC poll found that 70 percent of millenials said they are likely to vote for a socialist. It also found that “57% of Millennials (compared to 94% of the Silent Generation), believe the Declaration of Independence better guarantees freedom and inequality over the Communist Manifesto.”
That poll also found that large percentages of younger Americans said communism was presented favorably in their elementary, middle, and high schools.
But of course. The one is what gets you the other. Cause and effect, man.
Yet another thing I’m beginning to sound like a broken record on, I know: Gramsci was a diabolical genius, the Long March Through The Institutions he inspired a most horrifying success.
The biggest reason why the Soviet Union and Communism isn’t taught in schools is the same reason why basic knowledge of Christianity was eliminated from the curriculum.
While schoolbooks are still wailing about the fabrication of the “6 million dead”, the Jews bombing coffee shops and marketplaces throughout the early 20th century has been erased from history or attributed to “Anarchists”. The Bolshevik domination of the Soviet Nomenklatura, from the secret police to the Central committee has been blotted out. Christendom’s role in every part of America’s history, from the Founding colony of Plymouth’s Puritans, to the Barbary wars against the Muslims for enslaving white Christians for their Jewish dhimmi slave traders, to the Bolshevik Revolution which destroyed America’s longest-standing ally (Imperial Russia and the Romanovs) and turned her into a Jewish-run Blood Enemy until Lazar Kaganovich’s death in 1991.
Now, the Bolsheviks are on the cusp of accomplishing in America what they once accomplished in Russia. Taking over everything from Agriculture to Heavy-industry to the Military, all through a centralized debt system in the kosher Fed that the Talmud smiles upon. Even if it doesn’t happen this cycle, nobody can sneer at the “Anti-semites”* who warned of this outcome.
The entire history of the United State has been altered, perverted, and subverted in the service of this Judaic rape. At a time when young American’s are no longer allowed to use “Anno Dommini” and “Before Christ” to mark dates, and worship of Jewish proclivities and victimhood has become paramount, such that punishments are meted out by simply noticing their perversions.
By the time it comes to blows, we may well find that the Jewish-led “Red Americans” will have outnumbered the historic “White Americans”, much as it was in 1917 when the “White Russians” were decimated by the Jewish-led “Red Russians”.
*In fact, the “Jews” today are not the Judeans of Biblical times, are less “Semitic” than George Zimmerman is “White”, and are a mix of Turkish and European converts ie they are not descended from the ancient Israelites.
There’s a reason Jimmy Carter and the Democrats created the Department of Education and we are seeing the fruits of its creation now. Once government can totally control what is taught in its education system you can shift what the next generation believes and thinks. It is just as Hitler said, “Whoever has the youth has the future.” The Democrat party has been the enemy of this nation for a long time.
Mike is right that it would be possible for Krayzee Bernie (don’t know how to use the trademark symbol) to be elected. It will not happen because the Dems (also TM) will not let it happen. They will do whatever they have to in order to deny the nomination to KB. They will find a way to blatantly f**k him out of it. This will piss off the Bernie Bros, causing them to lose some degree of enthusiasm for the ticket. I’m going to vote for KB in primary because he is a pain in the ass to them.